SETA Continued from Page 1 in led to a trial but Marroei o u,is not convii ted on any i barges Marroi i o’s i urrent teseurr li was approv'd last April In the I'Diversity Institutional \nimal ( arc and Ise Committee alter the Pniversitv re eeived .1 $72(1.1100 grant lor cognitive iieurosci cm e rescan h from the lames S \h Donnell lotin dation ot St 1 .onis and The I’eu Charitable Trust of Philadelphia Despite several protests, SI I A was not able to prevent the return ot monkeys to 1 aiiipus lor resean h or Mama co s work with them Both Manor an and t'niversilv Vice President lor Research |ohu Moselev said there is no truth It! SI- I \\ t I,urn lit,it Marroi t os win k mav In- tin pi it alive M.iitim i o s rescan h has Im n . arefullv re \ lewed In tin' distinguished panel Inun tin- fames S Mi Donnell I oundation .mil tin- IVu ( hantuble I'rusts Most-lev stud Thev i uni hided. as did tin' I 'O Institutional ( km- and I sc ( Aim mittee that this rescan h is verv important and not dnplii alive ot other studies ()l ionise other rescan h has heen pet lormed on tins subject and Marrnccos rescan It will hnild on this knowledge I he SKTA allegations have no credihililv whatsoever I can't imagine that am charges will ever he tiled This is gist more harassment that animal rights ai tivists are aiming at hiomedu al resean h. to the detriment ot human health "1 concur with that.' Marrocco said, It's a preposterous i laim Continued from Page 1 brief screening interview to K \! 111 S Financial Services • • Securities • Investments GARRY LIDAY I 144 Willafllllespie ko.ul Sink' ' P() Hoe?SKt 1 ugenc Oregon ‘47401 (503)484-6885 Registered Represent.111s e I quitv Services. Ine .Sen mg Oregon s/nee /kit y CREATE/' AT THE EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS BEGIN SOON REGISTER NOW' LOWER LEVEL. ERB MEMORIAL UNION 346-4361 DOING LAUNDRY IS A FOUR LETTER WORD* ntw °o I )urinj4 our C irand Opening, June 25-21), we'll give you Two Free Washes. There's a deli. A big screen TV Video ^ames. An outdu>r patio. It's real fun. It's real clean! Try the new Club Wash. Doing your laundry w ill never he the same. \ 595 E. 13th ^ 13th + Patterson •- 342-1727 JStrtitC^h your dollars by usiii” coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmorald. NEXT WEEK: SUMMER CLOTHES Reserve Your Space today 346-3712! Musique Gourniet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON CD & CASSETTE CD's FROM $5.95 CLASSIC FILMS ON VIOEO LASERDISC [ TAPES FROM S2 95 In the Fifthpearl Building ■!07 f Mh Avenue 343-9000 iH’IN ,• DAVS Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Corner J\// & Bitts Rkokds. and CD s sl’K'IAl OROfKs V\H( OMt (■lit ( crtitii .ill's -\\jiljhlr k l«i th» Buldisi, Fifrh & PiahI • [u,im 686 8/42 J&ce foJJliuric THE CAMPUS SOURCE FOR TAPES AND COMPACT DISCS 886 E. 13th 345-1010 (across the street from the UO Bookstore) Open 7 days a week BEST BUYS THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON L J The evolution ot Medusa s hair