National Briefly WASHINGTON (AI’| Here are selected quotes from Sun day’s summit activities: • "President Hush would have resolved an issue like this within 124 hours, .mil he would have re stored the validity of his ((institu tion within 24 hours on am state " Mikhail Gorbachev, com menting on Lithuania and how Hush would real t if a l' S state tried to secede Irom the union • "The linkage is between the emigration and that sit George Bush, on whether the ad ministration is making Soviet concessions on Baltic indepen deni e • "It todav I have to remind you once again that we lost 27 mil lion people in the fronts and par tisan detachments 27 million people dm mg World Wai II and lit million people were wounded and maimed. then I think it's not a matter of pride hut ol justice, supreme |ustn e I or these sal rilil es of our people enable us to raise these matters \\ ith all nations And we have a moral right to do so so that so mam sai rifii es would not spell new perils ." Gorbachev, on the Soviet l 'niun's i one ern about \.\ l () membership for Germain Gorbachev arrives in nation’s heartland By Sharon Cohen Associated Press MIWI-.AI'OI.IS Aflt-r four days of superpower summitrs .1 glad-handing Mikhail Curbai hex arrived in the Mid west .Sunday like a traveling salesman wooing street crowds and piti long tin new Soviet t nion to husiness leaders The Soviet leader urged some of the t inted States’ most prominent capital ists to continue to help with Ins conn try's radii al ec onomic reforms "When we begin sin h a project. we feel wo need Americ an business bee ause it is so frig.'' he said at .111 evening meet ing attended hv sue h c orporate luminar ies as the heads of (amoral Motors. IBM Corp Anlltrusor-Busch ( o 1‘epsico. Amoco ( iorp and Dow (ihemic a I Co Alter a Minneapolis stay ol l>' .■ hours. Cnrhachex and his wife. Kaisa were scheduled to move on Sunday night to San I ram isc o. the last stop on then Amerii an lour About lelltltl people some waiting at least six hours stood at the state- ( apltol in St Paul just to see Inm /ip past in Ins limousine Cnrbachex repeatedly w ailed into crowds to shake hands and exchange small talk, prompting squeals of delight and chants ol "Corby! Corby1 Some admirers waved white handkerchiefs called " ihiets, n-miiusi ent of the "ilnmei Hankies blandished In Minnesota Twins fans during tin- 1*)H7 Win Id Series When (iorhac hex and his wite. Kaisa stepped Iron) then limn and walked the last block to Co\ K11 d \ I’erpic h s man sion fur .1 tunc heon most people shouted Welcome'" hut .1 feu 1 arried Lithuanian. I.stonian .mil Latvian Hugs (luests .it the luncheon included IVi pich, British publisher Robert Maxwell and Whittles Mm 1 ol the Minnesota-based Cargill Ini the Soviets largest private trading partner To commemorate the sisit. Maxwell announced the creation ol a research 1 enter < ailed the l airbm lies Maxwell In stitute ol Technologs to be located in the I svin (.dies area I see this as set another element ol common 1 ooperalion which seems to be emerging and developing helsveen our countries, betsveen mans countries ol the world and at the human level, too." (lorliai lies said The Sos iet president told the business leaders that Ins ( ountrv has spent the past five sears sorting out ssass to re form the national ei ononis and will need help among other things, ssith 1 hanging dei ades-old management ideas The important question is. 'What kind ol Nos ml I moil does the president and the l S people want to see7' " (in I bat lies asked "A Soviet I'nion that is in turmoil, or a noble democratir state that is moving7" He expressed gratitude loi list) joint business ventures now under ssas ssith companies 111 the t oiled States instils iug lood distribution, automation, merle 1 me and farming American companies doing business in the Soviet t nion ssill be lesvurded ssith expanded business HI the lllture he said, but he warned that "those who just st.iiul on the sidelines, who do not witnt to risk.’ will remain on the side lines when the Soviet economy is pros pering It his economic reforms are success lul. he said the i ixic unrest in the Novi et I 'mull will end Raisa (lorbat hex made a separate visit to the home ol 1 .( vear-old l.isa Watson, an actress who visited the Soviet Union last year in an e\( liange w ith a Moscow children's theater liefore Raisa Uorhaohev arrived at tin house. she made two unannounced stops to a Mexii >ui deli take-out and to a drugstore, where she bought niaca dami.i nuts and two pac kages ol Super Mario Brothers Nintendo bubblegum. (lorbachev left Washington earlier Sumiax after wrapping up his summit with President Bush At a news confer ence. the leaders proclaimed their meet mg a sue i ess though they still disagree on the kremlin's treatment of the Baltic independence movement and on plans tor a united (ierinanx That preoccupation with international matters was left Behind m Washington In Minneapolis and San Francisco, (lor hacliex planned to locus on American wavs that might he used to rescue the lumbering Soviet ec ononix Minneapolis was lestooned with red ribbons and welcome signs in (lx nllii to greet the Sox let leader A x isit to a lamilx larm outside Min neapolis. reminiscent ot Nikita klirush (hex's 19 fit I xisit to all Iowa farm, xvns i am eled klirusIk hex \x .is the last Sox i et leader to venture into the nation's heartland AZTEK AIRBRUSHES $145.00 reg.$179.95 COMPRESSORS BADGER 180-11...$149.95 AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF! reg.Sl 99.95 PAASCHE D-500...S112.50 reg.Sl 50.00 PAASCHE D-1/4...$188.75 reg.$225.00 30% off ALL ALVIN & CHARETTE STORAGE TUBES 50% off ALVIN PARALLtL RULE BOARDS Portable (ir.iwwrg Ixunl with .tttwfx'd paralliT rultv ALL PAASCHE AIRBRUSHES G83 2707 77G fast 131h, E:ufjcno Upstairs in tho Smith Family Building fl 30 7 00 Monday Friday 10 GO 5 30 Saturday 12 00 5 30 Sunday K. 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