Tuesday. June 26. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 3 Oregon Daily Emerald Entertainment Robot lop is h.ii k on (lie stri'i'ts of Detroit. tins time battling .1 so 1 ietv throw n into i 11.10s by ,1 highly addictive drug I’.irl man. part mat liinc. Robot lop (Peter Weller), tai os tlio seemingh impossible task ot lid ding his 1 itv ot its addii tion to Nuke in Irvin kershner's Roho( j i/» 2. Sec rev iew . Page a Briefly WAS I ll\( III )\ (Al’J Hush administration (>ffi< ials worked in private Mondav In < oinplete their plan for sa\ mg the rare northern spotted owl without i rippling the Northwest timber industr\ With the plan due out on l ues day. some congressional soun es said the administration would bar k away from a Forest Servii e sponsored proposal that would cut the I imhei hat \ est neat l\ in half on federal lands in the Northwest, at a < nst of 28,000 timber jobs. ' They most likel\ are not go mg to adopt the rt‘< ommenda tions of it panel of government si lentists who studied the spot ted ow l and its i ham es ot stir\ i\ al. said one < ongressional soon e Weather Partly cloudy today, with highs reaching HO The clouds will re turn tonight, and will remain Wednesday with a chance of showers. Dead merrymaking Hub It fir. %nihilist lor thr lir.ilrlul Dr.nl rntrrhiins .1 i ron (/ of Jo .HUH 1luriin; Sunil,n \ 1 mu oi l in . \ ut/.rn Shi ilium Photo b\ Sean Poston University gets $5,000 donation By Daralyn Trappe Hi in* ( loss .mil Hliir Slm-ltl kI Ori'XDii li.is S'i.(HII) In ltd' IlnivrrsiU I iniiul.ition in thr tumiiM I nivi■ rsit\ student liana lii/rt in onl I I l'.iSr will'l'll ll.lil ai < l‘ssit)i|il\ nil l ,11111His \t lll/i'ls i»• <11 u• st (lie utoiii-v will III' 11simI n-siniiims in tin* I Ml uIutIi Ii.iii hi (rssililc (1(1 tltl 11M I 11,11111' (li 'I III ill til 111,1k i ‘ Inzer was Mi! rn .1 drunk driver m M,n 1‘IHM and has list’d a W hrrli hair sun i’ then Alli’l tin- ai i idi’Iit Inzer began a i am paign against drunk driving that ini ludi-d s|ii'i‘( lies .1! si InmI s at mss tin' stall' and up pisiram es in a set ins nt i i) ill mi' ri la Is a In i ii t driving while intnsi i ali'd I hf .ids u fii' spunsiiit'd In Hliif l 11iss and HIim Shield I n / r r g r a d ii a 11'd u till a hat Jlt'liil s dr grre frum the l 'niversi tv rarlii'i this nimith I 1,111.1 I O/I'l .mil bt'Kins graduate sc huol ,i{ 1 lie* l niversity of Illume, m (fee* kill We’ve been doing <|u1111 a hi! of public 11\ srrvn »• uml with Ini wild Kon Morgan of Hlue t.ross .iml Him- Shield We wanted In leave Munething behind on campus m her lumir She mentioned that (here well* areas on c ampus that c ould use* improvement l h«* money donated to the l niversity < aim* from a Mine* ( loss and Him* Shield employees' fund Iweiv year the employees < hoose a diften*nt rec ipient for the money t red Tejiter of the ( )fti< e of I 'niversity HI.inning said the projec I w ill probably he completed by tall term At least one men's and one women's restroom in the l-.M I ' will he made wheelt hair accessible Depending on the cost Tepfer said then* may he enough money to .ic « ommodate more than tyvo restrooms Goodwill offers jobs to the homeless By Pat Malach (iondwill Industries of 1 ,ane ( i itin!\ is working to employ homeless people Imm tin- Eugene area The Homeless Employment program, vvHie h startl'd iu l )i toiler ut this year. ul Icrs open ended emplovment to people who have trouble getting jobs because they have no address "It's a (latch 22 situation said Me Hilda Mi lauglllill puhlii relations ill lei tin tor ( umdwill When uni have no job \ou i an t net housing And when VUil have no housing vou tau t get a job The program offers jobs to nine home less people who are referred to ( aiodw ill In area i hurt hes. shelters and govern nielli agencies The program will, how ever, accept people who come in with out references The average employee ot the program is ,i white male in lus late litis who has been unemployed for .it least si\ months, said Henry Miller of ( aiodwall The open-ended nature ot the pro gram allows people to work for as long as they want That can mean several months or just one day "We trv to fulfill the needs of a partii ular individual at that time We’ve had the whole gamut here " Miller said "We get people wanting to assimilate liar k into tIn* working world and we get people who are pist looking for enough pocket ( hailge to move on fhotu b\ Sr (in I’uslii Itihn (iutrnlbntrr mirks on ./ bitu.hr ,is /mrt til (itititlwill's rmpltn nirnt /mi 14r.ini Ilf has liffn mirk ini; lull-timr sintr Xovttnibur. Mi laughlin said tlii'M' is mi si rnoning protcss lh.it t.list's plate anti tin t>nr needs to prove eligibility Ini tlit- jobs "It s hard In st ri't'ti people .mil find mil who is srrtoiis ami who is nut, slit saitl "We 11kt' to give thum that t ham e to prove themselves Payment tor tin- jobs starts at mini mum wage and vaiies from job to job Wliile the Homeless fanpluvrnent pro gram («in provide .1 work history ,md relerem es necessan to help people as sunilate h,ic k into the |oh market, it is not .1 rehabilitation program Kvery job is .1 real job The\ are not i reated jobs. -' Miller said Turn to Goodwill. Page b