Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 03, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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f'hnti* liv Sf*4ii Ptislim
Although there have been charges nt rampant drug use at the t\u> t.ratelul Dead slums must
nHldals belie\ e the e\ ents i* ent snumtblx
Dead fans leave $1 million mark
on Eugene/Springfield economy
By Pat Malach
Emerald Associate Ed !rr
The (hateful Dead luivr left
(own. but the impai I of the
two-das event u ill be tell in
Kugeue tin some time
( hateful 1 lead publit ist I )ell
nis Mi Nalh told I hr Wegisfer
Glint'd that Kugene's ecimmm
could expei I well ovet a St
million to be spent b\ i oiu ert
( rov\d estimates tor tile the
pair ol concerts ieport that
there were till.(100 people in
side Autzeri Stailium tin the
two shows and about "i 000 to
10.000 in the surrounding
l.iilda Weston direr tor of Hu
gene s convention and visitors
bureau said the boost to the
euonoim that the i oik ert
tilings in is "a lot ot mones
People I nine into tow n and star
in hotels, thev eat in reslau
rants, bin gasoline and all ot
those tilings
Bemuse there has Been little
research into how mm It the av
erage concert goer spends in .1
cunnmmity Weston said it is
difficult to estimate lum iiiui h
monel is Brought into the local
I’here has Been exterisiv e
rescan li tor estimating con veil
lions and other things but no
liod\ lo( ally lias done the re
search for estimating mi k cun
certs.' Weston said
The ailing l 'Diversity Millet
H depaitinent pulled 111 he
tween S.'Ol) 1)00 and SlTHMitHI
from the two day event said
Samh Walton of the t Diversity
Athletic Department
I here was ahout $-1(1.000
worth of expenses and th.it rvas
split Between the I'niversity
and tin- promoters she said
Ihe \t h let it department
made its sliate ot the revenue
tlom In ket stiles a Si 1 000
guarantee from the promoter
and from the t. 1 00 y ehn le
spates sold at the Autzen stadi
——Oregon Dnil\_ -
July 3
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