National German, Baltic issues not settled by summit’s close By Terence Hunt Associated Press \\ ASHINt; K )N President Hush ,ind Soviet lender \likh.u! S (iorbachex prm laimed ".in atmosphere ul growing trust' Sundax at tile close ol their four dax summit Thev left tin solved nagging differences on Herman unitv and mdepen deuce tor Inthuania The leaders parted with smiles and warm handshakes and a decision to meet on a reg ular basis perhaps annuallv tile Soviet president invited Hush to Mum ou a State v isit lliiil max take plat e before visit's end The Soviet president and his wife jetted oil to meet with business and term leaders in Minneapolis ami an overnight stop in San 1 iam is< o On Mun due. (iorbachex has a reunion with Ronald Reagan, and holds a first-ever meeting with the president of South Korea "We've moved a long long wav from the depths ot the Cold War," Hush said at a wrapup news conference, sit ting alongside Corb.n hex at the same muhoganx table where thev sealed agreements I l idax to slash long range tun leaf weapons, halt produi lion ot i liemn al \\ capons and lilt trade harriers against Most ox\ The new s c onlerence xx as broaih ast live in Amerii a and ai toss the Sox iet l 'nion. where mounting political and ecu nomic problems axxait (anha chex on his return Corbachex said the Ixxo lead ers compared differences in an atmosphere ot frankness a constructive atmosphere, an at mosphere ot grow tug trust. Despite tile rosv assessments stubborn problems persisted Hush sun! (iorbachev oflered tut ht1 would fuse lus et.tmomu stranglehold on l.ithu.ini.i the Ballii repub lic struggling tor freedom I he I ' S le.ulet said the question ot B.ill it; intlependent e w .is one ol the thorns in the side ot an overall iel.ittonship As for I iorbai he\ \s objei lions to i united (lermatn Belonging to \ \T(). Hush said. I in not sure we narrowed them ' (lor bai hev said the Kuropean ques lions were matters ot the highest level ot stiategv lie said ol ( w ithout elah oration "We're not going to put spokes in the w heel Separately Net lelarv ot State lames \ Baker III said lie w ill explore a "political agree nieiit between NATO and the Sin let led Warsaw 1'ai I to bridge the diltereni es ovel a unified (.eriuam lie was skep tu al ol an idea Iroin a ( Inrha i hev adviser that the Sov let 1 inion Become a inembei ot NATO, the In nation Western alliance Overseas leaders ol the two (iermanvs said the summit uu proved prospects tor nnitying iheir ( ountries and Boosted i ham es for disarinamen! West (,erman foreign Minis ter 1 Ians I hetru h l iensi hei pro noutu ed the mei'ting "a great sin i ess ' (vast (lei man Hi line Minister Bother de Maiziere hailed new and v er\ diflerent ideas" about stabilizing Kuril pr.m stu in it\ H.iker ami Smart Inn-ion Minister Kduard Shevardnadze w ill take up the (lermau ques turn on luesilav at a t upenha gen human rights meeting and then again later in the month at the siei ailed two plus four uni Ik .ilion talks These talks in volvr Hie two (a'lmaiivs and thf foui vit tors til World W.ii II the l nited S|,lies. Sti\ it*l I 'niim I now f and Hi it,tin Willi i ill p.issit word*.. ( .url>,it lit*V sail! hr \\ ,1s tilillist'll tu s|it*,ik for the J " million Sti virts k 11 led in l Irrin.iti pm \ okt'd W olid Wat II 'll '' lint .1 matin id pridr lull nl instil r .supreme |Usl it e W e Inn e ,i mural right ()11 the t (intentiulls issue t it Lithuania Hush s.ud lie did ilo! link li ttle liellt'llls lol Musi tin w 11It ,i relaxation of pressure on the Haiti! repuhlit 1 he oiil\ [Hit e he said, was passage ot a Soviet hrw protecting levvish emigration I hat S it lie said "t et linker at know lodged it wmild he ven tlilfit nil" to w in t ongiessinnal approval ot a trade trealv Oregon West - FITNESS - 3-Month membership..$99.00 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 No initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Lot .nett Bv Running .rut Bike Trails BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 48 5- 147S Franklin Blvd 7 Days a Wrmk 1624 Across Itom Campus A cut above the rest... CARE’N FOR HAIR 561 I. U»h AVI EUGENI. O* 97401 (503) 4*5-4423 ONN 7 DATS Wollf tanning availablf by appointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 w/coupon Reg $13 00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo i ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry TANNING SPECIAL 10 for S20.00 icg $35.00 0">-' (..I thru June 30 1990 Engine Service 1000 S Bertelscn Rd »8 t uqunt! OH 97402 One Block Nurlh o( W IHh Nolan Ind Pld/a 342-3952 10% Student Discount MONDAY NIGHT IS FISH & CHIPS NIGHT JUST *2.95 6:00pm 'til closing Dancing and Music Every Wed., Kri., and Sat. night! 34331681 13th & Aider on campu s Gt i iu it in i in June? Fho lin i t hre item'd fcy the : , w >? •’ : Ure your student d i .rount an an Apple M.-i tir.i • ■ h, PS/2, r Claris, Mici soft ind Asht n rate s ft w 11 • ire fore it's too late. Your Student Discount: Use it or lose it. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center 346 4402 Monday • Friday 9a.m. to 5p.m.