Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 37, Image 56

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< able, ami l »</«•«," ' W,n • e A .<■ . A' •
\l Ket'd Fai ls On Fih !9K6 Broadcasting
directing. producing, t'ltin-tnuknil* .iiuI much
ni' 'i , aic v <>\ ered here
"liberal lm Jobs," ■ Hie" I;. \ .
1’ihisi (iiinles, Flbhi ll \mi miuii will be
ill pioud imili'I id A B \ ■ >! \ 1 \ dll' book
r lm \>hi lob lilies ate oie.uu/ed wnlnn
cencial siib|eels veterinarian's .issist.mls ,md
ookeepcis ,ne bull] uiulei \ninul ( .lie lm
.■sample I Julies are listed below eaeli Idle
alone with ivquiremcnts lm .a llies me the
/ In "( areer I hi t cion "
A'.- i.,i .. U l > . ( iiit i i Fit n, l'i S'J I his
sene - ol eiehl directories includes a sepal ale
\ oluille lm each ol the following careei aieas
\d\ ei 11 s in. Maikelme.V. Sale' t’uble
Relation- Neaspapels Book I'liblishm:
M I. a/ine Business \ I inaiae and li.oel
and 111 ispilahu
' ll hal ( an I Do mlh a Major in
u r t n n . ' '
I'ftw. yv.sj, Suhiitkii it"''u1
choose and use sour college
major." Iliis little hook describes
c.ueers that graduates ol the .'I
most populat tu.i|ors base enteied
since lot'll It also sUL'iSsI'
strategies loi ^ boosing sow
college rnaioi and planning sout
career, written b> the ditectoi ot a
college counseling centei
"( areer ( litiiees /or Stutlenls
dI Uuthematu s" l'■ a <
/yss, ()thi*i titles m tin- series
cosei students ot .nI. business
communications and loinnahsin.
computer science. economics.
I nelish, historx. political science
and government. and psychology
1 he same puhlisliei also dues
"( int er ( hou rs lor
I rule rt; rail util e s ( onsulering
I tih " and ( areer ( lion t s /or
I ruleri; rail milt s ( onsuh run; tin
M.H. In the hook on math
careers, positions sueh as I !)(’
auditot are described. typical
salaries are pios ideil cjuahtk ation
aie listed i including petsonal
. luiacteristics and educational
credentials), followed by |oh
icsponsibilllies and routes toi getting
'( areer Information l enter '
lileii't \l at mil Ian. /‘/S' I his is
an excellent encyclopedia ol |obs
and careers. Its 13 soluniesare
ki I i Administration. Business and
Office; t2) Agribusiness
Ins ironmenl and Natural
Kesources: i ' i ( ommunic ahons
am! I In \ 11 ^ ' 11 ( onstrmiiou s ■ ( 'otisumei
I lomemukine .nut Personal Sei \ k , '•
I uemeei me S. iem .• .in.! I \ liin >i.. 1.
I leullh . S . i |i >spilallt\ ami Km leatn>n ‘‘
M.mul.n Iui ini' 111 M.nk Inn ami
Distribution. ■ 11 I’uhln ami t ommumts
Nei \ in". 'I?- I lanspoit.ilion ami I : ■ Imli' s
I aeh |iib nile is debited tollossed by [lie
nature ol I he vsoik education ami damme
ictjuirviiicnts. Inns lo eel that kind "I |>>tn
ail', am anu'ill possibilities ami employ me ill
outlook svoikmj; somiitions eamines ami
boned Is I In- em veilipeilia es ell lesommemls
si>urtfs tm nuMe udomiulion about llie |oh
I hese Inmk . ami mans imue is ill Iv bniml
in sour eolleee lihiais s business section I lie
i . teieme librarian eari help s ou los ate the
best sources, particulai ly it y mi ilesei ibe is hat
sou neeil specilii.ilh I sine the s aid s.ituloo
look at these sublets ('olleee paduales
I mplosmciil km ational oiiidume
I nits sl Slates I tilled Stales ( h s upa
lions ami lob hunluie
M some poml in soul seaisb lot the Holy
(nail sou mas ssanl to lead Iaia liimbuell s
< mine lo Woik Villanl Book I'hSNi Its
the liveliest most uimisme book I se some
as loss iesently on the sub|es I ol ss oikme
Himbasll. aiithoi o| I lie < )tlielal I'teppy
Handbook has pi mills ed a belts volume th.ii
sos e|s ss hilt ll s like lo sell s osmclls s at
It tool i nu s'dale s. u-st di is e ..in lot I old oi
make a lie me ('lay me ss lib toy s l libel topics
im lude ss here to eel a posset hails ul and who
illioss s die best soipoiule ( hristmas parlies
Itiosssine this book ssill pul you hi the mood
lot the nest step on soui journey
\, . A lh.ll Mill k ! III Mill 111 Vllial uni II .1111
In do and I kind ol i m Iiuk1 \"li ivaul In di i n
.vl III milk lili'llllls Hill l.ll.Ml Ml Ill'll
.uli in' Ini il.iiU'ii is In uiuli'isi.uni the
iHiini'iii Standard liidiislii.il ( l.tssilK.liiiin
i SK i miles that lIn- I S inn I'liiiiii'iil iim's In
meam/e lhe w«iilil min Imn limits
"Standard Indtnlnal ( lawtfitalum
Manual" \at- • /< h ' '
S',-MU, /<«’, It) ItK'.lie till- 4 dieil mde tli.it
defines an mduslis si.n1 mill lhi‘ eeneial and
nun e tn tin' s|Vi iIk Sl(' i ndc .’s i'
( Ill-mil ah and Min'd I’n uliu Is. SI< null ''•*
is Snap. I Jetereenls and ('leamne
I’upai alums Pirtunil's ( nsnii'In s. atul nlliui
Inilel I’li'paialinns SI( ende -X44 ts
Perfumes. ( iisinclics and mini Inilel
I’li'p.ualinns V'li ed ills' idi'a
\ilualh. SIC mdi's an- pari "I mnsi
Inis mess din's k a u's, m Hi dnn I has i In pel
muii hands nn the nlticial manual In .a- Inm
(Ill'S vv i II k ICil .m Sl( Mull' III tills
evample. 2K44 mil Id snu mnih a nunilvi
nf thu k dins Ini n's Ini tin- naini's nl
companies th.tl manufacture perfume
v oMiietics and toiletries
" Million hollar him lor\ h r
\! r ‘ i Sri . , innuo I hi-' !iU‘
\ i»lwme m‘1 v ontauis |N).IH K) public and
pi i\ .tic l S v«»riipanies with net worth of .u
t Ssuo.IMM) Hilet enti ies include addiess
of f k e t s pioducts sales am! numher of
e mplo \ee Hu* duectoi\ includes thiee
sec lions alphabetical listwun In companv
name ecociaphu lisimm In stale and lislings
In industry usine Sl( >«nit s
" Mm Hm \ Stott Industrial Directories”
\1 li Hii> />. < /> • M k k.l puhllslu
, me of die e loi e.u h -tale I islme me lude
not onl\ parent eomp.lines hut '"me
Mihsuliarie and di\ mom oreum/ed
alphabetic all', eeoeiapfiu all\ and In Sl(
‘ Directors of ( orporalt \ffiliations’
\ r ■ i Hi 'i ' Ho1, 1 n rrr.ur I hese
two volumes In! ma|oi l S corporations
then tli- i ion subsidiaries and affiliates all
told "ine l,s(K) v.<>mpanics that are listed on
the \N SI \MI \ \ \Sl) \(.) oi pmatel\
owned l he listings aie indexed
alplial'etk alls eeoeiaphk alls and In S|(
v t nle
"Slntuinrd & I'nor's Rt'i’islrr" Suri.hihl
,s /’ i'i \ dii'uui. Ihtsthice solume set lists
•s11 (K M i |mh 1 u .iii.I pi i\.ill' I S snmpames
\. ilurne "iii' s|k\ itii's e.ii li 1.1 mii|i.iiis s
.iililiess. ntlaeis products sale numbet ot
emplosecs. lass turn aiul ptiinats hank I he
othei \oltimes .ue desoled In hnel
bti'L’iaphtes of esecutiscs ami mdescs bs
e< ■ ■ i.i ph i location and S It
ll soil be links sou mas base .hum In
these III \ tulles . hi ( I ) K< )\I I Ills
eliminates lhe tedium ot sealsbins! through tat
sulumes. the somputei sail -on the sompames
in th dues tins In iiulustis i/e anil location
I tou t lei soui piepai.itiihi end oike sou se
landed au inters less \sk soul college
ictcicnec libr.iiian to help mui locate mine
has kvround inloniiatio ■ on the company
le c i iptions ot its pioiIlls ts and i most
impoit.uit1 the latest nesss about it
II sou think this sounds like a lot ot ssoik.
sou ie right Hut the slakes are high and the
, .impel i linn intense I hoi mi eh lesearc h s an
else sou a definite edge in the |nb market
\nd sshen sou tmd the Hols ( nail, dunk a
toast to soui hbrais ’
.Ms Gentnei is ro founder and senior wre president of
Seagate Msoaales Ini a New Jersey hosed cateet
transition consulting firm