Forum NASA needs more direction, not more criticism By Christopher Blair lust wilt'll it seemed the spar i' agew \ was bin k oil its leel after thi' lllffti (ihallengei explosion. it huIci be better spent .is t mild tbe $ n billion u ill be spent on the Stealth bomber, a min bine whose effei liveness and relevant e is being debated ill tbe post ( old W ar era W hat NASA needs more than needling Irom Congress is goals No one Irom the agent \ to lawmakers to tbe president lias any idea w here the nation s spat e etlort should i ai r\ us. a stagnating i omlitioii that t mild be partialis to blame tin the program's lei linii al problems A mission to Mars:' A perm.) nent spai e station ' No one knows I'eibaps someone ( (ingress N \s \ amt me should make that dei ision, and give the spaie program some direi t ion ( hnstnphri IlLiir is m./nag i/ig rjilm oI llir Oregon Mails Kmi'iiiltl ^ FtILL MOON CANOEING Canoe by moonlight! July 5, 6, 7 OPEN UNTIL 11:00 pm Canoe on the mill race price $3.60/hour 346-4386 1395 Franklin Blvd. THE MOST FUN YOU ■CAN HAVE WITH YOUR CLOTHES. o n The new Club Wash! There's musie. A deli. A bi^ screen I V. Video games. An outdix>r patio. It's real fun. It's real dean! Irs the new C lub Wash. Doing vour laundry will never lx- the same. o 595 E. 13th ^ 13th + Patterson 342-1727 RECORDS 5427975 > Cash For LP'5 CD'S and Tapes Open Sun 12 6 Mon Thur 11*' ir-d Fn &Sat 11 * IMJNDCRIAND * GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5j»VinPn ALL GAMES WORK ^VIUCU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION ’1 SO STN STRUT FUIUC RURRIT iUGE« • M1I4H Sizzling Summer Sales! Tanning Packages 5 for $ 1 3 lO for $23 15 for $33 Hot Cuts Only ^ 9 PRECISION Vuts AND TANNING “SPECIALISTS IN CUTTING HAIR” 13th & Hilyard • 484-3143 In the sacred Heart Parking Structure ON CAMPUS (.,[] opit M n Fri 9am 7pm Sat IW 9v-9v S. S S- S. 9v S S 'S S S S S S "« S S S S S THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I—---1 Suddenly, two bystanders stuck their heads inside the frame and ruined one of the funniest cartoons ever