GOODWILL Continued from Page 1 Miller added that lie would like to be able to provide the people in the Homeless Km plovment program with some ot the same serve es that .ire ot tered to people m (aiodwill’s job training program, but (mod will does not have the binding to do so "We would like to otter more serve es like job plat ement and soi iologit al i oimselmg Mill er said 1 le added that the othei sendees are needed because it can be a big adjustment tor homeless people just to be at work evervdav In 8 a m "It can also lie difficult lor people who have been their no n bosses tor wars to take or dels troll) someone else." lie san bunding inr ihr program i (lines from t .oodu ill s regular payroll operating expenses 1 budget I mill'' (nun the salt- of clothing and oilier do nated goods and from (ahid will's wood products shop l lii'tt' i > nol a lot of funding tor this (program).' Mr laugh lin said We had a mailing re i enliv and some of the public was generous and sent in dona tions and that helped a lot Miller said the emphn ineiil program was designed to help meet the needs ot part k ular m dividuals who fall through the i rni ks Homeless people have trouble getting plugged into the help organizations he added "If you huv e no address v ou (.ml gel w elture vou re in a el igible foi tooil stamps and you i an t get an II) or a drivel's h cense Mdler added Wesley group meets \\ \i«>ht will be hrlii UVdnesd.w night .il thr Sprin 14f irld Wave Pool I’.n tiiip.ints will moot s IMKOI (,H f K11 > \ \ s Luncheon Specials Thai Salad $3.95 i 'f)sUn n \ < • \ I hi l i»/ ( > Ihnikstnir CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H"‘> I nth ?4 t ,’H 5_! Hus program helps tin1 problem but U lines not solve I! Mi laughlin said I lousing III I ugelie IS still real espen sive UO BOOKSTORE 13TM AND KINC AID I'M >46 4 YM MONDAY ■ FRIDAY **>600 CONVt Nil N I I AS r K Af I ORDABl I 1 ""1 i "'>IL ' iind 11 ■('H a fs u l 7/ ija r Rc.SU lilt's I ’osiers AJs Bools It* I S I WlSlIlt'SS l. .11 (.is Brut li u i i s eu ... '< I’K'h suomd look ,a fnuc that tt^rccs with siutli n: hudi-ct \l Ifd I \ Gtna « ILLUSIONS”. 1511 Lincoln v. * i.imetti* ■ .vers 81. m PERMS s27.95 LOOP RODS SPIRALS starting at s39.95 HAIRCUTS NOW s6.00 j•"'•"""""""""“'•‘Illusions • 345-1810 I J Coud through I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii | I j ' > )(' vVitl upon only (;rass Volleyball & Badminton Gerlinger Field W 3:30pm-5:00pm June 20-Aug. 8 2 % i ■ Open Swim I xi^liton Pool MUWHF 6 30am 7:30am MUWHF 12:00pm-1:30pm Sat Sun 2:00pm 4:00pm* *50c use fee for weekend swim (r Pool MUWH 5:30pm 6:30pm June 19 Aug 8 I uo RECREATION & INTRAMURAL S 103 (itrlinjitT • \4113 or \ 4121 RECORDS I 258 e 15th 542 7975 Cash For LP'5 CD'S and Tapes Open Sun 12 (> Mon Thur 11 fc> !"d rri Sat 11 8 * MAJNOttlAND * GREAT FOR PARTUS AND BIRTHDAYS i^yinpo all games work |Ff,UlW WITH NICKELS * GAMES ADMISSION M 50 5TN STRUT PURIIC MARKET EUfiEAi • til-1414 •ft* l)KI\KI\(, X\l) DRIVING CAN KILL \ rKii;\Dsiin» Expanding your choice of power. Macintosh llf\ U:. Mxintosh llx s Macintosh lies Announciiw tlw Macintosh llfx. Vow \ i hi have mote w ays to exert ise \ nr power oi choke Berause we |US expanded y>ur i ii< me i >1 powerful Mkmfosh* computer. Introducing the Macintosh Iit\ V c megahertz it's die tamest Macintosh ever Its amazing speed nukes eur\ Macintosh application work more quit kl\ and efficiently Uhk h nukes productivity soar to new levels NX dial s uk ne. its renurkuNe p >w er and enhanc ed resp >nsi\ eness < ipen the d<»>r ti > an enure new world ot sophisticated applications lake i Al). (.Al ir real-unte animation \ndwnn six NliBus'” slots you hine plenty ot room t< >r exponsx >n i M ewrse. all modular Mu int isluompner systems are designed to gn >w ah mg wlth your needs -In 'in the flexible Vlas mt( >sh Ik \ t< > the versatile Mu int.>sh IL\ ’ the nught\ Macintosh Ik i vv moan start with the le\e; ol ;>iwer\oi; fxxxl ;i .u \ndaik!extra memory jvnplicr.iN undo inuminKiUioas curds .b %< *u need them I!' «ew, i >ne thing i i >1110 standird with e\erv Mumi'i'll the legendary M.nmtl iw lust point amhlick and \xmj II take full ad\ .mug-. if ih usands > -t Mac inti >sh uppiK-itn *n> Hut .iil w-.rk 1; ihesanx- gr.iptm.»!!•. innntnevv.n l-.uTCbo ."in (lower ol choice tixlj\ Slop by am] ask for .1 demonstration pricing for I of <) student', faculb and staff. Uioose Here. Microcomputer Support Lab/202 Computing ( enter/.M-K 9am-5pm/346-4402