Thursday. June 28. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 4 Oregon Daily Emerald Briefly Cl IK :.\<;0 (A I’) The Anit’ri can Medii d Assoi iation over whelmingh supported testing and possible use ol a conlmvei sial I lent It abortion pill. drav\ ing praise from abortion rights groups Wednesdav and lingering anti-abortionists Members ot the AMA the na lion's largest doctors association, sav the pill i ailed Rt 4Ht> appeal to be safer and cheapei than surgical abortion and mav also be useful in treating brain tu mors, breast i nncer and other ill nesses The committee presented its support to the AMA House ot Delegates, whose -l.iti members approved the measure In voice \ ote Tuesday afternoon I A Ml* A (Al’J t inam i.illy troubled Florida Federal Savings Bank was sentenc ed Wednesda\ to pa\ Sfi.J million in restitution and fines lor a $ iii million stu dent loan fraud Prosecutors said it was the largest i ase of student loan fraud to be prosec uted in this i ountrv Instead of contacting students who failed to repay then loans. I lorida Federal employees faked doing the work, prosei ulois said Then, after the falsified data was put into a student’s tile the hank submitted the information for re imbursement to the I ’ N Depart ment of Fdm ation under the fed erallv insured student loan pro gram Prosecutors claimed the hank and its officers filed about 1 7.001) bogus insurant e i hums between November JOHti and July 1HH7 I'hev said the thrift sought $r> million from the I due ation I )e part ment as reimhursement foi supposedly defaulted student loans on whit It the hank did not try to collect. Entertainment )ohnn\ \\ niter and guests |mi mie Wood and the Immortals. Sunday, lull 1 at the liugene Hil ton Ballroom. tin K tith Air Die show begins .it H ill p m and tii krts are $ I 2 AO in ad\ am e available at (il Joe's l it ketmastei outlets and the l-.Ml Main Desk '11 and over See < alendar. I’age H Weather Mostly cloudy Thursday some morning drizzle or light rain. Highs 70-7"). Friday, morning clouds becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. Highs 75-80 Photo hv Srji! I’litlmi Sunn\ ll,irmt>n. 4H. is t'si nrtril In .1 point• van liii'sil.n ,1 tin slir .mil I,~i nthrrs urn .irrvslril Inr Irrsp.issim; nn Ihr I’rnuiuls at tin• (Ippnrtiimh Shcltrr Shelter protesters arrested Unsanitary conditions cited by administrators By Christopher Blair / .1 J Mi .1 ; ■ ; l dih'■ I ugenc l )< 1111 «• ( I ted nl arrested 1 I people i uesdav tm i amping on tin- lawn ut the re i fiitl\ i loscd ()pportunit\ Shflti-i loi ated al 1'ilh Avfinu* and IVarl Street I ha i arnpers most nl whom were home less mothers who had lived in the shelter until il closed June 1 a, had been i amping on the site in tents, living mostly with tin- help ol donations ol lood and inonev from com nunulv members I he Opportunitv Shelter had been open lor the hist two winters hut ( loser! when the Lane County Board ot Commissioners, who had leased the shelter building from the I U gene Sr boo! Distrn t voted to redirei I hinds Iii other homelessness programs I’iiIii e tusl irrived .il about n I > p mi tint informed lainpi'r.s ill,it tlies wen- violating i 11\ trespass uni 111,1 in t*s Scvi'll people who refused to leave were c lleil lor sei mid do gree i riiniiiiil trespassing and released A i riivvti remamed on the grounds atlei the arrests, ini lulling live who had boon pro siouslv i lied I lie poin t' aimed again shortly before midnight and arrested in peo pie. including the five who wore cited earli or I hose arrested were arraigned Wodnesdas at t p m hut prohahlv would not lie tailed said I nn Bin infonnation olfn et lor the lai gene I'olii e 1 fep.irtinent None ot those arrested could fie rent tied for comment, tint many had previously said arrests would he the mils was to make them leas I- the shelter grounds We're licit act opting it said Mil hole Turn to SHELTER, F’aqe 4 Remodeling alters library desk service By Christopher Blair Students washing to use tin' Si lent e Library ultei |u|y I will hay e to ask stub to retrieve luniks while the library re shelv es its i oli»s ! toil t he library will he i loseil he \oiul its eiu ttlnlion ih .k begin uiok Juh i to use the library patrons i ,m ask stall at tin desk to re trieye hooks or periodicals Irani the library s collection A lame, t a mi p lit e f terminal will lie available at the desk to semi h for mater nils \ photoi opiet w ill also he a\ uilabie at the flout desk We deeply regret the mi on y emeiu e hut In order to min e the i ollei lion, it s going to he net essary said (leorge Ship man. I any ersity iaI) I rum July > to about July > stall will he moving hooks nth ei pulilu at ions turniture and equipment throughout the en lue library making the lestru t eil seivit e net essary We hay e patrons yy ho leal I y do need In use the i ollei tioil 111 the Si lem e l ibrary Shipman said "l or that reason the re pairs should he < ompleted he line the three yveeks listed The library has been expand ed by thousand square feet ini hiding mole shell and floor space Shipman said a spread out’ collection is eas lei to use, both tor patrons and lor library slati add lug new mu tenuis Ihe Science Library's hours ol (t a m to *l p m yy ill not change Reviews mixed for Bush’s timber plan By Pat Matach'a/0 ASSOC :‘it& id-tQi I he Hush administration annouru cd I'uesdav It•«li*r.i 1 timbei sales in tin- Northwest v\ ill continue .it their pit nt r.itf through Sept it) the end of thf* I S. forest Services i *t*Ki fiscal ycat Tlic president's p|,in ilisiegards thf recommeutl.itioii til .t panel ol guVfriiiiifnt scientists In put .111 i million •K it's ill old growth oti limits to logging shirting imrnediatelx Also undfr thf Hush (dan. thf endangered spot ies i onmultff would in- permitted to grant i'\i eptions to logging hans Agru uhurt Sot rftar\ t dax ton Y rut lei and Inti'rim Sim ret ary Maiuifl l.ujan |i presented thf plan, whit h also i alls tor sup port ol legislation to prevent court challenges to limber sales offered by the f orest Service and the bureau nt l and Manage inent file administration's plan calls lor legislation banning log exports from state owned lands as well In a separate move. Hush banned new oil dulling off a large part ot the l' S coast until the veur A1KKJ i filming that the environmental impact ot such drilling needs more study fan ironmentai groups were angered by the administration s decision not to immediateh adopt the scientists recommen dations for sax ing the northern spotted owl's "This is an attempt In the administration to dump their re sponsibilities under the laidangered Species ,\< I said And\ Kerr of the Oregon Natural Resoun es < oiim d (Hush| saxs he is the environmental president lie saxs he cares about ow Is blit he preserves the status quo and the owl moves to ward extinction Kerr said his group would light the plan in court because the "politically tough administration was choosing to break the lavs "Holitii urns love to vote fur environmental laws but thrv iimbrr imlustr\ ttorkrrs .irt‘ urnrr.illi plr.isud with I’rrs iilrul Hush's iiI.iii Id s.i ic Ihr iwrthrrn spottvti owl whilr prrsrn/m> .is jobs .is possiblu. (ini) t Want to [I.n tile ccononii( pin (• when it i nines In en them Kin good .ire environmental laws it ynn I .lil t enforce them ' Barbara helliw ut the Save ()lir hi osvstem office 111 Eugene .iiii tin- new proved Hush's i hum to be the environ mental president was a smoke si reen that he used to win e!e< Imn lie !,Ivors big business and he will do whatever tliev ask for," she said ho vina lord whose husband and son own and operate I & I I a > h K1 n n said that although the timber industry is still trim Turn • TIMBER, Page 3