CREATE^ AT THE EMU CRAFT CENTER £ WORKSHOPS BEGIN SOON REGISTER NOW' monMMMT WOODS j i «r i l n y r • i c n s GLASS A MUCH MORE LOWER LEVEL, ERB MEMORIAL UNION 346-4361 Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Jut't li«n* 2E 346-4343 University Residency rules to get tougher for students from other states By Brian Bloch Dependent students whose parents or guard lans live outside of Oregon and who have not es tablished resident \ will no longer qualify for in state tuition savings under new state resident v rules The rules, u hit h lake effet t |ulv 1. t -ill for stiff er residents I|unllfi< alions h.ised on .1 student s parents' or finant tails supportive guardians plat e of resilient v I'lie new rules will not apply to students who are independent of their parents or to students w ho base established their own state resident v Out-of-state students tan apply for Oregon res idem s ,dter 1 a months 111 the stale l 'rider the l begun State Hoard of I liglier Kdui a lion's lanuars tlet ision. the new resident \ re inurement 1 alls lor "a bona fide lived anti perina nent physical presence established anti main tallied in Oregon ol not less than 1Z consecutive months immediatel\ prior to the term tor which resident e status is requested "It means a students’ parents have to he in state residents lor 1 _* months to qualify s.utl ad missions puhln representative 1 heresa \ ,11 a (ionsequentlv dependent students whose par ents have moved out of stale or who graduated from an Oregon high si huol while their parents lived out of state will no longer qualitv lor in state tuition savings The in state undergraduate tuition is approvi matelv a third of the out of state tuition costs at must uf the state's < oilers .uni universities I m versitv students who do not qualify for in state tuition will have to pav Sl.H.O pci term .is op posed to t>t.4(l for in slate students ne\t ,u adeniii year According to a release issued l>\ the OSIflll the rationale for the < flange is based on i urrent tax support of the higher education system by Or egon residents Those students whose primary fi nancial support (parents or guardians) comes from an Oregon resident are allowed a lower tui tion because the supporter already contributes to the s\ stem via state in< nine taxes "We re tr\ ing to keep a priority on Oregon stu dents." said Jeff Smith, assoc.iate director of si boo I relations for the i hancellor's office "Ore gun residents pay tax dollars to support Oregon colleges and universities Out-ol state students pav an extra fee to i ompensate for those taxes Current residency rules allow students w ho have graduated front Oregon high schools lint whose parents live out of state to pav in state tui tion file i urrent rules also allow resident v to tie established in only six months Those rules ex pire June to "About the only impact is on a group of stu dents who came in January and wanted to meet the six month deadline, said Admissions Assis tant Director Fred Mohr "About the same num ber ot students will i|unlit\ for residency as tie tore 1 he impai t is very little Student who have i|iiestions about residency status i an i ontai t the oft it e of admissions Mass to be held at Newman Center Militant Mass will be held Wednesday night ,il " id at the Xi' ( enter 111 >u bmcr.ild SI A sin ial will follow in the lounge I An more information. . all I I t ruJ l Et als \mu/nn (aimmunity (enter Help Kmplov Youth |ob reten.d is seeking businesses ami imii viduals interested m h i r i n k voting people ages I.! to 1H tor ti( t asional nr temporary sum mer employment, such as yard maintnnniu e pet i are and jani torial work ('H fill" Vtr.i tot more information lours ol the knight Library will he giyen to summer ses sion students at J to p m on the following days Wttdtles day . Thursday . and U ednes day June and Thursday (line Jti Kelsey \ tile l iiified School Dlstru t Kelsey y die ( till yy ill he holding intery leyy s for quali fil'd applii ants Sign up at the ( amur Planning .mil Placement Of lit r Room li44 lli'iulrii ks Deadline tar submitting It a Is lo the Kmerald Irani tlesk i:\tl ' Suite MW. is /loan the dn\ betnre puhlit .ilian Ft a/.s run tlw da\ at the event unless the event takes phn e hefare naan \atu es at events with a do nation or admission t liaise will not he aii opted Campus ei euts and those si lieduled nearest the puhlit atlall date u ill he g /1 mi priariti 15% OFF GRUMBACHER ACADEMY WATERCOLORS SELECTED GRUMBACHER BRUSHES UQUITEX JAR ACRYLICS 1002 SERIES /. L PALETTES 25% OFF DRAWING PADS Slralhnxx© Mo< . a ft t? i?ang DRAWING BOARDS Wood & Mt’lamr 'o ALVIN PARALLEL RULE BOARDS 20% OFF W1NSOR & NEWTON COTMAN WATERCOLORS WINSOR & NEWTON SCEPTRE BRUSHES UQUITEX KOLINSKY PLUS BRUSHES TALENS WATERCOLOR POCKET BOX ALL WATERCOLOR SHEETS Archas Fabriano S&athmcxa V/roof S Ne«1on-Mor."a ALL SALES ARE FINAL • LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND • SALE ENDS 6/30"90 SKIP CUSS Vi-robics MW 7 00-7 45am Ger 220 UH 7 00 7 45am Ger 220 UH 12 30pm Ger 220 MW 6 30pm Ger 220 UH 6 30pm Ger 220 XiTohii's lli^li lnUnsii\ l.ow Impact MW 4 30pm Ger 220 UH 4 30pm Ger 220 \\ atrr Vi'robks MW 6 30pm Ger Pool UH 6 30pm Ger Pool VcrobicN l.ow Impact UH 5 15pm EsI 47 W ci^ht \N orkoul UH 9 30am EsI 36 UH 12 30pm EsI 36 Dance l M 7:00pm GerX 350 M 8:00pm GerX 350 M 9 00pm GerX 350 Beg Swing Ballroom Intermed Swing VII classes begin Ihe week of June* 19 and run thru Aug 9, and are non-credit. Register at 103 Gerlinger, for $15 per class, ( all 346-4113 or 346-4121 for details. uo RECREATION & INTRAMURALS