National Mandela greeted by thousands in New York parade NKW YORK (AIM Nelson Mandela ret eived .1 hero's welt.oine VYednesdnv .is he arrived for his fusl visit lo the I’tilled SI.lies The South Afrit .111 freedom fighter was feted with .1 ticker-tape parade, the keys lo the city and an outpouring of support h\ nearly 1 mil lion people The African National Congress leader responded with a plea for continued einnomu sanctions against his homeland a theme he has sounded throughout his worldwide tour "We appeal to you in .ill humility ami in all sin i fritv that you must join ns in th«' internal a< tions that you arc taking to fori c the government to abandon apartheid. Mandela said shorth after landing at Ken nedv International Airport In Huntsville. Ala President Bush reiterated that the ! 'mted States would not lift economic sanctions against South Africa until that countrv meets the re quirements of the sanctions law I hose requirements include the release of .ill political prisoners in South A Mandrlit is to meet with Hush during .1 Inter stop in Usishington I’olit e estimated that 550.000 people lined streets ■dong Mandela's route from the airport, and another 450.000 turned out for the ticker tape parade up Broad wav's "Can von of Heroes.” Mandela was greeted at the airport by dignitaries including C.ov Mario Cuomo and Mayor David Dink ins. Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS June Attractions Free Birthday Ads 3 n< .unit, must sHi« proof of birthday Business Card Special S20nris wilh 1 ad minimum $i7/ins for all summer issues To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODF OFFICES JOQ EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMM COUNTER I MU MAIN DESK MAY MF NT A »,}• ' * • . . ! .Ktvan-1« unit**--. tj billing «grw j ■» * si ♦>■ifiissheti f <-r bill | my arrangements plea'ii’ .i1’ : t4€? 4 i4IJ < i. ji My the Fn *-/.Mi! i , '' ■ •• i(n ( Ml • RATES Three line minimum charge is $4 SO lor the first insertion end S3 00 tof additional insertions | St SO (H»r line for the first ij.i* i $1 00 per line I « as! s om count*** Reward $100 »,* H 4.124 . 1M-. - E MF RAID CUASSlFIE DS A gem of a deal' ODE POLICY UUI Summer t'.I.i- S.frfHJS If If h.i\ FREE ' NO *; »•-!•? " i f P<|>Updeli*«•»> Ronrta 9.35 1892 344 4510 60S f 13!h A** Printed text to computer files 7474589 stiofmMn ew «J |Th« WORD SPECIALISTS! ► » i?4i)«i4? ‘■m h>»>| Approved • ►In lUlinn i I. •( J'ipci ► HIM < 4tmp«oh)r I»,sk < .-!;\ i ► fi ► I a i 1‘nnUm 1 naphn - ► I Uiijiu' K -umc • CAROLYN CINDY ns TYPING SERVICES JO THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 IBM WORD PROCl '.'Nvj.EDITING PAPERS THESIS DISSERTATIONS TYPING UNLIMITED as 485 0890 B**ba*a L am} BIJOU THE AlRf BUILDING 125 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC ORIENTATION Tuesday, June 26 1:00 pm ■ 3:00 pm Room 175 Computing Center Basic Macintosh Operations tor beginners forsaTT Kitxi If this |).i|»r. 135 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy * Sell * Trade Mush at Instruments Stereos Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th FOR SALE 164 W Brti.»dwa> tugene Or eg ' 9740 ',U< jo,. LIVING FUTONS & FRAMES I * l' * i‘ * C'lolhli' * Jewel! > home to ummer session! 25% OFF! AM. W INDSOR & NEWTON C'OTMAN W ATKRC OI.OR SK I S. CIhxnc Irom tube or ciikc sc't NOW 30% 1 OFF i *I I GRUMBACHER “HARMONY” WATERCOLOR PADS I STRATHMORE 400 SERIES WATERCOLOR BLOCKS I BOSTITCH STAPLERS I ■ W INDSOR & NEWTON COTMAN W ATERC OLORS • 2> I l l'll) ()/ 11 HI S • 11) NHW ('OU)RS • Regular Colors Keg 2 15 1.60 Intense' Colors Reg V 15 2.33 ■ VV.T. STACKABLE TRAYS Reg 4W NOW 1.98 M Ml" POLY & PRESSBOARD BINDERS Reg i wiVOH 70C ■ RIVERSIDE LEGAL PADS Reg i i > NOW89C ■ COLORED PEE CHEES Reg. 7s Son 55C ■ MEAD #6 Va SECURITY ENVELOPES Reg 12»NOW69C r UO Bookstore 13TH & Kincaid M F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00 6:00 346 4331