Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 21, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Daily Emerald iLditOFlcil
Band-aid solutions
no help to athletics
Athletics have always played an important part in
ml lege life Hut when budget deta ils in the Athletic
Department affect previouslv made ai ademii fier i
sinus, the situation is obviously serious
llie Athletii Department is las ing a St I million
dollar shortfall this year In ordei to keep that defied
from grow mg. the l -'niversitv w ill enroll tot) more stu
dents than it had plan net I for 10'10‘D . m< reusing ovei
all enrollment to ! 7.800
Ihe (fregon State Hoard <>! Higher I slits at ion voted
Inns’ 14 to allow the t adversity to lilt ds enrollmsmt
sap Ills1 Athletii Department, which had tormerlv
paid tuition tor some of its athletes, san now waive
those tuition lees < nmpletek The loss to the I 'niversi
t\ will he offset hv the tuition pait! In Ills' .too extra
The problem of tight budgets at the I'niversitv is
not new mu w ill it go a wav as long as the State I .egis■
lalure ansi higlmr edmation silfisials continue to pel
mil hand aid solutions I he Sports Ai tion lotterv game
tlisl not geus’rate the revenue lot sports that aslvos ales
hail hops’ll for. A proposed tax on alcohol anil tobacco
pint!us Is to help funsi college athletii s was soundly lie
h-.ileil in the Wn's'iiihs'i 10)0) geni'ial eles lion
l ’nfortunatelv, no real solutions are evident, al
though options range (rum the marginal to the ritiii
iilous ()ne possihi!it\ is to si'parats1 the Sports As tion
hinds Iruin tin* general lotterv revenue ( urreuth
money Irom the sports lottery is translerresl il the gen
eral lot let \ tails short ot its rs’M'iiue re<|uirement Kep
Davisl Dix (DKugi'iie) said that tln> Sports l,nttel\
would gi'lieiate mole money lol athletii s if it were de
tas lii'il Irom the geni'ial lottei v
Anolhet possibilih is to transler ftuisls from other
programs into athlete s. Tinallv the I'niveisdv could
drop out of the I’.u il is 11) (lonlei sms f. although main
i nnsidei tins option unthinkable and unreasonable
The only s onsensus among state and local officials
is that raising the enrollment i ap is a oils' year, tempo
ran solution
"It was the best of a terrible set ot choices facing
state universities." said (’11iversitx President Myles
Higher fains ait inn (Ilians s' I lor Thomas Bartlett adsl
esl. " The spiestiuii is. vvhis h is tbs' lesser of some hail
Pi'rtiaps Dan W illiams vice presislimt for adminis
tration said it best " To solve one problem we are s re
.ding another
Baiul-aiils won't cun* the athls’tis -lunding prob
lem. Onlv serious analysis and negotiations hv son
s eined oftis ials will
[ Yim toda\j ?
ceoftse's yp CABii
Education president should repeal law
Tins weekend Americ a's mayors tilled
( 'iingress In repeal the (iramm-Rudnian deft
r.it-redin tinn l.iw because d unfairly reduces
citv-level services llmvevei. student-lobby
11114 groups have complained for years that
federal financial aid programs are also 1111
fairly targeted li\ (Iranun -Rodman.
tndei the law. automatic spending cuts
take effect if the White House and (longress
do not meet specific reductions Too often
huwevei the programs hardest hit hv the au
tomat ii 1 uts are the ones vv it Ii the most to oi
I infer President Reagan, Pell (irants and
other finam ial aid programs were targeted
for seven* reductions through (iramiuKud
man Only intense lobbying In student or
ganizations and support from sympathetic
representatives kept the administration from
realizing its goals
(iramm-Rudnian merely provides an es
i ape clause for (longress. Because of legisla
tors' failure to propose ,1 balanced budget.
(iramm-Kudman acts as a safety valve and
.ill too often, sot iiil programs, including ti
11.me i.d aid for students, are the fust to suf
I'hete are exemptions to the Crauini
Kudrnan law Certain military projects and
foreign aid appropriations are not atfei ted
In the automatic cuts. Evidently, representa
tives have identified these exemptions to
placate then constituents and their HACs
and so boost their chances for re-elei tion.
(ieorge Hush says he wants to he the ed
ucation president, but so far he hasn't
shown us anything. Bush should repeal the
(Iramm-Kudman law and ensure Congress
p.ns proper attention to education if he real
l\ wants to prove he supports the issue.
Bush has a lot more to do before he per
suades us he is the education president. But
that's hard to do when he spends his time
on matters such as the constitutional amend
ment to ban flag-burning. Of course, the
right to tree speech includes the right to sav
School paper
I .1111 amazed at the amount ot
I ell us u hat \iiu think" ad
vertising you list'd to promote a
demographu survey that ai
lowed a 1 by :> inch space tor
comments U hat an adminis
trative Ian e
I would like to suggest that
you do a column ini h analysis
of the past year's issues and
compare the content for adyer
tising. gay issues and the other
jut) 1'imersity groups' activi
The Emerald is not a national
newspaper it is a st hunt
puhlit ahon and Is meant to
serve the entire t uir ersity
community At present the
Emerald seems to serve a very
small (hut highly voi all portion
ot the community I yyas unable
to sei ure the number ot
tiAl.A's membership but I
doubt it i umprises a majority ot
the It>.U(H) to 18.000 students
yvlio attend the I'niversity o!
Oregon Hv comparison, it re
i eives at least tat pert ent iit the
01)1 > coverage (ini hilling
(IAI.A ga\ anil related issues)
Where is the vnii e of all our
other students'
I lave volt ever considered
that it the (pialilv ot the 1)1)1
was to he raised sutticienlh.
advertising i mild he limited in
space and retain its revenues
(or exceed them)' I think it's
worth consideration
Another suggestion To sene
the I'niversilv population In
ottering "dollar .ids' even is
sue There is no rule that s.ivs
vou must charge per line Win
not make it the rule to otter
vour i loseted ( ommuiiitv the
i ham e to reai h eat h other tm
onl\ one dollar ' Advertise how
main i opies are printed and
how mam students and em
plovees have act ess to the pa
per on i ampus then let tin’
students figure out the bargain
I het vou would increase ads
and readers h\ the end ot one
v ear
Mot onlv does a student pa
per need to highlight individu
al student groups and their .it ■
livitics it needs to introduce
the population to its t.u nils
and (.nurses Kach term there
are new students, new t lasses
and new opportunities that go
unnotir ed because no one
know s about them
There is an absolute dbun
(Lmt e of material on campus if
vou would only see bevond a
narrow "news" concept. This
is where a community paper
and a university paper separate
in content and in focus.
Your job is not to serve the
world hut to serve the I'ntver
sit\ community
Deborah Martin
Flag Charade
So once again Hag burning
lias become a major c ampaign
locus \!\ (aid. what has this
country been reduc ed to•' Am
thing but reality will do As
long as we have vaudevillian
exhibitionists pounding their
i hosts on this II,ig i harade why
spoil the show with discussion
o! real issues? Things like gel
ting to the bottom of the $500
billion S& 1. scandal, homeless
families, environmental prob
lems. displaced workers, outra
geous fraud and waste in mili
tary spending, regaining a com
petitive national economy, etc
In my opinion, any leader
with the integrity and courage
to deal with the aforemen
tioned issues is <i true patriot, a
true lighter for what the flag
represents Am political candi
date who espouses the flag
hunting issue as his or her sole
focus without regard to other
issues is a charlatan and a liar.
Test anv stone be left unturned,
there is only one thing that
bothers me more than the rabid
lunatics who are proponents of
this constitutional amendment
it's the sops, both Democrat
and Republican, who hide un
der the rug c rving because if
they confront this legislation it
might hurt their campaigns
Have some guts gang, confront
it head-on, you might find be
ing a real leader can be reward
ing and enjoyable
As citizens we can make a
difference by saving no to nurs
ery school hype and writing
letters to political candidates
demanding disc ussion of real
issues We can also make a dif
ference In voting for real c andi
dates. and voting the other po
litical trash out of the office
Gerry Rempel
-Letters Policy_
I he hmarald will attempt to print all letters contain
ini; comments on topics of interest to the University