Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 35, Image 54

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wmi computet ssstem Willi im knosslcih.v ol
ss sU1 mis desipn. I s .in lake miiik' i'l that isnrts
nil sum miiul
li s ,t eood technique in timli'istand !he
needs ot die hinei before aiieniptme in make
the sale. Mee!in hs relline the mlemesser In
talk about die nature nt the position. Ihe
reason Ini the openine and die slienedis m
sseaknesses o! pies unis slndenls sshn has e
taken the |ob \s sou listen, sou sail learn
sslis snu le hemp interslessed in the lint
place I’mhe and zero m on ss hat Ihe . list nine i
leads ssants < hire the needs nl the
eompans or beltei set, the neetls nt the
inters lessei ate nils os ei esl, a salespetson s an
introduce henelits to sali'ls those needs
I hat s sellinp!
( loud sales|K*Opk* also H \ to t obslUs k'
duI on the table Hies know lli.tl lew sales
actually happen unless die piospcct has
questions. o'lKi'iin oi obiccliotis loo main
randidates lune let! inters tews snnlinc
because not one eimo'in iu1- soued In lie
internes'ei Raids is such silence coldcii
I lleelne salespeople listen caiclully lot
problems, neealnes oi disappoinlineiin -uhtls
expressed In the inters less ci
l hice an ob|eetion surtaxes, you should
restate il in vom own words I hen. eel I he
mtemewer lo discuss die eomern by .rim:
loi i laiilk alion I in evample I hal
i mere Stine Whs do sou let'! I line hi Iv loo
incxpcitensed loi this position ’
I he more often the inters lewei serbah/e
the ob)eelion. the more likely sou an- lo
uncos er concerns that may he es en mole
important I urthei in re esplainine the
difficult' to you. the pioblem open beeuis to
become less unportanl or e'en ins ml to the
lnkT\ K*SS el
\\ hen an ob|ec tn*n is lulls expo ed. ilk*
Nak‘s|K*!son van choose lioin a number of
sak'^ siialf-.'iv ' lln- tiisi and he a method in to
hr mu’ up a benefit dial directly addresses and
dispels die obiection It such a henetil doesii l
exist. remind die prospect of benefits die lias
alreads bought and related fvnefit' trom sour
\nother efleelise technique If mimini/e the
inters i a oru ern is the I list < ousm or
\ i Ihme approach I hat is. svlnle
i» I-me precisely tlie kind of
ssork an emplosei is |o< a.ine tor point to
experiences that are s. miesshat similar
I or example, entry les el or he hiss eight
candidates frequently sxant to enlei
"management. although they lack bona tide
supers is(as experience \N hat s the next best
thine Campus leadership or solunieer
experience could be construed as a lorm o!
supervision. Outlining these experiences
alias s the inters lesser s concern about not
has me a "direct hit
Vnotlici incllnxl ol .idlin'. hi-' .in
f Spl'l ll'llll ill ll C.lkllf - I ' ilk' I If. I 111 1,1 sl
11 >| s \k llllf \ Oil mi .'III H.ll I I1 1 , ‘ 'll. llul
VOU l.ll k llllfdlv [flak'd cspci iftk e. sim.v-.i
Ih.ll you if .1 i|UU k simh. .mil -iipp*'Il lli
sl.ilcmctil mill an unccdoic slum me liou sou
rapidly illaslered ail an aiif 'iil>|fi I I 1
ilk 'll lil Iv .ii iiif .I mill in 11 a ! f i1' 1111' i Ih'ii
Co for the (lose
Sues f-slul s .null.1.1If . ilon i If r..' lit. • .iI.'
. \ i |f ilk "iiiplfi ■ \S lu'lIn i Urn ■ .' 'i11(mIf1
1 ,|| 11 >"iI "I ( \ I > C \M ' |k I if ll ■ I '■ Ik '
,f-k !"i ilk' nlilft if. .■ is - \ .i ■ "il nil.ml !"i
,m uuiplai oineiil . iiiiMiltinp t ii in I "lifii
iikfii f i .ills 11 "in s .ii kin tail's n tin a .mi in
ii-p.nl "ii llifii an fllfiil iiilfii i -,i
I ,f"| ' ' l! s |usl 11 ll.lt I IVfl! I' " 'k ill'.
i.a I hf i"l' sounds yrcal and the pcitple seem
\cr\ nisf
Won.IfiHit I)uI i"ii ifII lli. in llul i"ii iik
\\ ■ 11 ii" I iliiln I ." a. ll i -.is lli.it
What 1 -' 1 ; W Ilf i
Irtini lifif '
Inf I ilmi l km'« I hfi s.ii'l I Ilf'. ■ ■ *n hi
he ;• i'll ms-’ h.isk In me
Shiiis passing in ills' nifli!
hi' coal in .ms inters less is
simply 1" -'et I" the tied
.step in lhi employ mcnl
process II soy ie
successlul m selune up
t retui i! s isii, um’vc
mule ihe sale \ n lot\ is
lepiescnlcd h\ an ins Hatton In
I leqtlcntls. lilt. 1 v less I 1. that III - ill
s amlulales lus k m the neat fuun
t tilortunatcls. that piinniseil phone . .ill nllei
loses top hilline mi Ills' employet ■ priority
ii-.i So vs hen inlet is tl
knoss. inipls that bci.iuse sou II he in class
oi out inlets less ins’, s ou i me lit he slit lieu It l"
icueh \sk il soil s an s all them iMi all
appiuiiis'sl <las In utils'i sson|s. take
i espoiisihi I it s loi future contact
\s maik'tme niaiiaeei • >t s■ mr r>1
. .tinpaien. sou tmist ilelme soui I'lo.liK I.
anals/e soul market determine an appiopnate
price and uncosei tareet areas lot sour sales
lone When it tomes to sale . smi inu-t
tianslate leatufcs into Ivnctih espo e and
address ohieclions, and close the >al h\
clarity me luture at tion It. usim the >ale- and
111 a r k e! 111 c appi oat h sum pn 'dm ' • Il hi
snatched oil the shell and quit kly pul l" use
Mi Hayes is president ol Implex Cotp a consulting firm m
Southfield Mich
Over Your Head
( ft >nt ihi .
pnssei ami mmies. talliei than self nidslai
t It Ml
In .Muh! .imiiim heme ^la//U*ti In a promn
titm evlemal lessai.i • psuholneist
l. a! kes k ll ' ti '.1 '.'a l ' a ilelajle<l. leal min n s .11111
nalmn o! lh inn*. n»h I>nn t a pi
hmaii eenei.illtie nlu ii i! n>me In Jelimne
ilk’ position ilenTipllon hr ni\ s ( Ifl
sjx\ilks I f\ in as-ans am lac Ini lhai .sill
inline in e stun abtlils in pel Ini rn ill a ness
mle im mallei boss subtle H mas seem
Just say no
\s i mink' I In I’etei I’lmciple Otten bolls
, It-\s i) in ill.- ,il Mills I" .as iin Wli mi nn mi I.'
ill i-A II .111 .1 ■IlMlllllMII. Ill OS CS Cl. I "I Us "II ills'
I'lisilis.- Vis I hal s realls not ssheie ins
inlet .! Ik's i.illui than. I ili'ii I 11 n 11 k I ‘in
i jualiti '.I nisi I >k hsc 'll I >.i si 'll. a p
. liulii’Jis! a ill) * 'illpl.ii anient , "ii -nil. ml'. Hi III
\.. i.ili's ill ( las elan. I I Jilt I" In Ip "lit
\1 is hi1 s "ii , "iiM i s a mi an imat nn capacils
mini ni.itui'.’niiu'nt can lill ilia oilin'
I 'l "I I I ill!. .It \ a " in 1.1 I . Il 'll ' " Is a 'III
11.11 n 11.■ 1 "ii III! Ill ss nil Ii' ..is I lat'l
I’m nil aiossmc in this area ami I ssam lo slas
liaia llu ss ill has c the ellecl ot detail me
simi pn>iinili"ii mini soil aie Ivllai prepared,
lull Hath luriims: it ilossn, .shuli cotikl pise
sou a iK'aatise im.ij.Te ssith tippet inanaae
ment. lie sas s
llu n!i" as .i n l h 1111 'll m a sue M" -I
pei'ple lias e a need I" progress throuah the
tank - as tiles an»ss sas s \\ ilson at ( km u ae
W.islunali m Ii 111'ills tliniialt. that the s ei s
siii cess people at hies a all l"n "Iten pets them
into double
II smi hio tss s "in e11s 11"inns'llI and soul sell
sou s an as. ape inciemeiil.il invompctenie
Don’t Ih w'lliKetl hs the nappinas "I stu ves>
'l "in . a I eel is It hi Iona lo be s less ed as a
sprint I Iv stionas’s! .ids ice I an ais .■ is to
leinemlvi that nu'ties and piestiae ale ateal
hut dies .sill ik's i he a lone term tibstihilc
lor|"h .iti'l.ivtion s.i'.s\ii! nl 'leant In
\neelc' < ionic Hist Ini the dollars and
posse! e lo nt t s' 11 it thinkina
tr Kosher a Washington DC based consultant and writer