Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 21, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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f'holu b\ V tnt •* K jmnr/
Brandon Philes nun In■ one of tiugene's main skateboarders to benefit from the iit\ count il s
tlet ision to proceed with a ftropos.il to build skateboard //arks
Continued from Page 4
courses would go betore the i ilv < ouncil for approval on |ul\ t 1
Skateboard tai iltties ,im- needed In lake some of tIn; pressure otl
of private and publit fni ilities lh.it .iri> mm list’d " Ihapela s.iid
Sk.it e hoarding is .1 sport w it limit .i pl.u e kids will us«* f ilities
lli.it .nr not designed tor th.it kind ol 11si*
Ilf .nldi'd tll.lt tilt'll' h.ld I.II MlllllM Ollipl.llilts .itlOllt sk.lti'lio.lld
ms using stdi’Wiilks .uni ramps in tlif downtown ari'.i and tlir
downtovv n shopping mall
I liopr this is a positive na\ to dual w it li this I fra pc la said
I'hc issue of providing a safe place for skateboarders to practice
their i ia11 was lust brought before the citv council bv lugenes
'l nuth ( ominittee
1 he\ did an e\i elloul job of lotibvllig the council Hast om
said "Thev showed up in large numbers and expressed them
selves well
Hast dill added that ,dioilt hall ol the funding needed Ini the
skateboard protect has been donated through materials and labol
She said the other half would come Iroul the general park bind
1 he design lot the mini- course facilities wen- drawn b\ Aaron
I ,ni \ . a student at Spent ei Unite Middle Si fiool I.ai \ won a tie
sign r oinpel it ion spoicscited bv the t itgetie Parks Ret re.it ion and
( ultural Sei x it es I fepait men!
rile design will feature ail elongated free hum area with sloped
sides It will also inr hide a howl at one end and sloped islands in
the center of the course Parks Plunnet |ohn l.ltei said he will re
fine I.at \ s design and make it more elaborate w ilh additional lea
tores suited to all skill levels
IFC to meet today
Incidental Fi*i* Committee
meets tod.lv at t III |i ill ill tin*
ASI'() oftu e Summer i mini il
orient.itioil is on tile agenda
Et als
Campus Crusade tor ( hrist's
ueehh meeting will lie held
Mondav ninht .it III in Hmnii
14f> Straub Ihe group is an in
tt-rii.it ii >ii.« I inti'niiiuorniiiii
tional < lliristi.m group .it thf
I '11 ivi*rsit\ All .irr vveli.ome at
thu meeting
De.iilline lor '•ubmittintf i'.t
,il.s In tlir l-.merulil front ilesk
/■Ml ' Suite mil is noon Ihe </.(i
before public ,ilion I t .//>. run
Ihe iln\ ol the e\ent unless the
elent Like-- pin e be lore noon
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