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Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 ♦COPIES* SELF-SERVICE ONLY 21/2« 81 ? x 11 White NO LIMIT Tk Sluty 539 E. 13th 8:30am-8:00pm WttCC' ~'i NATURAL FOODS fi Wholistic Approach to Nourishing our Community Promoting l ife I nh a ruing Pood (hir in store discounts, promotnwis. and demonstr alums feature finnis which we feel air particularly life-enhancing rather than / simply those which are / jr offered to u.\ at irmporanK reduced Kdin ational I mus Wr w vi11 to help ourselves and ra*. h other to be more informed, more responsible using t*jr print media u discuss s*as s m uhith relates to our persond health, the health of our planet and lu social issues, rather than simplv discussing the prices of f Staple I »hmIs (Certain basic food* an- offered at the* losses! possible prices a( ail limes ia>»4 for these socially designated \ "Sunilance Staples”, >^ \ lagged throughout Yum < >h' W ho said natural fiwkis have U) lv boring? W e v* ill prov tdc recipes on ho\* to create scrumptious vs note / ^hhIn .it home Share the delights of (rush, natural cooking with our easy to-use recipes flavor test the recipes yourself at frequent in store tastings Sundance Natural Foods 24th & Hiiyard Open Daily 8am-11pm 343 9142 Daily Emerald A & E Johnny Winter at Hilton Sunday ! ii k«• ts will tin (in '..ili- Mon (i,n July for (in' firs! annual Kugene Blues 1 i-stiVi«I featuring lh<‘ legendary miit.1 r In k.s it Ho Diddles Available al all Hull I onlcr oullels (.ompai.t Disk World. Rim kport Kim ords i Ml Main Desk 1 louse of Ref olds Ret ord (..mien and ( id's Meow . Hi kefs are S i "> i.n .id value for the Saturday . August 27> show Alton Baker Hark s ( aithbeit Amphitlieatei will host the show and beer, wine refresh merits and barhei ue will he available I lie all-day festival will also feature several other national and regional perform ers opening for Diddfev ( DM I K I s • ji e ,!iI: \\ ||;‘ ■!■ limitue Wood ami the lininor t.ds Sundav, July I .it the Ku gene Hilton B.dlrooni- bfi f nth Ave rile show begins at 8 31) p in and tickets are Silt >0 in advance .nailable .it (.1 Joe s I'n kI'tm.istiT outlets and the I- Ml' Main I >esk 1 and over • I’riin e Phillips K. \ al Blue Thursday Itine 28 at the Butte Tavern, W 2nd Ave and Washington SI 2 1 and over i over i barge • Blues |am. I'lniisd.iv. lune 28 id ! ,ood limes (ale and B.u .(7 i f. 7th Ave 2 1 and over • The I lamhaw ks I'hursdav June 28 al I a\ lot 's 8‘1-t K ! (Ill Ave 2 1 and over niver i barge • Slone Hist nil Thursday |une 28 ill New Mas s ’. .Cl !. Util Ave 21 and over cover charge • Kam h Romani e ,md Saddle Die Harder. Die Hard 2. staring lirutr Willi'.. n/ie/rs .it ltn.il thratrrs ltil\ 4 Sours Friday June 2‘t a! the l onimunils ( ienter for thi- IVi forming Arts. 291 VV Hth. Ail ages show • |rl 1 lams Hand I rula\ and Salurdav. June 20 \ to. Butte Ta\ em 2 1 and over • Sue Miles and The Slow Burn I ridav and Saturday June 2!) \ to. (loud I ones • ( antis Salgudo and I'lie Sti lottos with III 1a one and 1 he Smokin' Soles Sunday. |ulv 1. ( ax id I lines • Blues jam Wednesday |ul\ ■t. Butte Tavern • I lie Dragons W ednesday July t ( loud I lines MOV IKS • Iht‘ Hnrilri Dir ILinl J opens Unbleached 100% Recycled Paper kinko's the copy center Open 24 Hours 860 E 13th 344-7894 ■it local theaters on Wednesday, Inly *t I'he long awaited sequel In thf 1088 Ini /be third st.il ring linn e Willis i iomkdv • 1 !u iuhl Slade and I !hris U ar ren. Thursday . |unt* 28 at knu loon's 2222 I riitrnm.il Hlvd \o i ovri 2 1 ami over • Dan 1 Irnson Ihursday |unr 28 at lilt* Eugene Red 1 ion, 2(la ( a iburg Kd • |erry Pert io and Kermit Apio I nda\ , |une 2'l at Kowloon's \o i over FIREWORKS • Autzen Stadium fireworks display at dusk July l I lie Willamette Sc lent r and I n h nologv Center is hosting a free afternoon festival including concerts magic shows kite fly ing car show pony rides and other activities prior to the tire works display l oi information i all -181 >1(127 or 887 -.1810 OKEOON It At II It SI l\ VI • The Oregon Hat h Eestiv al i ontinues through Sunday Inly 8 jazz., classical and ballet per lonuani.es yyill he featured throughout the next yyeek l ot ti< kel inlotillation i all 887-5000. prT <. VKki f 1.1!)M mu C 0 R P t) k \ 1 I Financial Services • Insurance • Securities • Investments (; ARRV LI DAY 1 144 \y ,i!.igillespic Head Suite 1 P () Boy ~ss t Eugene. (tregon o'Jill (503)484-68X5 Registered Representative Equity Serv ices. Iik Sen me Oregon once /R7(/ PmcisioN Cuts J \M) I sril I-UISIS l\ ( < / II\(, u \IK One Month Unlimited Tans *29.95 I \pires |ul\ i I 1990 PRecisiON AND TANNING < SPECIALISTS IN CUTTING HAIR" ,kS 1 1th & Hityard • 4H4- i 14 i In the Sac red Heart Parking Striu ture ON CAMPUS