Roberts' rules of order UtviitHTiitit t’ul)fin,it(>ri,il (iimliihitr Harhani Roberts talks I’mcrnmrnt with Nu/.iniu Mrtllot k nt Snr,i\ Ore Roberts u .is at the l 'nivt'rsit\ tor Heaver t tirls .stab' I’IiiiIii ti\ Scan I’nslon Concert worker shot near PLC I hi* following is .1 list dI campus area i rimes taken front Kugene Police Department ami Office ot Public Safetv leports from Ma> 11 to )une t Police Beat • A prodm I ion is*aslant for the (■Fateful Dead < oin ert was shot on the turner ot !4(h Avenue and Alder Street In unknown assailants June .! I I he man was walking home from Ta\ lot s lavern when he heard a loud noise anil looked down to see his lingo! bleeding \ttei more shots w ere tired the man It'll lii the ground I It- w as taken In Sat red 1 leal I I I Inxpital w here Ilf was treated Im riroehel built*) huh mis tn his thighs. left index linger and t Inn Hour bullet fragments w ere also li'iiiov. ,1 (mm he knee HIM) officers found !i\ e ‘limii Huger casings .it the st fin' and are still inns ligating the incident • the bat k window of a i1 »H4 BMW parked in the Bean faun ple\ parking lot on lune 2 i ausing S.tOU m damage llio ow ner's checkbook was taken 111mi the car s glove t onipart ini' 111 Correction In .m art it le appearing m I hursdav's Ijiwruld il nun h.nt' .ipjii’ari'il .is though l)i Kit hard Marroi 1:0, l 'mvt'i si tv psvi holog\ pifilfssnr li.itl boon on trial fur animal nog lignin o \! no tinii* was Marroi i o on Inal or convit t nil of am ( hatgi-s Mso, although nirinbors ol Studi'iits for tin* Klhii al Treatment til Animals imli i alisl lhal duplii ation is si i flit if it hand both Marmot o aad Vice President lur Kti scan h John Muscles stale that dupl it at tun ehics nut constitute hand. cm ept in a tew spci ill! l ases The liiifi.tltl regrets the error and anv (onlu.siun it nia\ have caused • \ 1 ' ' • .f lh»* l : ! IV * ■! \\ Inn let! Ins iDiim |uin* l fm Iivi* ? iM u Crime Pag** 4 FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11 xl’ • 50-400'r enlargement or reduction • Color copies from )imm slides, negatives, or CD objects Open 7 Days kinko's the copy center 860 E. 13th 44 W 10th 344 7894 344 3555 "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mt>F: (Mi. • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • D.i!sun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugeno, Oregon 97403 Tirestone W AMERICA S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE TuBiT o1l"&"fiIt"er" r plus $ I shop In Who .in you depend on for then n depth training, computerized eguip menl and work hat ked by long term warranties The Masters of M,infer Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6.QOO MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS 4 LABOR1 MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! !c< ■•!!'- i.i".' ift premium q' nh• disr (>.»!■■ .* hiaM* hi-••• rt fi -.ur Al, <■ drums ' ■ ASK ABOUT out? < OMPREHENBIVE BRAKE OVURHAUl MATURING fHU Mf f*l A : MEN! PARTS, AND UK BOR FOR A'. LONG AS YOU < >WN YOUH ( AH' TUNE-UPS Tf jinrJ Teohrrn tan*, Solve Ov*** 2.000 t ng PfuMen E very D.* r . : > . • • ' • ■ , ■ ■ i ■ ■ • , *> . ■ i • ■ • • . ■ ) • . .• ■ *i i ' 4 Cylinder $44.99 6 Cylinder $53.99 M 8 Cylinder $62.99 '»"*(> < s59" 1 >lll■> > I >I»* »|> In L iff J No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene —East 11th store only _ 345-1593 Unlimited LID missemce optional student fee That means rotunds are available Keep m mind however, that your student ID now enables you to ride the bus any time, anywhere, all term1 Also remember that by supporting unlimited bus service you're helping alleviate traffic, reduce air pollution, ease the campus parking problem . vkI provide transportation for thousands of students But if you still want a refund, come to the EMU Main Desk between 11 00 a rn and 5 00 p m June 18-22 and June 25 29 Also available at LTD Customer Service Center June 30 through July 9 during regular hours Call 6875555 for more information Enpress Your sell! LaneTransit District Available to all U of O students mi . bn ;; m , u • t U D THE MOST FUN YOU CAN HAVE WITH YOUR CLOTHES. on 1 he new Club Wash! Iliere's music. A deli. A hi” screen I \. Video ”ames. An outdtx>r patio. It's real tun. It's real clean! Irv the new Cluh Wash. Doin” vour laundry w ill never he the same. < o 595 E. 13th *- 13th + Patterson 342-1727