University Summer Session r *1 f I NfO* MATRON \# i m \ L Pholn It* V im »* KaHmrr/ Despite huvini; to /<.n hitihei tuition, summer shutouts e\periem e sm.iller i /.ism's ,i loss crowded environment and better purkini;. Summer term differs from school year By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Contributor (duinges m tuition and an in (.roast'd number ol out-of-state and international students on i arnpus are two of the most sir; nificant differem es between summer term and the rest of the at ademit vnar at the I niveisi ty Her arise the l ’uiversitv re t,fives no state funding lot summer session, tuition tends to be higher for resident slu dents than it is tor the rest of tfie at ademit year "Summer term is finaiu.ialh self-supporting.' said Ron I rebun, summer session direr tor "We gel no state support so tuition must pu\ all the es penses Trebon said the I'niversity tries to keep summer term tui tion comparable to tuition dm ing tfir* rest ot the year, hut it usually ends up a little higher llie main tu it ion d ist im tion during summer term is stu dents pay oil a pci credit basis rather paying a set amount for full lime attendant e During the regulai ar odeum year, students taking 12 to 2 1 credits pay the same amount During summer term tuition rises v\ ith eat h credit file more you take the r-—-1 RECORDS • 258 f 15th £ 542 7975 Cash For LP'S CD'S and Tapes Open 5un 12 6 Mon Ihur 11 0 and f fi &5at 11 8 more expensive’ it is," 1 'robot! S.llll Although summer term is generalh mure costly tli.m the rest ot tlie year it also has its positive aspei Is I rebnn said 'We want to make it as at tractive as possible. he said "We have separate lour week sessions, the i lasses are spread out we tr\ to he student sen siti\e and we try to give stu dents the same cpialitv ol .11 a demii experience that they re 1 e i V e S e p I e in he 1 t li t oU g It June I le added that part ol the at trai lion ol summer term 1 an be found in smaller 1 lasses, lower people on (ampus and more a\ ailable park mg Registrar 1 lerb < dierei k estl mated that about 0.00(1 people will be taking 1 lasses at the I diversity this summer as op posed to Hi.(too during the rest ot the year Another unii|ue tuition dll lereni e is that .ill students, whether resident or null-rosi dent, pa\ the same amount "That's been a tradition in the Oregon system lot years 1 rebon said During summer term everybody pa\s instate tuition It we charged people out-of-state tuition, Wf would probable have a sizable drop in enrollment rht* .miiii tire imiion lor mm residents results in .1 higher than usual pun entage of inter national students at the 1 'nicer silv during lilt* summer. I rehou said Miisl 11I I!u>m‘ -.1111 Ini! ■ about JIH1 an* I10111 I an.ula \\ i * liavr a long I rad it ion ol attracting (Canadian students lull we also have qililr a fevr from ('.rriuanv and Iron) tin* I )i irnl I rebon said Making tuition ,11 i essible loi non resident students helps keep enrollment up during the summe 1 Trebon said ()m e those students are on tempos the I'diversity hopes they con tinue oil loi I lie lest ol the year he added lie estimated that tat to lei percent ol all the students who take courses during the sum met attend during the rest ol the year as well besides attrai ting non resi dents, summer term is also a time uhen many trai hers lie 1 iiini* students again I rebun said We get lots ol people who ale m edin at ion either teai h eis nr administrators Trebon said Many of them 1 nine hut k to rimers their trai lung 1 ertili cates 1 Summer is here... SO DON’T BE CAUGHT WITH YOUR HAIR DOWN! Std\ (.001 this summer * ith ,> haircut t- -n ly $8 00! 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