Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 21, 1990, Image 1

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    Thursday, June 21,1990 Eugana. Oragon Volume 92, Issua 2
Oregon Daily
II .ill goes as |>I.mnt*(l Kugene
could .1 new outdoor skate
board lacilits hv the cml ol the
The ( 'it v C lull in d voted to at
cept the findings ol a |oint Parks
l ommitlee report The report was
commissioned to studs strategies
tor gi\ ing skateboarders some
pint e to ride other than on cits
sideu alks and streets
See stor\ Page, 4
The I ’ S Department ol I,dm a
tion admitted that the student
loan delault rate was at tuallv
higher Ihan it had previously
A statistical error worth $400
million, caused the inisi ah ela
See slurs Page, t>
I or students enrolled m two tn
five week i lasses, 1 riiiav is the
l.ist dav to
out late tecs
• \I I ( I l sc>
• [)l ■ ■ i ' ‘ ■■...• . ' ’ .1 l\
(i! $H tin>p fee
• \ppl\ ti.a a 11 pci i cut tuitu‘it
refund no refunds after this
W'linn .uid suiiin tuda\ tilths
in I hr upper 80s. Simin Iriilus
\\ illi liirlis in lilt* lower 80s
i \ i
Ems steal victory from A's
l-.'uiiriir l-.mriiilil's shortstop Stewart t.if’s out \ltnlfonl \ ■> trii Ilnnkei dunuu their ^.utie luesihn
night The tuns tt\ u ton was then first u i'/j nt tin• season. I heir re< onf is now I I
I’Iktl11 In Sc.m Poston
Animal research fight continues
SETA requests that Marrocco be
investigated for scientific fraud
By Daralyn Trappe
Students fur the fithic .it t reatment nt Animals an animal
lights group at tile I'ntversitv. lias taken a new approach in
its ongoing opposition to the w ork ut I )r Ki* hurt! Marroi i u. a
t niversilt psvi hulugt pri itessi n (inutile ting resenn |i lh.it in
voltes Iilai ai j ue mutike t s
Several members ut SI I A recent h sent letters tu i.aue
(aiunty District Attorney Dung I lantern.id and Ulegurt Mint
net (lenerai Data* I mhnmaver requesting that Murrut co s
tt. a k in m v est i gated tor duple at ion. whit h would ('.(institute
s, lent it ii fraud
lilt I teidhelg. director ut St! A during the I'lM'l *111 school
te.u, said the group believes it mat have evidence that the
work Marmot n is doing lias been dune before tit other s, ieic
We hate pages and pages of ahstraits and lesearch goal-,
ut other scientists Freidherg said Theie are some people
who did some rescan Ii similar to I h Marroi co s. It started tu
look like the research (tail been done beture
"We're not tiling a suit or ai t using him ut ant i rime yet
It's ,i warning letter We just tt ant Dr Marroi i o tu respond
I reidberg said the letters do not reipiest that charges lie
tiled against Marroi i u, hut ' we would like them t■» look into
it We re not sat ing it's detimteh si ientilic train! but we just
to i±
S / / \ member s bate rrnrnril thru ii/r/ms/7/rm In l)i
\l .mm in In rer/ires/rru; lh.it hr hr ill \ mhu.ih'il loi m ic/i
titii Ir.iuil
tiiiv i* reason lu belief cil is
SI. I A luis I iee ii opposed lo Mai rota u s v\ i irk hi a a use 111 * was
ai i used (4 animal negligent e in The act usalnms arose
a 111 i animal rights activists broke in In t niversiH animal t arc
labilities I a idem e til animal neglei I found (luring the break
Turn to SETA, Page t
Group will address men’s issues, concerns
By Catherine Hawley
L mr'.itf Assoc uilt? t aitoi
Male I niversitv students interested in
exploring men's issues, i an take part m
a support group meeting vveeklv
throughout summer term
I think there is a lot ot ( onfusiou
about men’s roles said jon Davies, an
intern at the l 'niversitv ( ounseling ( 'em
ter " I he group will at least trv to ulen
tdv that contusion and otter tomrade
Dav ies and senior stall psv* hologist
Andv Thompson will lead the group
meetings, vvhirli will lie held Tridays
111 tit a in to Up m in the ( ijunsrnng
Uncertainty among men about the Ire
havior expected ot them can tie evident
m something .is simple as a greeting,
I hompson said I pun lining inlrodui ed
livu men will a iilumal i( a 11 \ shake
hands hut a man meeting a unman fin
the lust time uill usualh wait In see it
she extends her hand first
Instead ut letting unmen determine
then ai turns men should find wavs In
behave that are multialK < omfortabir.
I liompsun said In the ■ ase ul the hand
sliakt it ought to lie a joint det ision
I he establishment of the first men's
group at the (anmseling ( entel i mil
rides u ilh a grow ing national interest in
delining men's identiH and men's
A reienl nppenrnnt n in I’ortl.itid In
Hubert Hl\ a poet < out erned about
men's issues attr.ii led more than HIMl
people to a ( onfereni e designed for UOfl.
I lav les s.iid
This ini iv,isc nt interest in men s is
sues i.ie lie ji.irtK attributed tu the
strength ol the women's muvemeiit
I In in11i ini s.inl I he movement Inis cm
[ih.isi/ed new Iv itetiiieil rules tin worn
i'll m sin iel\ th.lt eonsequentlv pt.ii e
ne« .It m.ituls mi men he said
Women are ermiing across with tie
mantis ami men don't realiv know Imw
to respond to them (men) have not
■ '•■tilled then own roles Thompson
However Thompson and Davies said
the {ainnseling l entei men's v;mup is
not intended as a hum ol retaliation
against the women's movement
"We are not in competition with
Women s gliHI|is I ),iv les said
Interested students will undergo a
Turn to MEN, Page 3