Four department positions filled By Jessica Schabtach Open faculty positions in throe do partments h.ivi“ boon tilled. I adversity Provost Xorni.itt Wessells s.iid this week Steadman 1'pliant, rurrentlv associate graduate dean at Nru \lexii o State I in versitv succeeds Kenneth Ramsing as dean of the ladversity' (1 raduate School Lorraine Davis. head of the health ed ucation program in the I'niversitv s School and ( oinrminil\ Health has hern appointed vtc e provost toi ai idem ii personnel (inn Martin, associate dean nl the School ol Mnsii h,is am red to serve as the si bool's acting dean until the posi tion is tilled pernianentlv and assoi i.ite professor lil Horrns/trin .it tin• luprnr h irstivnl s oprn on: i riflliom Simi/.n it thr Hull ('rntri I’l.i/.i irsti\,il rifiits ,ur si hrdlilnl through lill\ H iMiutii li\ V in< r K.imirtv rC.t Nl RAL ADMiVilON • Th « S*v U '-C •> H MON 11 00 • T' if W ( 1 V J M l *>&*' *i « P4 y MOfff ? « CX>1 N NICHTL Y * me BtST MO Ht S * TH[ B( sT *’W>, t V NS UUST£ NO SOON 7 00 i) OO • Son M*1 * OC A STORY Of WAHMTH. HU MOW AND CCMJHAGE AN I LI U Ml N A T1 NO, Dt E PI Y MOVING EXPERIENCE ‘Hollywood* firat feature him about the AIDS epwdecrwc ia a major acheive ment. an important hiatorical docu ment played out in affecting human LONGTIME COMPANION N K M a a is 492 |E. 13th| 686 2458 FlNAi With' LNOS THURSDAY JULY S o| **•* M(XX)Y, FRIGHT! N1NG. SAVAGELY FUNNY A GR£ AT HIM "WAR*: AND EXCI!1NG*’cam7mON INVENTS HER OWN VISCERAL, PERSONAL CINf MA 'Austra ^n him mak»* ^I' n^.rv* 1 •>*«'• A Running (nature dnhit i ■ •*. t-.r'wi ol abnormal psychology Oftfcreaf .i MH SANTA SANi.« ^ ]-|| EXTKRVRBBnZfl f ' ) U jfllM >OclvX}4t’tng c urts w " a healthy looking silky shine cssna Call Our Style Experts Today For An Appointment. Evening Appts. 686-1435 50 West 13th, Eugene hat mur - Summer^Highlight Special *15 OFF Perms and Color Weaves * (Both Reg $45 and up) Also 30% OFF All Vavoom & Matrix Products Otter expires August 3t 1990 Offer good with Ricia and Penny only ‘New clients only • Not valid with any other Offer Packaged right. Priced right. I PM PS/2 Memory Protctior 3inch difthatta dnva F i aad disk drive) Micro Channel * arc hitec tore Oi» (Maty Soft ware Modal 40 / (U31) Modal 44 SX (U31) 1 4 4 Mr Modal 44 4X |U<»1) Modal 70 (LM1) i ■ • r ,V k aBoul tin* IBM BS/2 Loan lor Lriimin" \\ I ||t il IBM l of H >||.l I - f t ! | J J -III HI 1(1 \ ol t 1111 \ * M Ml < all! «_'o SS | 011 will) ans o| I In -i I a< 11 oim i diiii - irails t«» ^o s\ i! Ii • a-s lo u < |»n I* »a« I* <1 • 'll s\ai< in I l*M Moijm .mil i o|oi di>tilav. Mmj i an Blit/ iIihmi^B I. i -1 f 11111111 • linn |Uj)«r osi-ioii- \« I * I 11 n »'• • Ali.i i mi ml ''ran hi* <.« I si mi s\< »i k «l« »i i* I ’S/2 il! I' Vt l \ l.i'lrr th.ill I \« f \ IIII , i f -j»n 1,11 pru « Ilk* iIhm i !*> .illnfiLilil' * I .n I i- \*m 11.lulls .illonl 1«* i>* without nil* t out* m .mil 1*1 ii- In l|» viui • Ihmi-m 111* I*" ' that I I III It I* »l Mill Save on theee three IBM Propnntere, too: P' -[.-r - a .if:!*' 14.' ‘1 UU $349 Prul.f liter X .-'41: a i! *• 4.:i mi .V $499 Pfopr mer Xl i'-H a .if,-.‘ !< $679 Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing ( enter •« mi Monday-Lriday 9am-5pm 346-4402 tid«Kl * Th.* .•««* ■% a..« -«r»r . - •» to quj..* *1.*>•'*•» *fi' sta" ; ,■ • MM* . - . / ; » * • . *• ■; • «• , ">■ ' • ■ !«••. a-c*. •«» h#r.ijhng #'-0 pri- filing • «ry«\ i * «•» * *uo» ' ‘>- •’''*ya" - i Mves«» ' 4 ,* •«*.•• «.< J* «• • • • .1 gr .«• >1 MM • *r ”>• .*»•* .«• -I , ' *•■**> «Kf !!•- ' # '' M'i Wwd to' /r ndow» ma t i. • M'r ■"« A. *}«>'• ■ f -i % •iHW P*(»on»ite«*<5''*iJe'T « »•, • v- a* a M - »•%•. Ma. ’ «• . •' *.* ” * •** , •••** «*.1 «'• •».»■• CiKpof«!or« *M ■ tj «■ 4 "