National Redwood logging protested SANK )A. ( .ilit |API Hun dreds ul environmentalists demonstrated outside a giant lumber mill Wednesday ami I I Were airested III .1 Redwood Slimmer' protest ul logging llial lliev sa\ endangers (ialifor ilia s iim lent Ifirests About tad [irotesleis envi ronmentalists and labor union a( livisls demonstrated al the i oastal Louisiana Par ilu mill • is part ul ,i summer ul protests planned bv the K.irtli I irsl1 en vironinental i oalition Redwood Slimmer organizers hope activists Irom around the i ountrv w ill i onverge on north mu (California s redwood i nun try to protest logging of am lent trees in an environmentalists' reprise ol the Intel freedom Suinmei civil rights demon slratums in Mississippi Ihev demand an end to what they su\ is ext essive t leal i lit log ging. and i tilting ol virgin red wood trees 1 In protest outside tile |»l,mt 27S miles ninth u! San Irani is < objects. Open 7 Days kinko's the copy center 860 E 13th 44 W 10th 344-7894 344-3555 Oon't yin- u|i liMikiny! 1 r\ iom wo H)I \l> iii tin classifieds.