Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS 346-4343 r/y i«jM m»TyTL»*SS Y • mur ftrmmt? » cvmi*Gnnr » n* tisrwom; . rut Bisrrncts' « a r-starts rmoAV. jimu gr 7 00 • 00 • Swn M*t 4 00 A STORY Of WARMTH, HUMOR AND COURAGE. AN ILLUMINATING. DEE PI V MOVING EXPERIENCE." . || Monywooa • urei I* feature him about U the AIDS aptdrmic p la a me for achetva 1 merit, an Important M hlatoncal docu ■ merit played out in H affec ting human | terms LONGTIME COMPANION STA/ffS fWD4T. JUNk 21 TO Hfl, 7 9 JO • W. M«i 4 30 C~ U»H* MOOOV, FRIGHTENING, SAVAGELY fUNNY A GREAT Fll M RARE ANO EXCinNcT’cAMPlON INVENTS ME R OWN VISCERAL. Pf RSONAL CINL MA *Au&Ual«*n him rrwfctw ja^nT.ampOT r\jke«. a slunmng tt il«t>ul m !h«s course rtuma ol aboomml psychology OHt«o»* anti •ngfos&rtg much o* il *. lunny and absurd bul D i* ul'iTuttoty an allotting d*.vrM ' sweetie s3L 31 KICK 104.7 LATE NIGHT « KLCX LMt NIGHTLW r MOOT 5 TOLATl miiMTtHWVMT JU*I IJ fc, j 1 .0 ».V ? M *. * 2* • f * fc.V 7 h & V* »' JO »i»omus-:*itka.xums*r»kvtkwkti.k k«nnoai National Roberts announces job plan PORTLAND (AP) Democratic gubernatori .11 candidate Harbara Roberts on W ••cIih*sc1h\ •tn nuuni nil ,i plan tor saving the Hi.000 (Jregon tim ber j(ills that stand In tic lost to preservation of forest habitat for the spotted owl ‘ limber supply is the problem, not the owl. the set ret.try of state said at a news confer erne at bet campaign headipi.irters \\e had a timber supply problem long before anyone other than a few biologists even heard of the ow l Roberts offered a plan to put through Oregon mills more of the logs that remain as timber liar v ests dw indle The plan also would help the timber industry make the transition from lug old growth logs to smaller sei ond growth logs and ini reuse produi (ion of finished wood products rather than tost lumber and plywood "1'his is dealing with the cards that Oregon has been dealt Roberts said Playing the hand you are dealt and throw mg it in are two different things She said bet plan would save .ill the Oregon timber jobs estimated by the l S purest Servile to he lost by the end of the dei ade if the govern ment implements the |a< k W ard 1 honias report proposal to set aside additional forest for spotted ow Is Rolrerts i ntici/.ed Republican gubernatorial candidate Dave Prohnmayer, the state attorney general, for doing nothing for Oregon timber workers while taking $22ft.000 in campaign con tnhulions from limiter interests "Oregon’s timlier workers need concrete so lotions for keeping their communities alive and their families fed. Roberts said "Instead, what they're getting is a lot of hot air fanning the flames of their fear "I'll he damned it Pm going to sit In and wall h irresponsible politic ians exploit those fears tor political gain which is precisely what too many of them are doing Prohnmuvor responded by calling Roberts' program a "surrendei statement that doesn't ad dress the huge dimensions ot the timber supply problem 'There is nothing new in what Secretary Roberts said." I'rohnmaver said 'I have support i'il in some r ases since* 1(17(>. mum of the propos als Set retarv Roberts trotted out today He i harm teri/.ed as "mere spot illation" her assertion that the program would save all the l(i.(Hit) jobs estimated to be lost b\ setting aside forests as spotted ow l habitat I'rohnmaver has called for a six-month delay in the I S Kish and Wildlife's decision on listing the spotted owl as threatened to provide more time to study the issue At her news conference, Roberts suggested a program of tax incentives, grants and loans to help retool mills and retrain workers to handle second growth logs "for those mill owners with their head stur k in the sand and who fail to prepare for the future and instead accept defeat, we ought to help the millworkers buy the mills and do the necessary retooling." she said. Roberts said tax incentives were needed so owners of private timberlands would have a rea son to sell their logs at home rather than export ing them to japan, w here they get higher prices She also suggested raising the $1(1 million cap on the harvest tax on .ill Oregon timber lands and imposing a severance tax on logs exported from state lands, with revenues used to finance mill retooling and worker retraining Roberts voiced support for an outright ban on exports ot logs grow n on state and federal lands Legislation to do that is pending in C.ongress She said as governor she would develop more overseas markets for finished wood prod uits and suggested helping owners of small w ood lots which represent lt> percent of (Iregon's productive timberlands. produce more timber She added that federal forest management plans need to provide a predii table stip|>lv of tun her Roberts said she had no estimate on how much money would be raised In her proposals TOBACCO Continued from Page 6 I l.ii \ .ml under I in' lor v-.u s lor its holdings in lohat i o sloi k .i|>pure nllv