* iiit- i dit luem i S|km ml M v nil 11 n I* Njr..f - ‘ i * - • 5 '• Macintosh Seminars! This ( lass series fur ;>nkIuitiviiy \ enjoy men! of the Mai K (lass • are srtull ti i ensure plenty of individual attention _ liour sess; arc held in die iramin^l.iulilv hum lOaml 1 .Nt J-dpm Adv.cued Hcijuir.itiun is required Ilanckon Seminar Schedule Snuil IVjiincM.Viiiun;:'^ June 19 10am 12 Ini/o to the Maon; *h June 26 Hum 12 !ni- ■ MS Tad June 28 Hum 12 Ini- u V.,. }ul> Id Hum 12 Pigi'Miki'i!i2fx»tvrn* July II Hum 12 Ini; s sheV.« • 1 July 1? Hum 12 n:;o; MS'!-•*. lul. I' 2 ipm i’ji.Mikn Hu pur. iulv IV Hum 12 Ini: in MS Turks \ug l H um 12 llniiH’ f v 11 «j S|)r>( inh Show l Of 0 ID & Save! MicroNct Hard I>ink> . V,: m m ' S t 19 • Ml- S.r.i ys, St99 U>M! \ivi ' SS t9 t ..J I ()(](> til01 k 7 *> ir» >•* '* • Dedicated exclusive!) to Apple' & related computer products the computer store ft ■■■■■■■■■ ® ************ A IlMlfWl Store hours M-F10-6, Sat 10-5 • 6l West 8th, Eugene 345 1434 I c; VfpA i*« VpQ>i S-y, A >4 \ffk > Get the word out with an ODE classified Y GCNi ADMISSION • THi.m SAT U SC 5UM-MON 00 IUI WIDWM '.h-, i puu> »>**» • WHY PA t HOFtf f * OP ( % ve.tfTj * 4 ^Hf ffST M ,*l «. « ruf fjf‘,r P&Cf S' * r f Hi* AY JUHt 22 • OC 9 OC ■ U*' 4 00 m ASTOWVOf WAMMTH. HUMOR AND CCXJHAGf AN ILLUMINATING. Off PI Y MOVING \ XPl Rll NCf . feature film about | th* AIDS epidemic »a a map* achrive mrnt. an important hiatoncal docu ment played out in affecting human LONGTIME COMPANION SJAPTS FRIDAY jumis Nxf ty • . ' ■» «' ■ • So" U*t 4 JC • *** MOOOV. FRIGHTENING, SAVAGELY FUNNY A GREAT FILM SI RARE AND EXCITING CAMPION INVENTS ME R OWN VISCERAL PE RSONAl CINE MA -r i-im rrviKv J a ■>« Campon r*v»k«'. A %lu^,'''tg l©Atu'® d*»t>ul -*n Ihtl GOrr> ol atoofrrvi psychology OWt* tmgtoi*>ng much ol rt 'V !L,nny and but it >% uRimal®fy an mum a a Coovr.n CHAT 'AHOOC “( i SAS' A ' Th„ f,'.l 7 is • r, t*7? Th (*?8 11 20 .■Mrnr viitmuoiiiHNAjnriKrtium > « mworld Y STARTS FFUD 1 FRIDA Y. JUNt 33 **/ !» , SYLVISTCH STAlLONf - | rango t C«n.r 5 M )[)■;* RATE 0 IN 3D* SOUNDS HOT. Alpine High Power CD/Tuner 7800 ( an be installed \sith \nur (urrenl speakers! Special $597 Installed! Alpine Security System 8030A • single bullon remote • f ngine starter i ululi • (.l.i'v breakage sensor • Auto arming • Remote doorloi k interlai e plus mui h more! ONLY $269 Installed! England Audio 1711 Willamette Suite 302 68 7 292 7 First driveway on left after Blockbuster Video Mon Fri 9 30 6 Sat. 9 30 5 GET SOME COLOR EAST! $ 1 0*00 OFF Current Prices (limited to IO or more sessions) I I I I. Hi ms M W f Sat Mam 12pm T & TH 3 6pm SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 874 E 13th Ave • Upslimy by Kinko s • 485 2323 Good thru July 10. 1990 SunShower Tanning Center ,if» th« sun salon most i onv«‘m»ntl\ lo< utcd toi stiuh nts (acuity .iml st.ill t.tint h study bit aK tx iwo a t l.isv s v\ht-m \» r \mi ti.m a little rxtia turn \iiii can take ,i 20 minute v.nation and irlav in our deeply soothmq suntu ds t njoy tin vsaimth and you? ( hok c of music as you u quin that lust urns unm« 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kmko s • 485 2323 \\0| ) ^ A " 1 d u •- S\S'j| >| WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS ( $6.99 Any Two Topping Large ( I 4") t hhkI lu Me 2(> \ 2 7 onl\ sm‘ I i Mil Come tnjov Sun jnd Pi/;j On Our Deck! OPEN FOR LUNCH 344.447 i Oj>« ill! Mi 11