Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS June Attractions Free Birthday Ads ■ '■ t. i”ir t " * prv h >f ■ ••• PirtnjUv Business Card Special I. " ' * ! minimum $l//ms U'f i- summer issues To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 195 TRAVEL One Airline ticket from Eugene to LA one way July 4. 6 45 a m male $100 or make otter 683_5125__ ?oo RIDES & RIDERS From Corvallis to Eugene a»pm < members needed weekday s Driving < r expenses soared 753-491? lions with apprentice training p'og-am available Apply at W05 Man St , Springfield between 2 4 pm Monday Friday or call 726 9736 NANNIES No formal training required Prestigious Fast Coast families offer mg top sdiane*, private quade-s an travel i.'aid 1 year commitment mo fees 13 year old agency licensed and bonded IN DISPEN SABLES 1 800 356 9875 PRACTICUM AND Ev ape 'adds a»* be earned through the EMLM"h-id .*.** and Development Centers Where else can you learn work, play and have fun in the sunJ? Caii Maureen t,.< more m formation about our 5 Nationally A, credited early childhood programs also serving young children with spa cial needs and English as i se nd language in our mainstream class rooms *6 4384 HELP WANTED 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE The U of O Telefund needs .. . f i $6-'hou» while wu flung ffembie da. j and evening hours Call $46 3433 o j stop by 2001 FranKhn Bivd today Babysitting in my ’Un«vervS ar* home u • 2 girls * and 10 S-» ‘*0 h thinner than a pig lOE CUSS.I.«t5 .146 4 CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW 1 Requires > omputer evper .* iWofd/Peffect and/or Lotnsi Journa I rsm background helpful Available I Summer 1990 and or Fall 1 Ho . » i *3847 Greenhouse Assistant needed ’ a r» M ne, :,iar B' ' g, s I'M'.r '■ ,■ tlouses F temple bouts S'- JfWhuuf af Mr ... 146 4SS0 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS BOWLING MECHANIC Nl i Id u At the Recreational ( enter through summer Call Su-uin i4h J Ml WORK CCUDY POSITION Canoe Shark attendant ! ’ the sum met Can Susan .146 t/11 HELP WANTED CENTER DIRECTOR PRINEVIEEE Requires Bachelor's Degree 2 sears educational outreach or customer contact experience I year supervisory experience ami Prineville residency or willingness to fobsate ID months |X’t sear, full time position beginning August 14th 1D00 thru June 14th IW| Salats SIK.7‘D $21,250 tot the 10 month con tract Application deadline Juts 5, l*W0 l or required appltca lion and further information contact. Personnel Office Central Oregon C ommunity College 2600N.W College Way Bend, Oregon 07701 to. a a 385-5513 CENTER DIREC TOR MADRAS Requires Bachelor's Degree 2 years educational outreach or customer contact experience I year supervisors experience and Madras residency or willingness to relocate 10 months per seat, full time position Beginning August 14th 194#) thru June 14th 1941 Salats $18,792 $21,250 tor the 10 month con tract Application deadline July 5. 1990 l or required applica lion and further information contact; Personnel Office Central Oregon Conimunit> College 2WK) N AS College VV a> Bend, ()regon lC7()| ho a a 385-5513 __ SUMMER JOBS 3 V7 The U of 0 Telefund needs you. Earn $6/hour while gaining valuable experience. Part-time day and evening hours available. Call 346-3433 or stop by 2001 Franklin Blvd today. 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS WORK AND PLAY NEED A CHANGE Of PACf Condon School Computer tU»h • • M I PREFER WORK s FUNDED Alt**! ***** SUMMER JOB 1* •• Ptotiwuon TechfM. W WANTED plt*d WOODWORKER EMU CRAFT CENTER Work Study jotis' f *p*o*n. -• photo wood foiini. f11>#*»n P'e d Apply g-ound o,,-, { MU Hr 1 3 -UUrLCAtO ctosr toc. am pus f ugene Manor 1050 Ferry Stud-\ 1 bedroom units starting at $ 185 t>f utilities nu tud«‘d Manager 484 ,’441 Bemud t Manage" eof 91 5 Oak suite .*00 Realtor 485 6991 LOOKING HIGH & LOW Rich 1331 High St Campus living at it % best 0*iu*e Studios starting a* $2‘rO i an manager .jt 14.’ 8392 Bon nett Mgmt Co 91 5 Oak Suite 200 LUXURIOUS 1 8t GROOMS 4 blocks to campus Beautiful piusn ar pet ^ nardwCK.fi floors A. i in- . 90; 91 s. nor.it ye i $425 $4 /Vm,ndh 34 5 4155 MILRACE APARTMENTS 1805 Garden Ave 2 story 2 bedroom town houses tie signed for snared living Ideal for 3 l>e Co 663 2271 APTS. •DUPLEXES ??5APTS DUPLEXES NOW TAKING HE SFRVATlONS FOR SUMMf M AND f ALL ■ N( HE i>R« ‘ M •• •• ! $ Qi'A[!‘, STUDIOS i N-1-. . ■ - r--.i M3 4109 STILL AVAILABLE jMin 41 .* twO*.»orfi $•40 monin 683 194 * B*»t v^-^rn #. $23Smo 1 CMdroom furaiVMK! SUMMER RATES CAMPUS AREA »»♦ »44 f t9it> i a;so .n'tyA $ M- N M I.M M'S • 1 U.’.UM 1 1 . HLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 1 WEST 4th APTS !)• J.1 f.«Mt fl.tls * ’ ! nfMi a pnvAfw Pd.. ( »£>i<>re Fug*--.* t»k* I'*", A pjfK d! y.-u.f h4<.K !'•'>' S Pi.- , ... .... M u Hi nu*r .11 ><•« Mdtwftt mat#? is« i»m:e mafOft prefers quiet •« male Student group hOUWt near t " pus until Sept No drug* smoking • A'lirJS Lv msg tof Stan d hH.t \?11 265 CHILD CARE Child Care Spaces Available . . ' «h Aug U;fn ,t Nat a"y A '.*d tt»cl E Mil hill! !-.• »mj ' )«V**I >pmem Canter*, tor ig»*5 3 7 f ■' ri'ijre inhumation il s4E> 4 )H4 APTS -DUPLEXES - AFFORDABLE HOUSING An essential part ol your college survival Let me help you through this difficult, but rewarding process. ACT NOW ON BEHALF OF YOUR FUTURE Brian M. Heater ?ao ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Of O ADYfMUMi m AUSTXAUA . , f NCOUNTE H AT [Kj J3AVENS GATE. r tMOS THiiHSPAV ‘ ” ft< >«» Hf OUVAil NA T A'iH A MK MAROSO* The Handmaid's Tale « At 1C tALOWM MIAMI BLUEST NUNS on the RUN ^ ■ ; A'! S» .> A *.1 VBCwT I'nKMLR *>/ \u ' [ * W TV ^ . 'T*, » PlOPVt ‘M ! *lv. ' A' v. Ot K) St HXATWlg ' AND TAV.K WIBVS tVjit 1C) { Ht »«» M AM J ’WAN W .' . ; IN "aL 'AfcU WCWA. WV HfcLD *0 UW.'tl* ' jK l i vN a. vim'wi m ' *JLD M; frR&Vt O^'t.k tAKHNLL :<> 'tiWM \ +J: v Ni v» 'NUAT I \ MEAN