National New anti-logging protest starts Earth First! declares ‘Redwood Summer ’ By Steve Geissinger Associated Press SACRAMENTO. Calif A( Ii\ is!s of all stripes, spurred In .1 bombing that injured two en virnnmentalists. are preparing for a widespread logging pro test campaign they're < ailing Redwood Summer Earth First! organizers said they hope to reproduce the en vironmental equivalent of Free dom Summer, the 1 * Mi-} voter registration i ampaign i entered in Mississippi that helped lead to the I'llifi Voting Rights Act Though Redwood Summer protests are planned as peai e tul (ivil disobedience to slow the pai e of logging and save old-growth redwoods .1 1111m her of violent incidents already have o< 1 lined because of ten sion between those who make their living from the northern California timber industry and environmentalists A letter writer, identified only as “the Lord s avenger.'' has 1 laimed responsibility for a pipe bomb explosion that in jtired Earth First! leaders |udi H.iri and 1 tarry I (Iherney in Oakland on May 1!4 The writer also claimed responsibility for a pipe bomb that exploded out side a lumber mill May 0 burlier. B.m .mil (Ihernev ri» ported re< eiving numerous death threats, and last August her ( ar was allegedly rammed In a logging tru< k During demonstrations. a protester had her nose broken In a logger and another pro tester was dropped by a puni h Irom another logger To ex lent. Redwood Summer resell) hies freedom Summer, which was marked by violence, in i hiding the murder of three i ivi 1 rights workers near I’hila delphia. Miss Polic e arrested Han and rhernev. saving thev knowing l\ carried the bomb when it bleu up inside their i ar Hut so lai no charges have been tiled against them Karth First! founder Dave I iiremaii said in interviews that he believes the i ar bombing was an attempt to derail Red u ood Summer '11 Jara and ( dierinw were giv iug it all thru h.ui Win would thev risk losing it all ' he said Redwood Summer "could galvanize national and even in ternational opinion to stop the destruction of old growth tern perate rain forests. Foreman s.lid lust like Mississippi summer that finallv turned public opinion around and brought about the passugr ol tbr ( o il Nil’ll!-- Ai t lorenum is tinder federal in dii tnii'nt on i barges ol plotting last veer to destrov transmis sum lines serving nuclear plants in (lalilorni.i. (Colorado and Arizona The i -ir bombing already helped pull activists involved in other issues to the anti log gmg campaign Amnesty International which investigates allegations ol polilit -ills motivated vio lent e against individuals worldwide. Inis ottered to look into tile bombing mi ident We ve bad .1 multitude ot groups step forward l’.im I )«i vis. an r.artb l ust' organizer told a i hearing audiem e last month -it * LOOP RODS - SPIRALS starting at 39-95 HAIRCUTS NOW s6.00 Illusions • 345-1810 i I I I Good through July -J )n with coupon only CELEBRATE OUR «S SOTH BIRTHDAYr FREE DAIRY' QUEEN DULY BAR WITH THE PURCHASE OF CHICKEN FILLET SAND UP TO *5C VALUE... FREE ays.■ family for fifty years fo r eieivate* we cucfomets o fomoui Dairy Qut when you pijicriose on dei out. wh ce • PnrtKS m USA X RK-I I I' IBM PS/2 SOLUTION OLTLRINOS IBM ANNOUNCES MORE CAD FOR LESS CASH! For a limited time, you can enjoy significant : savings on the most complete, most flexible, easiest to learn Computer-Assisted Design (CAD) package we've ever offered MEMORY PROCESSOR 3 5' DISKETTE FIXED DISK MATH CO PROCESSOR MICRO CHANNEL ARCHITECTURE COLOR DISPLAY PS/2 MOUSE SOFTWARE’ LIST PRICE SPECIAL PRICE ORDER NUMBER MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL 30-286 50Z 55SX 70 8530 E21 8550 031 8555 061 8570-E61 ! MB 80286 11OM Hz) 1 44MB 20MB 80287 NO 8513 YES INCLUDED $5,300 $2,839 1502359 1 MB 80286 (10MHz) 1 44 MB 30MB 80287 YES 8513 YES INCLUDED $5 750 S3 119 1502360 2 MB 80386SX" (16MHz) 1 44MB 60MB 80387SX YES 8513 YES INCLUDED $7 350 $4 069 1502361 4 MB 80386 (16MHz) 1 44 MB 60MB 80387 YES 8513 YES INCLUDE D $9 700 $5 389 1502362 * rvvMtf iNCLUM i hm- a:- zi i>■-iiv.itt'i,,., -,< , IBM PS/2 LOAN FOR LEARNING AVAILABLE Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center, M - F 9am - 5pm 346-4402 *!txl do fV ’ .tf ! ,i ..- BMPS . j(le ■*«*»• lax hartdkny) and * ; 4OC»«•-.•.*?*«.; 1.t'uV .Jtr. Chech yOuf fislluf1- ;* • d-ng f?** ,«• , rwv ; Vi', • • HM " t , A •!' • iv** *f'-i V . ’•}' *' ft V IBM 1 tfrftfef 1" • , ' 1 >-r .!•» • 't- .1 B . . ' r;M. ■ . • ’ ,1/ • •, H . . M.u • -• if U-r H 'Mr,.1-.* -■ ' ywj «•.; ;’lfi- TK'-'-r^ofPkiS pm MrftH. trade* “a'* • :♦ l)rwet«i«il T•*.*»m. #