TIMBER Continued from Page 1 bled. Hush's dec isioti was good new s As wr it' loggers .mil it is our livelihood we re happy about it. she said 'We see the problem as still being had ()ur nulls .ire l.n mg more and IU(ire people oil ever \ w eek \\ e re getting s( ared he cause it we don't have nulls to take our logs to we re in trou ble " Sam Hale, a logger w ho used to own a lugging outfit, said he respei ts Hush her arise lie is president hut he is not im pressed bv his timber plan "As lar as Hush saving his little piece, he s got to Work the political side of this. I lale said "When you have people in Washington. O.t . making dec isions for one industry out here they're going to make mis takes Ilale also said concentrating on second growth timber would not solve the problem "It's going to put so mm li de maud on the \ ouug timber sup piv that vou're going to keep killing off the young forests I lale said he he I ie\ es the t im tier controversy is a question of priorities "I don't think we should do stow an industry that is over a century old in this area just to save a bird.'' he said I'orest Service plans for the rest ol the fiscal year will re main tine hanged. I lie agenc y UO BOOKSTORE 131H AND KINl AID !»M. 346-4331 MONDAY I RIDAY H 30 b 00 Will I o:>! inj.r with !h• ■ I''‘III program that was dost ribt'd during the umrding of the .id ministr.ititm plan tin Tiii'mI.iy ■.aid (Ilona Brown spnki-swom ■ m for liic lorost Sim vii r "Wr will do whutfViT Wr h.ive In do to bo in hni' with legislation III! Itllf law lli.it -pel dies Ihr limber honest (,u m'l tor t‘t*»(lS lie National I or est \lnna.i>t’mi>nl \i t .uni the i nil,inhered Spei ms Act Brown -.mi Oregon Daily _ _ Emerald I'll H--\ M <•». * ukcik I Wrjjt.a l»’*H b, the Ongt n Da , f mera»d Put>ii%ho (’ o a? th»- Un.v E ditor N(*w- W,tM,n]in(| f flilm Graphic* Editor Associate { ditors Entertainment Student Govt Ac tivitu'* Commumty F^at Wjm r Staff Photographer . Advertising Sales *• ■" Production 1 ' • s General Staff Advertising Director > Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager \’ Adveibsing Coordinator Classified Sales *1 ; . ' * Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services E ditonal Editor Night Editor 34b S5V1 14b 4343 34b 3712 34b 1381 Emerald FREELANCE MEETING for WRITERS When Tuesday July 3 1 2:00pm Where ODE Library All Students Welcome! Fpi hu»u? iniMUttalinu cult flu> t' metald nffrce 346-5511 Travel the World at Folkways! Nilufii fit ft' iLMuni fuiini iOki !dk iff! thin -K) uKfflfMTi THI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ' Dana' ^ "V 3 To mo ' «*: -J0" * ' f „i i * h m O f FREE! °o During our (irand Opening, June 2v2(->, we'll give you I wo Free Washes. There's a deli. A big screen TV. Video games. An outdoor patio. < h's real fun. It's real clean! Tr\ the new Club W ash. Doing vour laundrv w ill never be the same. 595 E. 13th •- 13th + Patterson •- 342-1727