/ Travel the World at Folkways'. Natural fihr ckthiiy /ruvlry iOki folk art from 40 uxuttnc.$ . f Hex I ' i !lie i xi, ei-.:i >r 14 7 ! :Mt ->! Put. I. M.irke' v'x ! A• *■* 4 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS M Unbleached 100% Recycled Paper kinko's Great copies. Great people 860 E 13th Open 24 Hours 344-7894 Pholo l>\ \ im K.immv Mothrrs. sn/)/)/»rfffrs .mil shrltrr st.ifl s/m,’ Iran on Mr" S.ituril.iv night, thr first night of thr mm/iing prntrst k. -JJ t'hulu l>% St*an Costmi Miihele Harnes .mil her daughter wail lor a more fierm.ment hoiismi; situation outside their lent HOMELESS Continued from Page 1 It wasn't .1 palai e. but it's bettor than other shelters I've been in." said |mre Sutton, a mother ot lour who has found a plat e to stu\ but showed up to show her support |oVt e ( hahani. one ot 1 7 < use managers at the shelter who are now unemployed, tiled the t omnuinal lilestyle .it the she I ter that enabled the mothers to support each other emotional ly "A lot of women were able to do a lot of bonding here among themselves " she said "There was a lot of support here a lot ot stall and resident iuterui lion I didn't have an\ problem with it' said 1 lebbie Wheeler a mother ot tive who staved in a lent Saturdav night before finding other housing. " There was support from other people being able to talk with other families in the same situation In addition to tood and a i lean plat e to sleep, the sbeltet ottered i bihl i are lot mothers who bad jobs or who were Turn to HOMELESS, Page 5 SUMMER at CLASSES JSWOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT I muTMiy i'l Oregon EMU. Mezzanine 110 346-4305 SPKCTRO _CHROMK QU AN fl M tit-A USC. Quantum Physicists are proving t • »!4\ wtiat Dtnthah P (ihadiali knew ’O sr*s ago when he first intrvxiuv rd Spectro- ("hrome to tire public. Radiant t'olor possete* inherent propertie* which produce pr(Wound ph>tiolognal * r!I a\ ps \ v f*>Kv a] , hangrs !lm workshop will introduce the phvsuaJ and met* physical properties of ! ) in shah % twelve Attuned (\>lor Vk ivci \ %tep by step protocol for using ihit \> stem effectively, tnc ludet the utili/alivin of su«.h tools as the lAilse; Kcspiraii.wt Ratio, Single Color l*redominance Otari. ( ol«w Attribute Otari and the Variant Breath Forecast l at. h perutn vs ill come aw ay w ith the knowledge necessary to attest which colon*) '‘ill be needed for the correction any functional imbalances June .'0, 10:00am - 2 00pm l of (), 204 (liapman $25.00 I re of S25 (X) to be paid the day of the w » ihctk accepted A KRKf .nformai.nn*: lecture about the work shop to an* wer queaLona of the cunoua will meet Tuesday, June 2A l of () campus, 112 WillamrUe tthe new science building) ■* u#h brilliance to light our way In each of us is stored the wisdom >1 the ages We innately have all of the spiritual, psychological, emotional and intellectual keys for a peaceful, happier and more meaningful existence As we learn to open our hearts and journey within, we will begin to understand ourselves in a new way A different perspective unfolds, our mind becomes still and more brilliant and our life takes v»i a deeper meaning This course will use ancient methods of the siddha saints (perfected beings), science of today and one's own personal psychology to align the inner and outer worlds Join us for an mward journey Instructor Shamimayi June 21- August 2 Thurvdas v, 7-9 pm l of () campus, 214 F riendly Ihis is a FRKK class No registration 1 low to Meditate Thu is an inform alive ami expr nenlial class We vs ill experience meditation during each dais period as well as learning about how meditation works, the advantages t>f meditation, and the lifestyle changes to aid meditation No pnor experience is beginners as well as experienced meditators who want to learn more and have group support Ihe support of others who are working on learning meditation is very valuable We will have the group support and encouragement to leam and continue in spile of the usual difficulties and inner problems that can corne up when meditating This class is non denominational and everyone is welcome! June 26 - August 7 Tuesdaya, 4:00 - 5:30pm Basement of the Kolnonla Center 1414 Kincaid INSTRUCTOR: Joe W einer Thu is a FREE non-credit course No registration needed Just show up! Practice and Theory AIKIDO Aikido is i combination of the disciplined study of self awareness arid the harmonious blending of body, mind and spirit lhis non aggressive Japanese martial art placet emphasis on centering, balance and relax at ion, as well as on self defense techniques Training is designed to reduce tension, increase flexibility and heighten awareness of inner energy (called Ki' in Japanese) Classes will begin with warm up routines and Ki development exercises Several basic and practical self defense arts will also be uught INSTRUCTOR: Wayne Vincent June 19 - August 9 Tuw/Thuro, 7:00 -9 00pm l' of O, Essllnger 47, East gym REGISTER and pay $10.00 fee on the first day of class ••Non-U of O students need to purchase a building pass for $15.00 at Innovative Education or the first day of class Non-credit ciurse *COPIES* SELF-SERVICE ONLY 21/2C 81/2 X 11 White NO LIMIT Tke Ccfjy Slosp 539 E. 13th 8:30am-8:00pm --1 - COMPUTERS - IBM COMPATIBLE! $799 — AT! $999-386! Complete Systems Including Monitor! 688-9579 COMPUTER ASSOCIATES OF EUGENE i i i i i i _i