Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 03, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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ODE selects general manager
Hiedl to begin July 23
By Catherine Hawley
I rn,- , ,J As'ii H / ,-! V'"
I hr Oregon Huh /.mer.ifi/'s
Ho,ini oi Duel tors h.is hired its
Inst genet.il managei to oversee
the new spapei s day to (lav op
eration-. the hoard ret enth an
riount ed
| ud v K ied I w ho ret ent! v
i ompleted seven year stmt as
hnsiness managei of student
pollinations at Marquette ! in
versitv 111 Milwaukee Wis
was hired tor hot exponent e
with student public ations and
lot hot ability to make deri
sions under fire saut Wendy
iiakei. board i ha 11 \\ oman
l.vorynne leels good about
ludv said board member (a-i
IV ( la/lev She will be able to
lot re.ise the ettn ietu v ot the
whole organization and the re
suit will lie benefit tal to every
Rjedl yy.is tired front her po
silion at Marquette after the
newspapei tan an advertise
merit lot a pro abort ion rally
last \ovemhei The ad was ai
t eptable under the paper's is
tablished guidelines Kit'd I
siinl, but d offended some ail
mmistralors anil alumni at the
private t athoiii university
Kietll's supervisor a Marqui'tle
dean tired iter and suspended
the newspaper's editor and ad
vertising direi tor. both stu
The incident ret eived .1 lot <>t
loi .11 publii itv and Kiedl filed
,1 grievam e against the univer
sitv luit (hose to resign when
her position was reinstated she
said Ter hnicalh . I resigned
hut I was pushed Keidl said
I invr.dd hoard members \\ ere
impressed bv the ta< I that Kiedl
was able to negotiate an arnica
hie settlement with Marquette
administrators, whir h included
a favorable letter of recommen
dation and a Imam lal agree
1 he in< ident show s she has
good t ommunir ations and ne
gotiations shills said (’hr 1 s
Hounell. hoard member and
hiniTiild news editor She was
able to leave Marquette with no
haul feelings on either side."
Kiedl will begin her position
Jnl\ t I lei duties w ill inr hide
taking responsibilitv for the
/ rnera/r/ s administrative and
tisiai operations and working
witfr department heads repre
sent mg business, production,
advertising and editorial sirh-s
to set l'mt'r,ild |>oli( \ and it
solve interdepartmental coil
flu ts
Although the genei a I manag
ei mas provide counsel on edi
tonal matters when asked con
trol of the i'niri.ild s news and
editorial content w ill remain in
the hands ol the student editor
and student stall members
That long standing tradi
tion will not In- tampered
with. (Ta/.le\ said
I have a great deal of re
spcit tor student newspapers
and I tlunk the> should he run
b> students. ' Kiedl said
The 10-member volunleei
hoard which aits as the I'nu'r
,lid s publisher decided about
a vrar ago that a general man
ager was needed to serve as the
corporation's chief operating
offii er and to provide closer su
pen ision ol the paper's daih
operations Bakei said The
general manager will report to
the hoard
Kiedl was i hosen aftei a na
lionwide searcli because of hei
experience with student puhli
i alums her strong financial
background and her ability to
work well with other people in
a consensus stvle of manage
ment. Baker and l ia/.ley said
Kiedl Inis bachelor’s degrees
from the I ’niversitv ol W isi im
sin in economics and business
administration and a bachelor's
degree in journalism from the
t 'niversiH of ( olorado at Bind
der She supervised the busi
ness and advertising operations
tor the student newspaper,
yearbook, radio and 1 V stations
at Marquette from 10HT to
The Enwrahi general manag
ei position appealed to Kiedl
because it offered an opportuni
t\ to work toi an independent
student neuspupei and because
"the Emrnihl is a good, healthy
papei right now." she said "It
will be a pleasure to join a stu ■
i esstul operation
Continued from Page 1
lie ridded that the (inmp is not
act using Mai me i u of a bln
taut lie I le nun just have made
.1 mist.ike. hut he should he
held ai i ounl.ihle for it
The whole issue is Kill\
M.iirmni said I don't t hi ok
thev looked at the speeifius ot
the othei researi h How i an
thev sa\ m\ work has been
done before when thev don't
even know eve tlv what I'm 140
ing to do?
I happen to know main re
sean bet • in the field I know
th.it im work is not (hiplii .1
II .1 u s in a n s.i 1 d .ill ho u g h
Si I A is still odiiierned about
tlic issiii' tin' group tloiis not
have tin* tiii.iiiii.il resources to
legalh jiursui* thr matter
SI I A h.is now turm-il its .it
Ifiition to .1 virus th.it h.is linen
ili*ti*i ted in some monkeys <uul
( .111 Iw 1 ontr.H toil h\ hum.ins
I iiti* last war. th<■ eholu virus
was detected in several 111011
kvs s in tin- I nited Stall's
III tin- tali' I '(70s two out
bri'.iks nt thr \ iius 111 Afrii a.
where it is believed to have
originated resulteil 111 the
Oregon West
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deaths n! several humans
I'lii' deter timi of the \ inis m
ill*- 1 ’mini Stales prompted re
strictions on the import oi in
tain species ot monkeys in
cluding rhesus monkey s
Hausman said SK'i'A is ion
i erned about the possibility
that the monkeys coming to
i ainpus loi resean I) later in the
summer < mild be inlet ted with
the v irus
Marroi co said there is no
possibility ol that beta use the
monkey s he y\ 111 be working
with are domestic.ally born and
bred not imported
Ilausman responded that the
virus has been deter ted in mon
keys Irom closed colonies in
the t nited States where no
monkeys had been imported loi
y ears
"I don't w ant to ini ite public
teat " I lausman said. "Hut we
need to make it known to the
community and to the people
who will be working with the
Mairor t o said there is no
possibility ot any viral outbreak
bet nuse the monkeys will have
been tested tin the villls priol
to then arrival
I lausman said he believes
that because the virus is a tairlv
recent com ern in the I 'oiled
States the means tor detecting
it may not have been perfected
“We don't feel that there has
been enough researr h on the \ i
rus. Hausman said "We're
just asking that the t’niversity
be patient enough to wait until
they know that they're not en
dangering anyone.
Moseley sairl be believes the
* elite! tor Disease Control has
adequately handled the situa
"The CI)C is very conserva
tive and 1 trust their judg
meat." Moseley said "We'll
follow their guidelines "