M< >\0A\ S I Hk< H ( ,11 I KID A'i s Luncheon Specials Thai Salad $3.95 I ms \r\! to I "I t > livokstorr CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT B7<) I . I it!) 54 5 JB 5J T "25 Years of Quality Service" \ GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 IlJitf ART I'INKMAS 492 F.. 13th 6X6-2458 STARTSFRIDAY!!' ADM THUR-SAT $4 SUN-WFDS3 3-D GLASSES INCLUDED! NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED - BRING YOUR IDENTIFICATION Everything-• -but EVER Vt/lif)g POPS out of the screen/'* ny p«ess HOT scenes you’ll NEVER SEE on MTV! no one uxor* ti AOMITTID ^ AT LAST' THE MOTION PICTURE THAT TAKES IT OFF AND THROWS IT AT YOU' Community Wesley Center breakfast Friday VOI I Vi I I KS 11 • 'm volunteer op portunities [filing the \oluntoer ( • mn«*< (lull. OH i *(000 • Kl < ! (Ml a ! . ' ; I \ . nil ' flexible si hedule. tin l ugenu I’.'irks Ki ' rcalion »tn|>m<■ ht.iI l\ iimi physically disabled in outdoor ret re.iliun ,n tivilies Et als • jink Mit t I llllr pM Mt *< t \ ' >luM tons ni't’clt'd, flexible s< hrtlulc fi>i Senior and I )is.third Sit vit t's lust.ill lot ks ami otimr srt nrit\ • \r t A" J. V: -■ '■ ■.• 1 V' V> ■ .1 Over 100 Oalii Foahi Ar.iiA,:r^ *.ir :v July 6,7 k 8 In I'ugcnc at Alton Baker Park Along the Willamette Knn ( (intact Maude Kerns Art (enter (503) ms is ; • \ I HU nleels to ll!! lui I 111 nil shifts at \Y'illanwilahi* Dorns Kamil Salnrtf«i\ |ut\ -t dm ing Springfield Historical Walking lour Sell box lunch os. taki tu kefs, help w lilt ,m 11 i.it show or other active t ies t II II free III kets to loll I I raining is |ul\ i -4 • (• lliel uem \ aid V . lilillteerS three to four hours a week tor Community Sharing of Cottage drove \ssist individuals with food boxes, shelter, medii al needs transportation and infor illation about < (immunity re soon es • Personal < ate kit assistant two hours a week toi Adult and I amilv Serve es Help so In it in kind donations from lo i al men bants for personal hv giene kits and assemble (lie kits ini distribution to Imv-m conn1 families NtlSf I 1,1 Wit >1 S Weslev < enter I'r.nrr Hreak t.ist lot silent meditation uili be held I lid,iv morning from H: to to o to at the Wesley Cen tei, 12Hi Kincaid St Deadline tor submitting I t ■ ils to the loner,ild trout desk I Ml Suite too. is noon the da\ before publication lit als run the d,)\ ot the m erit unless the event takes place before noon XntKes ol events w ith ,i do tuition or admission c It,true u til not hr accepted Campus events and those si hcduled ne,/rest the pollination date w ill be given priorit\ The Km erald reserves the right to edit unfit es tor grammar and stvle SHELTER Continued from Page 1 Barnes ,t single mother who had lived at the shelter until she was e\ it teii and later ar rested 'We're staving We have now here else to go \\ e do need I,, make a statement to the i ommumtv about homelessness because it's knoi king on the middle i lass dmh right now |im lohiison i ountv adrninis 11atia said the group had print ed fivers, inviting other home less people to join them on the shelter's law n r.arliet in the w eek someone donated a portable toilet to the campers, hut with no running water and an unknown number of people arrn mg at the shel tei lohiison said the counts was worried about sanitation at the site \\ e didn't know how tar it would go. lohiison said "We det jilt'd il would hr best lo stop it ,it that point \lxo because lliii lease with tht* Kugcne Si hool District ex piles Saturdas. Johnson said the counts wanted lo return the proper!\ in the same condition in whic h it had been leased Johnson said the counts re fused to take blame tor the plight of those evil ted from the slieltei and tin those who were arrested, insisting the counts had done ss hat it could to ease tile plight ol the homeless in the area "(Homelessness) has oca n pit'll the counts's attention to a large extent. Johnson said, t it mg the StiHO.OOU a seal the i mints spends on the problem in addition to the Soat).00(1 it allot aled in April 'The realits is that local government cannot solve all ol the problems in our .nea Expanding your choice of power. Macintosh Ilfx Miuntosh Ho Macintosh IK Macintosh lies V >\t vi «ti iuu' m> re t\.i\'t. • evert im* v< ur power 1V\ .mv *1 iasl expuntkvi V >ur i!:. lie;'! powcrti.; M.urintir.h*eumpuiei> In;:: vim n^the M.u in: Ih \i-c •veciVerv it s the tjttiN Mjunto'll ever It' >jxt\lnuke'even M.um!-i>t: .ippih.t::. - tv ••mv. -re , .indetiiuentit Win h nuke' produan its 'turtonew let el' \\ hat' nit ire ;!> atnarkjl'le p >wer aai w.:.jVai\\ n>por.'itenev> ;vr the Uirtojt Announcing the Macintosh ///.V. i-ntin- new w >rki ot viphNieated .ippin atu «' Like i \i) i A1 i>r real mm- anmui*>n And with. >i\ NnBu'-*’\ot. have pieiitv t( if exjiaiwi mi i >' -v .hi m •: la: Maemt>>^h e* inputcr system' are designed 1- - gn >w along w ilh vour needs- -tr>nn iIk- flexible Macintosh Ilex turtle versatile Macintosh il\. 10 tin- mights Mai '.nili'll llu Vi \ i in tun 'tart with tile level ol ;lower v1 . need -,*w V'.d add extra riKin mx peripheral* and <.\vnmunk'utKin* cards a* uni need them (|i iw e\ er . >ne thm^ 11 'ilk-' sutkiard w ith even Macni 4) the k%vndarv Macintosh ease < •*e lust p> nnt and. !k k. and \ hj 11 take full ad\ant.uk • ■! -asukl- >! Mastnt- i'll applKat* -as Hut all u >rk in the miik- ^aptikallv intuiti\e wav 1 verei'C sour power ot choice toda\ Stop b) and ask for a demonstration Special pricing for l of 0 students, laculn and staff. Choose here. Microcomputer Support Lab/202 Computing C enter M-L 9am-5pm/346-4402 • J m-.,- i, • i» , . . lij *<»»* 'A. I VI* *%W* •» I .~„i • ^'HT* '* VMINDERUND *' GBtAI FOB PANTIES AND BIBTHOAVS ■0VIDEO > GAMES ALL GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION '1 SO STM STRICT PUIIIC MARKET IUSEME • 113 1414 *0* V