MOTHER KALI’S BOOKS | “Celebrating Women In All Our Diversities” [ I ! i I i I - CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 90 - We now have a large selection of records, tapes, and CD’s 2001 Franklin ’ VJCA” 343-4864 COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON ANY SUB FOR 99$ Hu\ / Pepsi • ( Ini' i ■ hi | ii in | in i list11mi a |ui visit • \iit \.ilnl will) ,«11\ otfli'l nffri • \ I ll \ .11 111 till SIIJH'1 llll • ('t mix it i lullin'- t. I"i an «SUBUJRY* CAMIM S LOCATION ONLY 1 ftli \ H11\ iirH ( )|h*ii I air S<*\ cn \iv{hls .1 \\ t*rk 1 (I OOarn til 2(M)am . j COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON c Bring ad in for 30c Off all Espresso Drinks1 Expires6 5090 Kt i.v .sr.«4 n j s r „t. - : * vs , t » *. 'i ' : I-MHRAI I) COUPONS ' i MHRAl.n COUPONS ' I MHRAl.l) COUPONS DUCK BUCKS ARE BACK JUNE 18th!! Summi t term brings S.000 all students fih ult\ anil staff at l 'niversitx at Ori son. II« hand llh in out at registration, u r insert them into the paper, then the more then 11.000 leaa'ei \ take over and redeem YOl A otters ' DON’ I MISS I III SI 10 Mil I ION DOI I VK M VKKI I / SHACK & COPY DLADLINK: June 7th at 1 pm RATES: $85 per coupon $20 for color and lA increased readership! CALL I S TODAY AT 346-3712 8-5pm! Community Earth First! movie to be shown Thursday evening Ml! i lNCS Kosars Prayer Meeting \\ 111 be belli Wednesday night .it ft; H) at the Newman ( Center ( hapel. 1 Hot) Kmerald St Et als ( y < ling ( Hub meets U ednes das night at H in I All { edat moms A and H MINI I I I WKOI'S l.irth hirst! — /Tie A toxic ysill be shown Thursday night at 7 III m the IAH ’ Hen I inder Room rile film depil Is the rainforest hloi kades in l asma nia in 107(1 Saferide s\ ill i nil II p in to midnight through Wednesday I .ill l-tti 47 to lor more infor million anytime until midnight 1 In’ Salvation Army will have a ( ollei tion trm k on i am pus |une 5 7 from 8 it) a in to i |) ill oil 1 5th Avenue ai ross from Walton < nmple\ tor i loth in^ and other artieles Deadline for submitting I t a/s In tliv Kmerald front desk li\ll Suite ,t(Ht. is noon the dm before publit ation hit ids run the da\ of the event unless the even/ occurs before noon /’/ease submit lit u/s the da\ before this are to run onl\ Xo tiies ot events w ith a donation or admission charge s ill nut be ,n i opted. Campus events and those si heduled nearest the puhlica tion date will be given priorit\ The Kmerahl reserves the right to edit not ices for gram mar and st\ le Packwood vows to fight for timber worker’s jobs II'C.IM: (AI’) Sen Hob Packwood. R Ore wearing .1 yellow sweater as ii svmbul ot svmp«>lal i» S li ui Hi:! Ms I: - ''■:> ( id IIIUI! Bi t\hI’> “Wir Sprechen Deutsch" •"'10 I^av • \i it*ss li win 1 >u11k111 Donuts Mon i i i. Sp in "A AGENCY RENT-A-CAR 342-3177 Low Daily Rates Unlimited Free Milage Free Pickup and Delivery 1601 W 7th, Suite D Eugene $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special! w/750 | FREE | Miles | Don’t miss out on great savings — Clip coupons out of the Oregon Daily Emerald.