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Spungt-eid between .'4 pm Monday Friday >* i all 726 9735 Mature RN w>u hi „%»• s.t Wi > u iM.inihs Can me. t 503 644 5781 OPPORTUNITIES - ?I5 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE The U t>f O T^und needs you Earn vmI «*v«nmo hours ( ait 346 U33 •dap by 2001 Ftankim B>vd today N v $11 ft40 $69 486 C(ill 11* 002 838 8886 f * l R 12164 AT TENTH'IN PnsTAi JOBS' Start $11 41 r’ouf Fo' appin ahon mb, *< 1 j 602 83d 888' ©it M 12164 6am 10 pm 7 days A”fN* *. EA«N V V • ••• *: , !••• • * $32 000-yf*,ii mram© potent.a! Del ait s 01 602 8. '8 8886 i »t Bk 12164 COAST TOi OAST NANN! 1 S 1 800 228 7978 siva ba-’ cutting Long ban and mod mi!! Short Pleas© < a.i 686 9912 Responsible child supervisor needed ' r *1-, 9 and 13 M »n Fr. 12 V 3 U; p m Dove hiid home bom day are and light bouseKin-i'n g Ca $4 hour | venmgs 343 4878 ’ • . Student Health Insurance Com mdtee m »»> e . ■ . • r : •• : ommonds policy ?,•' the student ! health insurance program currently ! has two va< .»• available (1) one year seat (1) two year seat ! A p-p Iat tons and job de>u options • an bn obtained torn (h© A$UO m Suite -5 t the EMU Dr-.rdl.no h,t i plications F 'day June 29 1990 it S 00 p cn The ASUO is an Affirmative | Ac.11>.jn#f, quai Opt-.jrtun11y Employer »o WORK STUDY POSITIONS~ CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW Requires computer o«pen®nee ; iWunt Pe'tei i and or l otuSi Journal sm b.t Kgi. >1 '■! helpful Ava> a! *■ : Summer ’d r i F all 1990 - a | .« JH4 t Outdoor Program Work Study Jobs! • General Assistant • Video Production • Handyperson 346 4365 OPPORTUNITIES YOU CAN TEACH Innovative Educational Development lias provided alternative courses tor U ot O students and the Eugene community for ov er 20 years. We offer unique teaching opportuni ties to qualified students, faculty, and non-student community members. We encourage ideas tor courses from all disci plines and support innovative teaching techniques. Give us a call or come to our office so our staff may assist you in setting up a class tor Fall term 1990. CLASS DEADLINES CREDIT July 6 NON-CREDIT Aug.2 INNOVATIVE I 1)1 ( A ilONAl 1)1 A 1! or MINI l MU Mezzanine 110 University of Oregon liugcric, OK 97403 346-4305 ??5 APTS DUPLEXES BLACKSTONE MANOR i rso Auj*>f 1 hdim t&fi 2 CnJ-m. $..m . A87 0M 4 i i < >•-,» ' . AVPi i ,* M , ■ S38*> .*11 utility-. IM 4*U ’44? Bn ' V . . • . ' CLUB MILL iJH5k*> Mill Street Available i od 5 block* to U of O am: i private laundry heated ©uido | . overed poking able T I m«r fa!09 $4?S $44S Popes j F«>e $75 P'. . Ma • k .• MS 4322 ‘ ’ . •' l M M." ) - i studio ? txJrm 2 t.d'tv S220-S2^*. Mot ♦*% Ridgri*■ ••• >.? ApaMfi'ontt Mil S769 APARTMf NT HUNTING7 LOOKING HIGH & LOW P>, o i .13? High St ■ • i ■»* $250 Cdli manage* at 14. He),’ Ben not! M-jmt C.. •?* MILL RACE Of SIGN Y • M )?* 'WN M'Ai.'.f £ip it iou5 t bdrrr a■ ?n m-ovnar-u Mat o Ou'Ht -(Msite ..mi- up • !»» Summer rat*--. ' i u-i w.'i Garden \ , < • P' g Myrtll !■' 4H8 f Hth M3 2271 MILRACE APARTMENTS 180S Garden Ave 2 sti **d» ?■' a nhi i., sos .le signed ?or sbarod Iwmg Ideal t>.»r l people AI m available im* bed' ■ (e iia?*> Each und nd‘. >a< i 1 ..i'r ba t (if?y >' ratio O’ site I ."dry t -irking $ S75$S95 Cau 1 14*. APTS.-DUPLEXES 2?b APTS -DUPLEXES •NF tit : n>M . • $ W • QUADS STUDIOS I .* l,«><» J43 4109 SUMMER RATES CAMPUS AREA Curmshed of UnfwrnmhoO 48S 7776 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manot 1860 Alder Street 344 • «• » Jennings A Co 68J 4.’19 THf Hit YAMD APTS 1 b I.Kii If u J JH‘. Pi., i-,.. ; . M .i igr-‘ ► 11'.* B«- iff* Mgrr* ' ■ 'US i» • Hrv,.! 48S 6991 J txlfm Jjil u p *i t .1*f S .1 hr use rpet or , ! ji.<**t •'>!■ ri■! ’ hr. i N • pets nm. >«'«, $400 683 7lH1 e»»t 230 QUADS Campus TWrr"i Apts 7 35 F 14th $1t>9ononth June 15 Aug 31 S.’tX) d*?i*»Hd Share APTS -DUPLEXES I! OK C) 1 tirdriMim \jj.iitmrnK ii.i I nth *r» ’ Ihlv.irtl (lui ms!u*i Mt. i l ed \ I an* 1 }Wi Patlfrson !. I . High 1HH1 High I 4 I ij 'i ! HMh . !4 l 14th !'14H HariiN 1M44 him 1 Hr.lMMim \|Mrtim*nls IH44 kill No pets Shimn bv .i|»|M»iiilmi n» Spyglass Associates 1 Mlh | hmushfil • 4» ‘ * I iiiy.m! J i t.' AUh r I t/0 High aui {turiitsiita<)j .ini Ifufn»sh«4«l| 14r» W HMh fiBt* I I Hi REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE -. AFFORDABLE HOUSING An essential part of youi college survival Let me help you through this difficult, but rewarding process. ACT NOW ON BEHALF OF YOUR FUTURE Brian M. Heater 345 4082 485 6200 23b HOUSES f Mf MAIL) Cl ASSfFlFDS A gem of a deal1 ?*o ROOMS ,j v* I XCt l SIGH CAf f , .5 fa’M .. *!«*> M4 ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED S • wti! 14‘> *i '4.’ m • ! «?»»• ?95 MASSAGE & BODY WORK ' THI HAPF.UTIC SWI DISH MASSAGf e m Hit It • • ■■ J» ANINI VAN VAC FOR l M I Phone 4«S H9JT Af FOHDABl I ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT CXSCOOKT SHOWS '« W l1 ' a* 11 *. f VO #00 • VUl 4 *) LONGTIME 8 COMPANION *77* ni./T, • .'0 # Jo • o u *rtK ►#./ a, :■> a.v v*< u» SWEETIE 3 . '4ATT A>« HX.m t '.AN ' A .AN . 4.KLCX 104 7 LATE NIGHT i tNCUUNI IIIAI AVEN'S GATE >/A*4. v* TONK2H7 •• ^ rANGO & CASK 2&X ITAXM fHIPAr, JUHt .'It 11 00 Adm TVS* 14 So Wall ® M J-D ® A J 0 i w a * a jar /■ warrino John Modrr»*rf ^ * ■ * '* i.±..2xLk±SL.u Ht A MAX Tl • T1MCH Q & A a / f i ift’jt 1 OMAN I t* il MAO , 001 CLASSlf IFDS 1 STOP SHOPPING CROSSWORD By EugeneSheffer A< ROSS 1 f‘ i !• i Chagall S . ■: ■ ' ve‘>1fTU?f l| 0 . i ■ 12 I o«ist of the Ur.il'. 14 f .* feature 15 Dolt i song) 1b I i.; * H i 17 ( .i . blanr a heroine 18 >ud-» 77 i audition 7b f i >rlun« fJ.-< > 70 An f t - JO >uni!’>« ( •* ‘I" J 1 ' • I up 17 »• ;s-S 1 J ( I.' ’ : i: ill Iff I 1 AfjiH’l 15 M i. ib h... for uim 1/ ; ’ i', book If) 40 » ' / H', 4 1 IJfltM UN"! 45 A. luf Afkm 4/ iju- h b ill? 49 W :r 50 lop miitl.il 51' uni util", 52 ( ' MiJrli.i 53 Wi'jr uni* , ‘i •** DOWN 1 !.-■ hangout ? f ... ii ii i .3 ( > : (» • l ,l O f Martin 4 DfoM.iOir vonturn 5 WkJi* b Df .|) tM-hind 7 Duly Toledo1 8 \ .uly omputw ‘J f,t!.nu- .1 10 I «.*.•! Solution time 22 mins 11 , 19 1 down .’1 Hiu-.r ; 23 Trsi-i.it 24 ! ■ •" • par I 25 M m« find 20 Bath 27 Mr! 28 An,-- i 32 I .lily -.alollitf 33 l )< » tr w.iy . 35 Arthu 36 ( hi--.-. 38 1 . - • ' a hit 39 M i- t 42 •{).’ 43 t > l i *■ 44 M• • m• 45 B 1.1 46 It :• 48 Her m I'aim Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson is tr imt K«. SNACKS noests, Witt IWAVtl INKS V ugw ;v> d vauoucu A} i NSl' tAUV.OhA ctJNnuwM UP uV ' i knO OK. VU, JOY ; 'too COULD WMlHtWrt ’Wt 1 HUt’ Ml Vfc j ‘jNMKS Mil) 1 j KVJN titcciTO > fi\ M ■. ".<1 jr»VO. *.- i < ' tit ' l "'V Ml. \ V » , . . i V 'I VA\ ,N»* * i NQH 5UU.1 ' ' ' * • V- M » < ■ IT] V \ A i