Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 39, Image 58

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\ huMiics'. u ill m. Iicikilc .1 IiMK1 .uni loll us
who lhc\ .in' lookmi; tin. and then suspend
then usit." he sass ' le n das s lalei I he \ 'in
The good 110v\ s.
according In lho MSI
survey is lliat Marling
salaries lor I'l'MI
graduates uiili
bachelor's degrees are
expected to average
up < i1 -
trorn last veai Hie
outlook is most
promising lot
chemical engineers,
whose starting
salaries w ill be among
the highest
lane! Nansone
manager ot reci tilling
and umversilv
development tor
(ieneral Idee UK t o
in Hndgeport ( onn
notes that hei
recruileis l.ia' si 111
competition tin the nearls 2.000 graduates
thev seek this season, most ol them engineers
She sa\s ihe companv vs ill have a ma|ot
rev iinline presenv e on b<1 v anipuses ami a ill
be visiting oi seeing candidates Irmn more
than ItKt other schools
■\s the nnnihei ot engnteeiing giailiiates
ilecreases and out standards increase, the
vompelition toi students will he even keenci
stll’ saS S
1 he Northwestern teport also paints a
bright picture tor stiulents ma|oting m
accounting, chenustrs ami coinputci science
More |oh opportunities w ill t'e asailahle loi
these graduates at both the hacheloi s and
master's degree lesels. the report notes
College placement directors at large and
small colleges sac that ma|oi public
accounting firms remain a strong ptesence
I he ditlerence trom last sear is that, instead
ot the Big I ight. it's the Big Sis. I nisi A
Whinnes and Arthur Young are now l.instA
'toung. and I)eloitte. Haskins A Sells and
louche Ross base lonned Deloitte A louche
John Barbieri, manager ot recruiting and
college relations toi Deloitte A louche, sacs
his tirm hopes to hire 2.2IHI accounting,
tinance and liberal aits graduates, about the
same number as both ot the merged linos
hired last sear He said more students are
es[reeled to registei for inters lews because
although the number ot jobs remains stable,
the field has narrowed
"There are fewer choices tor students.
sa\s Mi Barbieri Nose that see are the thud
or fourth largest firm, not the sesenth or
eighth. ue .iK- M'rmj! students i\hn muddii'i
ll.u e signed up ilh us helme
Although students .11 big sshuols mas run
nulk .- .1 m.uki-il .lit!.-1 i k s ih ,. i ut i> hi *
ecnnoim appeal. in Iv
suukemni.' in iuiIiiu
ftlmls al sm i.i 11 lilvr.il
.ills t.impiiM
l*l.i. I'llk'lll iliu'v li " ,il
lllcsf si lumls s.is lli.'S
.ilk L’ljnticil ihat ill1 Hi
Si\ .li.- li'iurnin;.’ Iv. .in
regional rel.utcis ,n\il
banks, usii.ilh .1 in.i|in
suuk'O ‘'I ||'I’S aie
. uitmu has k
Marihn Hill i
dili'cliif o! Ilk' c.ikvi
. i'll!.'I ,ll ( .11 U'I> HI
( nil.' iii N' 'i lli! i.'li!
VI If 111 I VjU's I
52 imnpanies in K\ i ml
nil L.llllfUIs. .ihnul ilk'
s.lllk' i- I‘*V1 lull Ilk 's|
firms ap{K’ai in Iv
prciis ss .iis
U:' I! ■ .' , I Ik 1 'll
■ spamled Ini ■ am demands I hi e vampl. .
I! 1 ' 'h . ! I \r k 1 I I W.ii M.III Mm In
plans to open mure than I >0 ness slots' this
\i.ii ami plans In hue filMi siailuaie
tnoie than in I l*S‘» lot ils inuiupoiik'iit
lurinitie pin a im annulmp in \nii l.'lm i
personnel tlifccim I lie , ompans ssillsisii
mm,' Ilian l(HI campuses seeking i.iduaies m
all nni|nrs,
\\ Ik-lf.ls III.- , 'III.'I ISI.lllsis kill llll , ill!
m (mu am!,ail a, II Im 111 Mi I 'hi a.
0 ass llankiupk s pros .Inn's al a liamltm >|
nlhf i maun relailcrs ilaili|Vll limn.' piosposIs
in (Ilf imlllsIiN nsfialL hossosei
(useii ilk- nils',alam market. ion inters ami
placement directors ails ise students in s tsil
a ilk'll placement nlliios immoilialelv In minis
ilk’ll m'alt I| am I mini u.' .mii: -kill all,I h >
beam it)leme .s mis sails Sums students slm
lias o sen soil a possible ilussnltnn ill ills
tttatkol. Mass an opted (ill's sails instead n|
a ailm. Ini ,, ni 'linn hsllsi Mi I in.kpi; .1
sas s
I lie SI sals si Illip.k 1 nil ills > lass nl nil
ssill be mi I In isc in Ills kissel qliartile sshn
hassn I duns a ll a, adsinu alls m done
ans thins in ills summers in huilil up thou
issuins Ilf sass llms, .Indent .lie emus
In base a touch link'
IumviK on I'li11k111l'. full thv*\ .iiv- icallV
suflermu horn then Ionncn from Iokm.'H loan
and .isiriamuic,
s.i\s Ms Hill
(>iir old
hanking Iriends
hav cii I been
hcic m a long
I nixersilx in
Selinseiox c Pa
all mx ii 1a|*>i
accounling turns
will he
competing lei
the school's | ?
aeeiuinlanl'. hut
sniiie retailers,
sin h as
Nliaw hi idee \
Clothier, will
nnl be returning.
sa\s Disk Hess,
eareei services
direi tin
I low ex er.
some lelaileis
vxill inlensilx
recruiting elloris
lo meet
Join Ihe Winning I earn!
\nuTu.m Honda l •• hu «. a leader ■ •'?. \ it 1 • ’ - '• 1 •' ' . - !
|'i>wer hquipment industries < »ui . ■ ,'n.. nl *• pi -. u!.: p.ui:t\ pr *diu tv .tv!
\U[Vf '.< 'f - ust"iru-f vrM.i h.i> led • <ur »■ <1 np.ru !<• (In- t< -i.ft • • • ? ’he** nd , tr:. •
IN, are v ur» hm^ !■ a : 11 >* *\.j| i\t , ■, *»> r« ! i. ui :.ii • >iit »• id .. if« *• • • •
leaf .t> National ! i .e: n'o r, ftic \.i!:«an: I r , 1’f
The National Iruinei l’i >:rai: offer *. ^nduati th* ; it •. • .
throughout oui pi• kIik t I::;* • p..r ■ ■ V. • liu.ihN hand*. < \p« r « • • a. h !•
Moll Ihe ideal .alididate*. will ha\. tlu f I, • :•
• HA HS I >etfrt < ttiMlirs' \dr ’ M.ur, • • \ i' • .
decree preferred
• i iu,|\\ rraiisu:pt> Ail! lu t. ■ :
• Mi pit hi- Hilh'iK Ii i< •« at* *f . I d n\.;, -
It vou have the spirit »ind i ••mmitinent to :< >in the ||..nda I’eain send . ui »• or ,
’ \ meric an Morula Motor Co . Iik . 11 wi W Mondr.i Itkd I I Jl '1H c..udrtiu
C \ 902-47 Kip.ol ' »pp‘ r'.r f > I r ; .■ r
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