CRAFT CENTER SUMMER ‘90 WORKSHOPS [ .r f * »'» JLi. CERAMICS 1 BEGINNING CERAMICS* IVUr Meyer/Chris Gunr This workshop is everything you need lor a thor ough grounding in ceramics Wheel throwing, hamlhuilding, and gla/mg techniques will Ik cos ered. csith individualized instruction for beginners and those with some previous experience, Glares and 25 lbs. of clay included. IK hours ol instruc tion. I wo sessions oflered: 1 Wednesday s 6:(X) 9:(X) pm Meyer June 2(1 August 1 (except July 4) #001 *$40 2 Tuesdays 6:(X)-9:00 pm Gum June 26-July 31 *<*>2 *S40 CON I INI IN<; CERAMICS* ( hris (• um l or the adventurous spirit who has had some previ ous i lay experience. I xpand your foundation skills and personal expression with clay. Increase your throw mg and handbuilding skills, make specialized trxds. and iclme your gla/mg techniques 25 Ihs. of clay and glares pros ided. I 2 hours ol uistriK Uon. Thursdays 6:(X)-9(X) pm June 28-July 19 «ou avoid ss ear, tear and repair hills Instruction ss ill eover luhnealion, lire trouble, brake and gear serv tee, and trouble-shooting. Learning eare and maintenance skills still help you keep sour hike rolling snnxuhly and safely. 3 hours of insiruclion. Thursday b:(X)-l):(X) pm June 21 S3 whom; bike hi \i i ii Hers t' llexon Is ii Zen ’ Is a magie? i earn to overhaul bearing sets, adjust gears and brakes, and true sour wheels. Proper In and elfieient hike use still lx- discussed. Allots v> |or replacement bearings. Is hours ol instruction. Thursdays h:(X)-S 30 pm $32 members June 2S-Aueust 2 »*s S35 non-members % FIBERS \ \ r TABLE LOOM WEAVING* Chrystal Mcfiuigan Rags' Rags' Rags' Turn those old laded, ripped, uscles: tag nuitnngs into something uniquely handwoven. C're * ate a one of a kind rug, rag a hag, or set of plate mats •„ Instruction in warp preparation, loom dressing and lx ginning pattern weaving will lx- given Imphasis or design with color and texture. Warp yarn will In provided. 21 hours of instruction Thursdays 6:(X)-9:(X) pm June 21-August 2 »or» 'STf SPINNING AM) DYKIMI* Chrystal Mcfiuigan I xplore the |X)ssibilines ol yarn design while creating •' your own handspun wool. Start on the drop spindle ant move rapidly to the spinning wheel All phases of woo preparation will bo coveted Natural and chemical dye * mg will In' introduced. Cost includes fleece for you t< dve your favorite color, IK hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm t June 26 July 31 unto *S4( BEADWOKR Kim Italsam Express your creativity with colorful beads! You wil learn traditional and contem|x>rary beading techniques including Peyote stitch, Comanche weave, lace stitch lixtm beading and others. Indiv iduali/ed instruction am guidance w ill enable you to design and create projects o * sour choice, such as eat rings, necklaces, pendants, brace ■ lets anklets, pouches and more All levels of experienct welcome Cost includes a head loom for you to keep warp threads and needles. I 2 hours of instruction Mondays6:(X) S IX) pm «nt $29 member: June 23 July 30 #ot: S32 non-member: TWINED BASKETS ArdLs l.etey Twining is an age-old technique found in many cultures, v, Inch involves tw isling two fibers around the warp. Make a container (traditional or sculptural) with paper rush and any other fibers you w ould like to add. Beginning and ex perienced students are welcome. Cost includes materi als for two baskets. 4 hours of instruction. Kathy Kale * Turn your tee shirts, shorts and socks into wild and bright tie dyed items. Learn how to create a variety of patterns using different lying and dyeing techniques. Bring up to three pre washed 100‘S cotton items to dye. 3 hours of ' instruction. Two sessions offered: • I Thursday 11:00 am-2:00 pm ' June 21 #oi5 $5 i 2. Thursday 2:00-5:(X) pm June 21 #016 S5 Batik, is an ancient method of drawing, painting and stamping hot wax on cotton fabric before dyeing to create unique and beautiful patterns and designs. In this class you will learn several bank techniques including resist dyeing techniques of West Africa Yoruba peoples. Stu dents will have the opportunity to work on fabric and clothing of their own. in and out ot class. ()ne-half yard of batik material, dyes and wax provided. 12 hours of instruction. Mondays 6:00-0:00 pm June 25-July 16 Thursdays l:(X)-3:(X) pm July 5 & 12 #013 SI2 members #014 SI5 non-members BATIK* Kva #017 *$34 * • v . • • v ' GLASS t STAINKI) (ILASS SIM MLR SPKt'IAI. Mark Keefer Brighten your windows with a stained glass light i atelier ol your ow n creation Hi mg your ow n design or use one of our models to make a colorful window ornament. Hie foil wrap construction method w ill be taught. All tools and materials prov ided. Noexpe- f riencc necessary 4 hours of instruction. Monday s 6:(K)-8:(X) pm #01 s $12 members June 25 & July 2 #ot9 S15 non members INTRO TO (JLASS FISINO Mark Keefer Rediscover the ancient I gyptian artlorm of glass fusing. This two session class will cover primary fusing techniques and allow students to create a few small pieces of jewelry Tools and glass provided. 5 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6:00-8:30 pm #020 $16 members June 21 & 28 #021 $19 non-members % ■ * ’ 1 JEWELRY | BEGINNING JEWELRY AND METALSMITHING-KABRICATION* Brooke Stone An iniRKluction in basic metalworking skills, includ ing design,cutting, tiling, piercing, soldering, sanding, linishing and textures. One or more projects can be completed during class time. Beginning materials presided. 12 hours of instruction. Tuesdays b.OO-TlX) pm June 26-July 17 #022 *$25 INTRODUCTION TO LOST WAX CASTING* Brooke Stone An introduction to metal casting using the lost wax/ centrifugal injection method. Includes design, wax model making with a variety of waxes, mold prepara tion, casting and clean-up of cast items. 9 hours of in struction, Thursdays 6:(X)-9:(X) pm July 5-19 # DRAWING Mark Zimmerer If you can see, you can draw! Geared towards heightening visual perception and observational skdls, this course takes many of Us exercises from “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and other sources We’ll also hx>k at examples of work by masters ol the art of drawing All materials provided. 15 hours ol instruction. Thursdays 3:00-6:(X) pm $50 members June 21-July 19 »U25 $33 non-members WATERCOLOR f laina l.alfoda Jamieson Lnjoy Oregon's beautiful summer while learning to use watercolor. This class is for beginners w ho want to learn basic techniques of watercolor painting You '■'■ill do wet in-wet and dry brush, w ith still life and landscape subjects. Draw mg experience helpful but not required All materi als prov ided. 1 5 hours of instruction Tuesdays 2:30-5:30 pm #(C6 $42 members June 2b July 24 #tcr $45 non-members CALLIGRAPHY Helen Liu Learn to w rite beautifully in this accelerated introductory class in Italics. We w ill begin with basic Italic forms and move on to “nourishes," caps, and finally to ex|x*riment mg with colors, unconventional w ruing tools and surlaces IX'signcd lor motivated students. All materials pros ided including pen and ink for you to keep. 12 hours ol instruction. Class meets tw ice a w eek Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:30-5:30 pm #028 $29 members July 3-19 *Q2<) $32 non members I * • T V T WOOD \ Ki;(;i\\I\(; WOODWORK IN (i* Brad Nile/Alan llalleck Materialize your ideas in the wood shop. Create a project while learning power tool use and safety. In struetion will cover project design, wixkI properties, hand and jxiwer uk»I use, and joinery. Vou may want to allow a little extra lime and money lor your project 17-1/2 hours of instruction. Two sessions offered: 1. Mondays 6:(X)-X:30 pm June 25-August 6 2. Tuesdays 6:(X)-X:30 pm June 26-August 7 Nile mMv *$35 Hal leek *040 *$35 woodworking WITH HANDTOOLS* John Jones Interested in working with fund Uxils anil learning tra ditional woodworking techniques? Using uxils such as hand saws, hand planes, marking gauges, brace-and bits, chisels, and moulding planes yields a level of understanding not possible w ith machines. This class will cover mortise and tenon, and coping joints, as well as assist students in making some of their own hand tools, including a bow saw . marking knife, and miter Box. No previous woodworking experience necessary. Use of power tools will be covered in last session. IX hours of instruction. I hursdays 6:(X)-9:(X) pm June 21-July 26 # SI 2 il you want your own screen. Ink and some stencil material provided. IS hours ol instruction Thursdays 0:10 If) pm June 21 July 26 ~w 0 .in: *$h) Starred Classes Require Craft Center Membership. SUMMER HOURS Monday - Thursday 10:00 am-6:45 pm Friday 10:00 am-4:30 pm Closed Weekends June 18-August 14 Woodshop Hours: Woodshop schedules will be available during the first week of the term. I * ‘ PHOTOGRAPHY h HI(iINMNC PIIOTOdK MMIY* Rebecca I hompson Annette (iurdjian I ram how to use your camera, develop Hit W him, and make BAW prints anti enlargements I’hoto graphic composition, the camera, and darkroom lech niques will tv covered Bring empty JS mm camera to 1 list class Him, chemicals and some paper will he provided. IS hours ol instruction. Two sessions offered: I Mondays 2:00 S;(X) pm June 2s July JO 2. Tuestlays o (Kl ') (X) pm June 20 July JI I hompson #031 *S42 (iurdjian #»it *$42 > IN I KKMKDI \ I I PHOTOGRAPHY* Susie Morrill Hus course is designed lor the photographer who is acquainted with general darknxim procedure and has an interest in line tuning the process ol ex[x>sure control Learn as|xvls ot the /one System and use a vai icty ol papers, developers, and enlargers toprrxhice I'lints vc ith desired contrast and depth Aesthetic eon siderations, subject nutter, composition, and camera use w ill lx1 included < 'hemicails w ill he pros ided. IH hours ot instruction Hiursdays 6:(X) 'MX) pm June 21 July 26 »
$14 members July'J&lb *(M7 $17 non-members 35MM ('AMURA l SK Valerie Bartel I earn the "secret" meaning of all those numbers and letters! Short lecture including how your camera works Includes discussion of him selection and composition lor better pictures Bring empty 15mm camera to class .5 hours ol instruction. Monday 0:(X) 0:00 pm June 25 #uix $1 f REGISTER BY JUNE 19 FOR ANY WORKSHOP OVER $20 AND RECEIVE A 1/2 PRICE MEMBERSHIP* * $2.50 Current University Community; $(> 00 IJ ot O Alumni & General Public (Regular membership prices are $5 and $!2) i - mOmmirn REGISTRATION BEGINS MAY 29. Register Early! Class sizes are limited and preregistration is necessary to assure your space in a workshop.