Emerald Er(l.ltOI*l*-* »-m «>i»j*"(*v"‘ Homelessness: not a seasonal problem l or tlu> past two years. the beginning of summer has signaled Lane bounty adminis Irators that it is time to shut clown Kugenes Opportunitv Shelter Perhaps countv ofli c ials believe the homeless disappear in tin* summer, th.it homelessness is a seasonal problem Those ol us w ith reasonable minds know that this is not the i use It is true that the i ount\ provided fami lies who were still staying at the shelter and were without permanent housing vouchers tor local hotel rooms, hut the families claim that the hotel rooms are unlivable Bee ause of these problems, a few ot the families dei ided to protest the i leisure by c .imping out on the shelter's lawn The c reation ol tin1 Opportunitv Shelter two years ago was a definitive* move to deal with a pressing problem Now the eountv wants to put its money elsewhere and plans on expanding current family shelter pro grams and building more low-income hous ing f'ntortunatelv these programs are not reach non tor tin* people who need them non The continuing housing problem in this area seems to be at the c enter of the* home less problem Income is a he\ fa< tor in ob taining housing Signing a lease on a place is too expensive with first