Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 21, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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Vote puts city skateboard parks closer to reality
Council accepts report findings to
build eight mini courses, two parks
By Pal Malach
I moruld A‘,:;oc. are I dito'
II .ill join's .is planned fsogene < mild have .1 new outdoor skate
board fin ilitv by I hi- rod of the summer
Tile (utv (aiuncil voted to a( 1 1 • |it tin- findings ol .1 joint Parks
(uimrnittce report Thu roport was commissioned to studs strate
gies for giving skateboarders some plain to ride othei tlian on 1 its
sidew alks and streets
We did tins in an attempt to encourage responsible use of a
sport that will lie with us lor a while said councilor Ktllh Hie.
The report 1 alls for a total ol ten skateboard fu< ilities to lie built
I I gill of the (larks is oil Id lie mini si reel courses to he lot ate. I near
|- ugene's middle schools
( airie Matsushita puhlii information coordinator lot the Parks
and Recreation department said the pa 1 ks ssould be targeted to
kids ages 1(1 to I I
\nother strui tine 1 ailed lot bs the report is a larger outdoor la
I lilts that I ould possibly lie I nvered rile tenth Strut lllle ssould be
an indoor lamp lor ated in a building that could be secured at
P.uks and Kei 1 eat ion Direr tm l a me Drapela said the count il has
given the parks department permission to pi or eed ss ilh the propos
al to install tsso of die ten facilities They are 1 urrentlv working on
the planning and funding to constrm t two mini parks possibly in
the bethel and Xmuzoii Park areas the projected lost of the mini
i muses S 1 IKK) to $n not) pel fat ibis
The Parks and Ret reation Department will now look tor more
sites and determine the 1 ost and smut e of funding for the p.uks
Drapela said the plan for the first two experimental "prototype
Turn to SKATE. Page 5
\ >l»* photo
\ propositi to build skutebourd fut ilities in l unette nun move the t it\ \ skutebourders oft the
streets nod on to einht mini street 11turses. u turner pork or on indoor rump.
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