Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 21, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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College presidents claim campus crime is on the rise
Administrators disagree about the
effect it may have on enrollment
((d’S) Studi'iils on dozens
of i ampuses during the prist
school veur surprised manv ob
servers by trying to make pub
lie uhat had been ,1 dirty little
set let There's a lot ol crime on
Now at least one administra
tor has said that crime fears
may be keeping students from
enrolling at certain high < rime
( alleges.
Fear about (rime on and
around campus is partly to
blame for a drop in the number
of students applying. Robert
Lowndes, provost at Northeast
ern I 'niversiU . told a fa< ult\
meeting recently
Lowndes shocked the si bool
bv runnel ting crimes at the
Boston i arnpus, where three
students died in crime related
incidents during the past year
and an anticipated Pi percent
drop in the number of freshmen
due to enroll at the school next
II {>nt>1 ic awareness ui i .mi
pus i rimes does keep students
aw,iv. other schools ma\ also
lie in trouble.
( hi (line the t S I louse ot
Representatives passed a bill to
require schools to publish theii
crime rates, in addition to otliei
statistics such as graduation
Anxious about what such
numbers would do to their im
ages, mam colleges have been
reliic taut to make them public
bast vear. onlv tall ot the na
lion’s 1,200 plus two and
four veer colleges assembled
c rime reports lor the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, which
!i ies to true k c ullege c rime
Students at Morgan State and
Tennessee State universities at
Paine (Allege in l ieorgia and
Marsgrovc (Allege in Detroit
and at the I’niversitv ot South
< aiolina staged separate clem
onstrations during the 190*1 tit)
sc hool year, calling foi beltei
c .unpus security
At an October 1989 1 niversi
t\ of Iowa conference' ot Big
Ten student lenders. "campus
safety" w.is ( died (is students'
most pressing concern Irehind
tuition (osts and AIDS aware
And while administrators at
mam campuses den\ 1 rime is a
problem. -It pen ent of the
( ountry s college presidents be
lieved < riminal ai tivitv had in
creased at the si hools during
the past five years, according to
an April poll bv the (iarnegie
I oundation and the American
( aimed on l-alucution
Northeastern. however
ijuii k 1 \ disavowed Lowndes'
view ot i rime s impact on stu
Officials attributed the en
rollment dei line to other lai
"The number ol Ut year olds
is dei lining pret ipitoush .
said Northeastern spokesman
(harles doffin Nationally
the figure is a -I peri ent dei line
ovet the next four years, but m
New LngLind the tigure is
more like 20 lieu ent
'Alsu.'' hi' added. \ev\
inglands economy is in a
downturn, and that's always
had a dins I eftec I on us I In
also pointed out that deposits
troin till' Massac husetts ansi are
up compart'd to deposits troin
the rest iit the i ountry
( Jtlier admissions oflii rrs
downplayed the ettei ts t ainpiis
Clinics niit;l11 have on students'
dei isions ahoiil w here they at
tend college
"To allay hose (tears), we
have them visit the campus.'
said Christine Nuwacki atlmis
sums direi tor ol the 1 mversity
ot Illinois at Chicago, which is
located on the edge ot a high
i rime area
' This is a very safe i am
pus." she said "We haven't
had a serious (.rime in years
Mary (airmail at Neyy York
I niversily s admissions otfii e
says students do not ask about
campus safety and parents are
not that concerned, either "I
think one parent lias asked
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about safety '' she saitl
Prosper live students ask
more questions about safety at
(ienrgetow n 1 diversity m
U ashingtun . !) ( her ause
they read in the papers that
V\ asbington is the murder i api
to! ot the I tided States,' said
Kitty lames in the university's
admissions office We usually
respond hv talking <ihout i am
pus set urity and parents ask
more questions than students
Some wish they had asked
l.eiligh t ’Diversity ret ently
paid a $.! million out ot t ourt
settlement to the parents ot a
student who was murdered in
her dorm room in 1'he
parents Howard and ( onuie
( deary, i laimetl that because ot
the school's negligence m not
publishing i rime statistics, no
one knew sue h .1 crime w as
likely or even possible at the
1 umptis
A few parents have e\
pressed 1 onceru about a teyy
i ampuses ' ».i111 Verda
Shappell. .1 i ollege ( ntillselni .it
I lium.is Jefferson High School
m Ins Angelos Hut it seems
to lie more ,i tear of the un
known nither tli.in am p.irticu
lar location
I don't think we've seen
anything to iiiiln .ite |.i i oih ern
about s.itetv on urban i am
puses)," said (ierry lleilernane
in the gold.on e off it e at brook
line High School in Boston It
doesn't seem that students are
shying awav Irrini urban i ol
lleilernane pointed out that
Brookline High is light down
the street from Northeastern
adding "We've had a gre.it
main students apply to North
eastern Students don't seem to
be bothered In the in< idents
Students themselves, honey
ei may not knoyy enough to be
frightened belore they enroll at
a campus some observers
"Students often h.n e a false
seiiM- (it set urily on i ollegr and
tinivi'isity i nmpu.se s said
Krp Hill (molding (R I’enn ),
ts ho introclm ml the (Jrime
\yrnreness .mil Security Ail
th.it lic( .one part ol the i ampus
iIim Insure art on the I ' S
I loust' passed in early |nne
Amy Hell a I'Diversity of
Wyoming student, agrees
"drone (on i ampus) happens
more often than students
know." she said It they knew
more, they would he a lot more
i areful
Atlrin I rederii k |unior at the
t hiiversitv ot kentm k y said
i ampus safety is not a i.ani ern
to her or her fellow students
1 don't think they make that
lug an issue out ol it " she said
"I think that it sately were a
real niiiinn," said (let trip;
town s James they wouldn't
apply ill the In st plat e I’eople
yyllo are looking at si hool ill
i die-, realize that they need to
take pi et nut ions
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