Regional Rep. Smith warns of recession from owl listing SAI.IM (AIM I'hr listinn of the nnrllirrn spoiled owl .is thri'iilrneif will be the worst tlimn that's hiippcni'd to ()re Hons n iimmn sinic I hr rules sion ot thr Ciirlv IMHOs I' S Ke|> Drum Smith warned Mondm It von liked 1' J H.' you’ir goi on to love 1*1*11 the (Ire non Kepilblli ,in said I his is ,i mess fw us 'smith sun! Ins lutesl mlorm.i tiuii is tluit tin leileuil govern mi'iil might issue its owl listing U edliesdtw .in .11 lion eventmdlv con id hull logging mi millions ol .11 ies of l.iml i onsltlered tile owl's At .1 new s i oiifeieni e Smith s.nil the listing will Oregon's timber industrv .is well .is related industries, throwing thousands more out of work than ilunni: the ret es sum of the earls 1 units It will In greater the He puhlit .in i ongressman said I Ins is a lr,u;ed\ for people \\ ho are not able to i ontrol their destm\ The 'ith I list in t (ongressman said he was pleased with the talks in v\ Ini h White Ilouse I hief ui Stall |nhn Suminu urged the delegation to gel i iti /ens involved in sending a (dear message to Washington. I) C Smith said he is sponsoring 'limber i iisis forums I ridav in Salem and Corvallis to "give timber workers their families. lui.ill government officials and com erned i iti/ens the opportu nitv to express tlien frustra lions and share their thoughts on how we resolve this crisis The Salem meeting will he at 0 to a m at the Salem Annul\ The (ior\ allis forum will he held at 2 p m .it Corvallis High Si hoot $6.99 Any Two Topping Large (I 4") ( F*i/za ( n m >d iutn I'i -V .'i)i mh V .iIochI ilrrns nut m< ludi <1 ! ,iK* Out A\ .nl.ihU Ur Have Krqs and Party Kalis to Go!! 344-447 I I 4th & Alder j ;■'«> i i till (omr lnjo\ Sun and t’i//a On Out OccK! OPEN FOR LUNCH 344.447 i GET SOME COLOR LAST! $ 1 0.00 OFF Current Prices (limited to IO or more sessions) SunShowcr Tanning Center ON CAMPUS ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 8/T L 13th Avc • Upstan- by KmKo • -18S 23*3 Good thru July 2, 1990 ■MnMBaiBaaaiaiaii SunShower Tanning Center W< .11« th«* sun salon most < onxcniently lot «i!« <1 lot studrnts l st.ill ! urn h study hi* ik h» IVK* rn ( l.iws y,hriU‘Vff you hav*' .1 lulu you (an tak* .1 J< > minute \.k .ilion and relax in >ur deep! sunbeds t iijoy tin v*.nm(h and voin < hnii * of musk .is von regain t! - 1 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kmko s • 485 2323 WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS hit ultv and lit tie extra \ soothinq lat lust urns "oi ii jHI'l Changes are Coming Our Way * .vC aM 3 si nt* VV w will be remodeling and Changing to a new name. We will continue our outstanding services — Only improving on what we can do for YOU — The best “YOU” you can be! Watch For Our GRAND OPENING Coming Soon!! Stop in today and make an appointment or call343*7155 We Are An Elegant Full Service Salon For Men & Women Outstanding Experts In: • Complete Hair Services • Sculptured Nails • Manicuring • European Facials & Waxing • Pedicures • Massage • Wardrobe Consulting • Glamour Makeovers • Makeup Lessons • Image Seminars Local & National • Professional Hair Care Products 343-7155 Includes: COMPUTERIZED HAIR DESIGN & COLOR DRAPING BY COLOR ME CONFIDENT 845 Willamette Eugene Downtown Mall