A&E ‘RoboCop 2’ good, but not up to original By Brian Bloch Robot h) p is l>iii k 11 n lllr streets ill Drlmil (ins lime li.it tling .1 sin iet\ throw n inlu i h.i i is iiv .1 h igldv iiililu t i\ i• drug I’.i 11 m.in |i.irI mni him-. Robot a ip ll’i'ti'i W i'lli’i l. t.H t*s tile seemingly mipiissihlr task ill ridding his i itv id its addn linn In Nuke m Irvin kei slinei s KiiIhiI up Movie Review I'he ding is indy out- of Ins problems With the othei i ops on strike the i itv in pnnde mon i u m .i ml I lie i omp.i ny (Omni ( onsiimei Products m ()( I’l pl.iv mg u ilh Ins i m nits our hero has plenl\ to do I)( I’ headed again l>\ the Old M.iii |Daniel ()l leiliiiv■ I. is i overt I \ toiling the pid ii e sli ike m an attempt to buy up llit* i it\ lor il . cm n gain \\ i(!i mil till" i (>ps nil ililt \ I let! (ill i overrun with looters 11r< >■>ti 1 Hies .mil drug dealt'!s Meanwhile thr 11 n |i ,| I d Kubitl up and Ins partner Anne lewis (N.i n< v A lien! .hi' hitting thf stri'i'ts tr\ ing to tr.n k dow n thr i entral drug ting i unlrolli'd In ( .on (Tom Noonani I hi* ring plans to market Nuke, ulli mutely addii Iing the entire i it\ I'lii* had guys are prt'dii talih i mu ei tied about KoboC.op s new interest in then business ventures and retaliate, taking him temporarily out of serve e I he i nuipaiiv henotilmg from the lily's turmoil is relm taut to repair Kobot op and when they do. leave hull with the prow ess of I eli \ I ngei I he mixed up Robot op risks his life to shake the reprogram tiling and returns ready deal with the di ug img and the menac mg Robot op ^ Mu ilt by (Ml' in polit' ■ the i 11\ when it s rebuilt under their ownership. Rubor op J is tuns and improved Die giant i vbwrg is run In tlir i riminalh twisted brain of lam), who has i an ii'd bis addii lion to N'uhe into bis met hanir .il bod\ rile i Innas leatures a bloods d il I- 1 bet w e e n the two Robot ops after No 2 goes on a drug indur ed killing rampage I ans ol the first movie will (mil as mm 11 violent r as m the original I'lie at Non is last and el let I i vel y relentless, only slowing when si 11 pt does Robot up 2 does just it e to tile flavor ol the original, it s famil lai Iv sjiu ed w ith a \am al TV i omriien ials and not so subtle labs at the late ol the world I be movie also tom lies on the intriguing part ol Robot op that remains otfii ei Alex Mm pll\ and Ills battle to find some kind id idt'iititv outside Ins pro gi .1 mm i ng lJofo rt unatel y those tangents aren't explored thoroughlv and leave the v iew ei wondering win thei were ev en mtrodiK ed There are other instant es iit the storv leaving itself lor seeminglv worthless tangents, almost as d tliev tried to jam too mm h into one storv and left the seams jagged I rom there, the mm le sin i eeds There's plenty of fire, bullets explosions and great one liners to make this movie a winner Robot .op the t harai ter. carries the storv through its stalls and tangents making the movie tun and undouhtedlv i aptm mg v'our attention It von liked the original or lust hungei tor a mm le that docsn I pull anv punt lies /iiiM'n/i J won t disappoint v on CRIME Continued from Page 3 minuii's to choc k In-, liiiiii drv. iind returned to find his w .diet and $ I (i in i .isli slo ten • t 'nkiimvn suspei Is broke the front ot ,i vending m.i (hint* in the ! niversilt Inn on |nne I. .uid took S1 5 >(• worth of enndv bars • Ol’S reports unknown sus pci ts smashed the driver's side w iildow ot M K*S/l2 Loan lor l.ramin^. W I III il I li\1 I rH 1| la I S\ “ Inn J Mint I III VOII I MIN ' V»U < .ill! "O NMOMU \\ 1111 .4r 1\ o| 11 jr-< I .ii 11 on* t Mllir- | rails In J_'o Vs till im-\ to u -* J Hr|« »a« |r . 1 -nil war • an 11>M M< Mi'* ainl • • »l« *i ill-j»l.i\ Vmi ran Nil/ through l.i-! mmulr h i lli [»a|M i i»‘V !*• loii- \ilil ill**-* ' \l!a '•ana ial ^rajiliM < •* I n*mii nnoiK tloin* i* \< r\ l.lMt I ill.Ill r\i r \ f H i .ll -(M < l.li | if M * ' Ilk* tin-* .1 I s _ ,ilionl.iI»l«■ * I .i« i i" mmj < .in li.inlK .1 Hi»nI lo I»« without mu l "in- in .mil I. i u** luij) \-'ii < I o m »■ ill, I *s 111.11" I l^lll lof \<»||. Save on theee three IBM Pro print ere, too: prorate* “ * - at)tf 4^01 U03* $349 P'. X24I a .it--*- 4. $499 IVopr inter XL »'4fc a ; at>u" 4i\ OUi $679 Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Mondav-Fridav 9ani-5pm 346-4402 •• •. i«*j «t’r. , K- '»■ 'Ma"*’ pu • «>» IBM V'. p*Mn -pat.ng d'»>p ?’«.•» quOMdtfO not 1 -t» *>yrs O J#f i «r* tubf*. ? to ?»•; v\a>* luftfM t to n*ny* *r*0 IBM • .i, ^ in* v*t** *t *p, i '•»* a tnouJ wi'll#" rv<«sc* W -• •• MA:W,1*0'A MMli'Jhc* *'» th* Ac*d*mn €:0*t*%>rv,» • (tv . a » n’*i • . -v ? Ps . a'r *g sir'r ’ aos ■•' '•«•■ *! a, H • •• *%•.****.' «••. •,. - a* <• *.<• - •. •*» % * •• , •.!*'*.: > ,f Mk -M 'a •* .»• • **' , a *• ••».'.• «'» •. ' t*" ar a B- s M*. ’ -p«>r ««>•■' &G3S6S* a"d 80386 o* muN Corporation Aord fc.-r A ''.*i » a 1 V ftHi'ar-v i[> A .)> ** t tp-r*»t Malaga* #od . • >• »tt t'adciriar** o’ hOC Computer Corporation HM . a' '