STATISTICS WHERE THE JOBS ARE ecimicis will be hi>il\ putsiinij; entlineeis. .k i.mnianis and iuhei k't link al eiaduales on college campuses this spring. I m mans libel.: alls nta|< 'I llossesei landing sCO’Ild inlets less s sum 1 be eass Will. |he e\vcpl mu el a I. ■■ |ku i.ih ed Ua link al man ms. college pl.keiucnl oil is iaK sas the Inline piclUfC is urn.leal Ism this seal s •.■Mduales Some pLuemenl slueelois sas ha i ml me ss ill male I. Iasi s eat s les els. si tide otheisevpeel a dee line ill lobolleis nationss kle llie most opiimisiie assessment e.mies ■ N • 1 iseslem l mseisils s 1 indspnsl I ndkoll sinse's .'I medium and laiee si vd eompanies li mdkalesllial |ob opporlumlies loi baeheloi s ileeiee eraduales ss ill male It Iasi s eat S lobusl Im me les els Victoi I indi|ius.i, assiviale .lean and due. l.>i • d ni at Nol 1 I e|tialilies die Inline pis Hue In noline that hmile.i re.ruitiiu' ellml. save spnkespeisnn ( nlelle \h|ss| C’olle.V pl,Ket]H'l)l lllieetms .Mi- tnme hank. with several rep*mint; ilia! IBM ■ . Il l I', n\ it,: 11 ' al ■. i il |'I a . i )ne mkIi pl-uemeiil I'lluei is \ i !h a leu - Nil 1 I n. U (III -1 1 Ik . 'inpiilei elain . vvilhdrawal is emne In have "a ma|m nnp.K 1 mi III, in.ii ket.' lie %.,\ ■ Mill.'Hell there appears tn he cemimnu stahililv with limned ;• 11>\\ill. there is vulnei.ibtliU m the iiuiketpl.K e ll a decline in business becomes pronounced ami vvidespiead. Ilieie will he an immediate drop in |ob opportunities Un . oilcee l’i adtiales (llliei laiee meani/ulions won I hue as mam students as Iasi veai include mam ii.aim iletense . millaetms ami ihe Hie I hie. aittBinakeis Some aeenctev sueh as the ileleme depaitmenl. a huh .lie i mnpelleil In leiilK e .lists in llie i n .until Kmtnian Ml, a I s. i will hum till ii; e a., mil me In I’.iti u k Sliee! ■ 1 tii. Mulne.ii! Stale i epml Hut massive I.nulls at m.i|m imiip.inies iinn'I neiess.inlv mean leeitnlers are mi hold Some etnplovets !nui lliev have dovvnsi/ed loo much oiul must replace Mall. 01 need to lei nut talent toi in-a ate. is ol tec hnoloev I 01 esample \ I .V. I l o , u Inch i lit it-, slatI l'\ n i h m t m |'Iso ,m,I plans to eliminate anothei S.sihi lot's tins veal, still hopes to tee nut alsHit ' -KM1 students s.i\ s (tall \ at ma. stall maii.iL’et loi colleee lecuittne at eoipotale lets in Mori \ l "(tin corporate culture is \ ei v supportive ot . .'II. -V lei 11111111;' M • \ amt.i s.n s \\ le, i that Inline ol colleee stutlenls lot eiltn level jobs is luineme inliisions ot technoloev amt v italilv." Still, the tie vine ol ( orpoiale \inei u.n.ui ihsiupt mi i aniptis reel tut m e ell oris Its not (iene Mattell director ot cartel plaunme and placement at ill. Stale I nivelsltv ot New \ork 111 Hull.llo It seems as thou eh einplov ei s are caul ions Mi M.utell notes that, allhotieli the I'HIm ! ' s v (dupaines scheduled to visit his i aniptis this veai is about the same nuinhei as last veai the process is "in a state ot llnv corporaliotiN are U-nn optimistic ami marc cautious' than Iasi wat a itli lull sa\ MIL' business "ill he stable hi dev line m loop \ moie nccalive enai to in painted Mull ’a! Mat. I niveistlv ' siirvev ol eniplov ein ll S prop's In that oii eampiiN iesluiteis \v ill ollei I ' ' . levvei H'I'n than last 1 \ eat 1 at v st ale workforce reductions j In maim pla\ ere in the college ret rmtirig j market such ai IBM ( orp . Itiel Ibis pieihi nun Bi: Blue «Ills h iaei tear hired '.IKK' 1 college students lot enliA level |obs plaits to retime iIn I S w oiklbrt e In 10,IKK) in I‘hill and will luve a "verv 38 Starting salaries by major Bodielor's degree condidotes Occupational title Starting vJury olTfr *3 t hangr from July I9KX Administratis r A MiindKrinrnl A.voyiumji $25,223 4 * Busiitcss Administrators 22.450 10 I CoovuHams 28 471 5.1 Financial positions '0. 467 5.9 Human resources f tost! tons 22,9.V? 14 2 Management trainer* 22.080 5 7 (nmpulrr A Mathematical Computer piogramntcis 27.559 2.5 Sy stem* analyst* 2SJ2I 2 9 MathemaiiciansMiitistician 2V546 < 5 tj Marketing X Sale* Advertising 19.458 V A Sales (retail, wholesale, tech » 25,188 5 A Other Occupation* (.dmmumvaimm 20.819 2.8 Engineer* *0,614 4 7 Health related 51.011 9 2 I ndcrwnung 21,858 N A Real rMJlc ' H.J5I '* S<>unf CttlU t'e PUi cnu ni ( tl'\ /5WV SdiUn 5n/n v kcpvtt * Pfti ent thenar hosedrw* \tuUiiu i fitr umtltff p*i\ilu*V i Pi > /4MW4 Sulars Nano Rfptm Matter s degree candMates Occupational title Starting salary ofTer Accounting 528,849 M.B.A,—Nimteehmcal lb) years i»f esjterieneei Less than one yew 54,874 From one u» two year* 41,285 From two to four years 42,952 More than lour years 44.529 M.B. — Technical thy years of experienc'd I ess than one you Horn one to two year* f rom two to lour years More (turn four years M S Business 57.102 44.282 46.921 49,296 .4 5 244 *4 C hange from July 1988 5 0 1.2 16 24 4,2 ('5.3) 26 6 6 84 4 2 Engineering Oicupattonal title (Ivrmtcal Civil Klcctncal Industrial Mechanical Metal lurgK al Sciences Chcmistf} Computer octette e (»coU*gv MnihcmaiKs Starting salary ofTei 53 C hange from ___July 1988 35.952 40.834 46.215 44.295 35.141 45.049 U.K88 4! 3K2 35.690 51.148 .40.9 42 4 K 1 4 02 I 6 30 2K (-06J A 4 4 5