Daily Emerald .A & Jl/ u»lr*N> photo Hlues harmonica player Charlie Musslewhile will perform Tuesday, /one 2t> and Wednesday, lone 27 al l as lot 's < mil !«•%» Unit e l).n ison (lett) .mil (.imphell St nil st.ir in l ongtime < omp.mions l lie non ie opens l riiln\ .it the Hi/mi Art (ineni.i. Bach Festival begins Sunday This Sunday marks tbe stall ot the 2 1-4 annual Oregon Bach festival with morf than 41) events running through JnIv 8. free lectures, ja/.z and classical concerts as well as ticketed perforin allies will he held at the University School ol Music and the Hull denier for the Performing Arts throughout the festival OKI (.ON BACH U S m \l 11 N1: 24-27 June 24 • Opening Ceremony. p m Hull I’la/a llult (enter One fugeiie Centre A brass choii will kii k olt the testi\ al I ree • Pre i nncert lei lute pm Sureng rheatei llult Center Cerman theologian Peter krevsstg w ill present an introduc tion to Handel’s "Saul I ree • Concert, Handel s "Saul tt p rn Silva Con cert Hall Hull (enter Tickets are $8. Si I $ O' and $22 • Jazz Celebration III: la |i m Hull I’la/.a. Unit Center Dana Lutes fnsemble w ill perform free |une25 •Concert, kampietei Dowd |azz Quartet. Noon. II lilt ( enter l.ol)h\ I tee • Concert Penderecki String Quartet chamber musii 8 p in Beall Concert Halt, ‘ml I IHth Ave I n kets are $ Sit. and S 1 5 June 2li • (aincert. Bai h i antata BWV 1 .pm Sil va Conc.ert Hall llult Center Helmuth Killing will conduct rickets are $8. $ Li SI and $22. •Concert violin and piano OLT Kryssa and Tatyana beIn-kina will pla\ works In Schubert. Brahms Schnittke, and Szymanowski 8 pm Beall Concert Hall. C ol ( ) I n kel • are S Si S and S I a lime 27 • Concert chamber music Claire Wachter David Spelt/ and Stephen Kedlield Noon Hull Center Lobby free • Concert, liai b i antata IHV\ HH Sureng Tlieatre. llult Centei Hcdmutb Killing will conduct Tii kets are $7 general admission. $4 for students, seniors and i htldreii undei 12 • Conceit .Mozart s Piano Coiu.erto No 15 m It flat major, k 441).’ and works by William Boyc e Telemann and Bach Pianist |etfre\ kahanc* will jierform H p in . Silva Concert Hall. Unit ( enter Til kets are $8. $11. $17. and $22 The Oregon Bach festival will continue through Sunday, July 8. with more concerts, lei lures and a ballet performance on July 1 for more information t .ill 14t> atititi for tic ket inter mat ion call t)H7-r>0»(l VISUAL ARTS • Natural History Exhibition. "Burning Issues The fflee ts of l ire on the Western Oregon Land scape." featuring video, photographs and lire control devices through Aug 12 Noon to 5 p in Wednesday through Sunday. Lobby. Museum of Natural History. 1080 K. 15th Ave. U of O free • Art Exhibition, 27 bronze sculptures b\ Auguste Rodin, on loan from the Stanford 1 in versity Museum of Art and the BC Cantor col lection through April 28. tool Noon to > p m Wednesday through Sunday Museum ot Art 1430 Johnson lame. H of () free •Natural History Exhibition, "lire and l-.artli Pottery dI ihf South west. featuring prehistorn works ol Iht' An.is,i/i Inlit's through Dot 12 Noon to a ji m Wednesday through Sunday Museum of Natural I listorv t! of Q Flee • Natural lllsloiy Exhibition Kerens 1 riemls Animal Ke|»resenl,ition in Northwest t ■ i.ist Ail luitive artwork ml lei ting the relationship between ,i111imils ami man runs through lone 2 1 Ill'll Noon to , |i in Wednesday through Sunday Museum ol Natural History I ’ of t) si donation suggested • Art Exhibition "Words and Images photogra pin exploring tile interrelation ol words and im ages si,uts June 27 and runs through Aug .’U Noon to 'i p m Wednesday through Sundas Culleries 1(1 and It) Museum of Art H of () I ree M()\ IKS • \nolhn It: Hours starring 1 idle Murpln and Nii k Nolle rated K Now playing at the Spring field (diiema Cinema World 2U0A Olvinpu. iilvd Springfield • link Ti.u \ starring W arren Beatty mil Madon na. lilted 1 ’(. Now plavillg at Movies 12 12 H At I (late way St Eli gene ami at Movie la ml. 111)8 Sene re St Eugene • Total Ret all starring Arnold Si hvvar/ent rated K Now showing at Movieland and the Springfield ( anema • Bat k to the Future I starring Michael I Fox and (lliristophei l.luul lated I*t ■ Now playing at Movieland and Movies Id • (Iraniins 'J. The New /•’ if, h rated IH ■ showing at the Springfield (iinemas and (anema W i irh I • a till o/i 1 It in • !,11 M n g ( In Idle I law i a: at Mel Cibson. rated I’d 1 ) Now plaving at the Mi Don aid Theatre 10 10 Willamette, I igent • Vf tarring Robin Williams rated K Now showing at ( anema World ( aiming Soon • / ongtime i umpuiuon st irring Stephen 1 affrey and Patrick (iassidy starts Friday. June 11 at the bijou Art (Iinemas to.’ I 1 1th. Eugene • Robot 0/1 2 starring I’etei Weller sp.s la! I il gene preview Thursday June .'I at the Spring field Quad (Iinemas CONCERTS • Charlie Musselw'hite blues harmonica will perform Tuesday June 21 > and Wednesday. June 17 at Taylors 801 E Kith St . Eugene Doth shows start at 10 p in 2 1 and over •The (hateful Dead and Kittle Feat folk lock’ll roll will play Eugene s Aut/en Stadium June 2 1 and 24 In kets are still on sale at all Double I ee In ket outlets • Nine Days Wonder and The Mather Druthers, blues K&D, will play at Eugene's Community Center for the Performing Arts. 201 W 8th on Saturday. June 2.1 Showtime is 0 It) and tickets .ire $1 in advance and $5 .it the door COMEDY • No cover comedy continues every Thursday and Friday night at Kowloon's Restaurant. 2222 Centennial Dlvd. Eugene Thursday's headliner will be Steve Druner and the opener will be Cur los Ala/raqui Friday 's comedians had not been announced at press time Both shows start at 0 p m 21 and over n r‘ PRUL MITCHELL y matrix IREDKEN SEBASTIAN fcMJJH /VEDA Nu SklN 7fl£5 CHEVEUX Scwjpus Kenra 25% OFF These Hair Care products With This Coupon Thru 6 30-90 The largest selection of professional hair and skin care products in this town. 687 0138 343-1637 J ujmoN NT6R ST. THOMAS MORI. i niyirsity parish New mail ( enter !s;'U 1-jnerald Stu-.-t I uycnc * >iV'ji>riit' ’ Sol U t "02 ! m ass sc m nm: \!.>n In 5.10 p.m livening Braver followed b\ Mass Sal 5 (X) p in. (V lull Mass) Sun *);(X) A I I (X) a in \ 7 '0 p in Saetament ol Reconciliation (ConfessionI Saturdav ai 4 M) p m or bs appointment Office Hours: Mon linns ') loin 12 (X) noon ami I (K1 n» 4 (* > p in Closed on Irulavs (oinmilllitv hvenillg: Sat. June M) al 7:(XJ p m Movie \ Man loi All Seasons al Si I hoiuas More Room Bible Studs : A Journev through the W isdom Literature (Judith. Ruth. I sier. I obit. Job! starting Mon. Julv 2 al 7 '0 p in Rafting Trip: Saturdav. Julv 28 along ihe NKKen/ie River Reservation a must Soup Kitchen Help: livers Wednesday meet at SOU pm to go to Si Alice. Springfield Watch the Sundav Bulletin and the Kinerald lor Center's ac tivities. THt: ( ATHOUl -PARISH S7 K\ l\(, I III I OK) SIM I 1915.