I 1 ' .ifVI ILLUSIONS 1311 Lincoln. Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS a.stnrT'i/eo for «r • •, „■ s27.95 •-’M- • • ; *■*(- m;»v tw LOOP RODS SPIRALS •.tailing at 39*95 HAIRCUTS uruti ^ fi nn ..."""'"Illusions • 345-1810 l p Gone ti n i in •'* . ;■ i-' *■ Id ' ■ tiitiiiiimimnia I "I I I .J *°tv^°s Unbleached Paper kinko's the copy center Open 24 Hours 860 E13th 344-7894 SURVEY Continued from Page 1 You vvouldn t expei t il to compare ill most people s minds with laves which are high in Oregon. v\ith crime whU li appears to he growing ill public const i'liisliess .Is a proli lern and with the publii schools which are in carious forms nt t rise- Is math said "So the (at t that 22 portent said that it's one ot the three major i tint et ns realh strut h me as being very significant." 1'erhaps more important to I niversitv oft it ials was the tat t that the publie had what Is math considered verv positive responses to questions i oncern mg the I'niversitv and its role in the stale Although the Register (iuard had quoted l iliv ersitv 1’iesi dent Ntvles Brand as saving he was disappointed with this finding, he seems to agree Im the most part with wh.lt Is mat It sees III these results "I'm eruouraged by the re suits. Brand said "I'm opti mistii that the t 'niversitv is thought of well The tail that less than a quartet ot those polled ranked higher eduration as something that should he one of the stale's top three pri unties Brand ei hoed Isinach's idea ih.it. considering the ton d it ions the finds itself f,i< ing. the iinioun! of positive re spondents was resper table ( )Oe question .isketl whether re spondents had generally posi tive or negative feelings about lilt' I'niversitv ( lose to Ml pel t ent ot the lespondnnts i ltd it at ed that thev had generally posi live feelings toward I lie t blivet sit\ while less than (> pert ent reporteii having mostly nega live feelings toward the I Silver sit\ About 1 t peri ent tell neti tral about the I ’niversitv. Another question asked re spondents tti name as mam ot the eight Oregon State System ot Higher I dot at ion schools as thev could (it the 1.21)0 people surveyed almost eight out ot ten | near l\ pert ent I named the University showing that it is a well -know n iustitul ion thr*uighoiit the state We u ere i omfnrted In the tail that most people know inn name.' Isin.n h said l icit nun not sound like a lug im portant thing hut again it's helping In lill in our pit turn ot what people know about the I im el sil\ Anothei intlir ation that the puhlir \ leu s the l 'niversit\ ot Oregon m a generall\ positive light is the tai t that more than Oil pen ent ot those surveyed agreed that the t'niversitv is helping the stale's econoim . If people didn't see the I 'ni versilc ,t.s ,i factor in tile econo mv then we might have ,1 com nuinii .ition job to do of ex plaining to the public how the t!niversit\ plugs into Oregon's economy Apparent l\ w e don’t have- a problem there.” Ismnch said. SuiVev respondents also helped to gice Iniversitc of 1 i rials a clearer picture.of what the public wants the fniversi t\ A empbasis to be Just ovei fit) percent ol those polled said assisting business and industry w as an important tunc lion for the tuiveisitv Keeping talent in Oregon and tone hing under graduates were both rated by c lose to 7a pert ent ol the pub lit as important In contrast just over 20 per cent indic ated that having win ning athletic teams was some thing that the school should In i us on Ismnch said that the value ol survey research lies in the tact that it gives you, instead ol Venn own set cat beliefs some sort of Inundation for believing what an attitude mn\ he Ap parently . that attitude is some csh.it positive toward both the I niversitv and the system ol higher education "We're real Iv content with what we found out Ism.ic h said BUY ONE-HALF SUB SANDWICH & GET THE OTHER HALF FREE Not valid with any other discounts or coupons One coupon per customer Good through July 9. 1990 345-2434 1225 Alder St. ) Sub Shop 1225 Alder 345-2434 GET SOME COLOR EAST! $ 1 0.00 OFF Current Prices (limited to IO or more sessions) I I L Hour*. 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