Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 34, Image 53

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The Product is You
.tll\llllll;' hill Ik* Waslt l piepUfill to 'i ll what
eouriteii most hmiM. lt
I In- sale** manaeei appaienlh I el I sorr\
lot ihe umii:' nun Slu* hirol me .1 h w
»la\ s latei
Sala and marketing
I u imU nt ih. nt •- h e- .1 ■
pithim is that must hi- maik, :e»i ami ''1*1
!*> potential emplmets li - one llune to
s11 nI\ the Hulk, lime Hale n l»»i a new
loolhpasle or sell 1 leantne liller l*o\, hut
hawk \0t11 own \ nine In s •»u 1 miiul
lha! prohahh hotileis mi piostmihou
seaiv h mat ketme aiul
el In lak in the I
am a pnulik I
\ lew point \ on
ijiik k I\ t eah/e
. that tlieie aie onk
Iwo pnnlik In e
,einleav«'ls ill am job
Marl 11
and ilcvclopms.-ii! nl lomcal opportunities
lot the sale of .1 product Since vou 1.11) 1
atloid in ‘a.i-.lv1 lime sclltne in the vvrone
cuslomeis. Votn hi'l in.uk.tm lask r, i.i
l'.iiii ,i complete undcisiandiih* nl imn
saleable Icaluics I li.il is. you have In
know vv ha i v on intend In sell hclme v mi
deleinline the poieiili.il buyeis
Main i
vv ithoul evei invesline the lime ni enemy In
tie! in, then t'sv 11 skill- mlei esl, m pel --mini
li.ul- lliev somehow helieve lh.il llieii
educational .uinmplisllllieiil' speak Ini
ihemselves (hal il s unneeess.ilv lo
.ntie til.lie vvhat lliev .lie scllme \llei a lew
blow n mleiv lew s. lliev realize that il s not the
bnv ei s i e spoil m hi hi v. oi inclination in heme
mil then allnbules
lob scckci- mint analyze and prioiilize
then saleable lealuies belnie someone else
tin, ■ il loi them Sole, cinplov ei' .'ill be
happv to eonsiiue i then own inieipielalions ol
ViHII -kills .tint abilities \ , nielul pci oiinl
assessment v.m prevent a pom emplovmeiu
inalch and Intel |ob thssalisl.u lion
rteeidine which -.kill anil cduc alional
v Iedeiili.ils lo iiinikct isn’t e.i'V V‘ii should
beein with a hide old fashioned sou!
seaiehine I he luck is in uleniilv what
motivates von most ( oii'idct votu i.neei and
at atlemii ili\ isioiis to tlaie \\ Itv did .mi
make those . lion es ’ hat pro|Ci I- at w oik oi
'V llool hi nil '111 v ml die llmsl sails taction ' It v
Ihinkme alone these lines, sou no! only
maikel w hal vou , an di - but w hat von vv ant lo
\ ► . j m 1! > >! ill.like! .lluK M ; I .ilk Hi''
A 1! 11 Hhlu-l!'. [M ;>!>■•' H'll.l!" .tKuil \<»m 111.ilk;'!
\.ti11v K, \ u‘\s \ < hii .u .hU'iuk 01 a i m k
h.u k I'humil vuih nluinm «>i lamils IncihU in
Few students see
themselves as
products that must be
marketed and sold
I'oU-nh.il i.iiii-i liclds < >itu i jvnpk' s
Ivis|Kl(ivi s can In-Ip uni dci(-lop ihhii
nb|ri11\ c v 101 s about unn p.'U iihal
mull ihulinns Minimal tv pkasanlii
vin pim .1 I". llu' iiiU'i. 1 vi mic po ipk- lake in
c\|h-in'lkf-hi irail-' unit puiiuiish tlioipjhl
In Iv mnnipnrlanl
I Ilk c \ i Ul lilssik I , II I til I III/l* JI III l.llvl S I nil
sali-at’k- ti'aliliv v. \i musi an.ilui' Ilk maiki'l
ami iik iit11\ liki'k htni i' \.miii il Ikips In
llkil Miilh i .ili-i'i placement ciHMIm-IiU's anil
imlustn piiili-sMuiial'- In li-am ahoul nulmiis
lli'llds and market Inn i"- W llal’s .'nin. nil
mil llk'ia ' VVliu v hot and v. tin s tint ’ VVhal s
I I ink III;' allll II tin - Inuk ill ' li'. . nr III :l Ilk’ ilk'
espials, inn i an di-k-miiik' llu must cites In e
\ak’i pik li
|)un i Inuk'l. mu nun! .ulii'ili'i' unn
pimlikl ai pall n! mm marketin'.: lampar'ii
i jppme i nin i-nlinnal mhiim -ik li a - - ampus
uk uiili'ii- anil i lassifnkk. is inipniiaiu I In
K si iih'IIuhI "I 'i*iiimi.' llu- tim'd mil.
Iiossevei. is In usi' llu- pciipli- mu ahead)
knuii Wind nl mnulli lemaim die musi
ellieienl means o! uiinniiii; mlurnialiun
ahuut mut credentials ihld auiilabdil) t \e
mm intarmalinn in siessm : penple as
pnli'lltial ICSHIIUCS I a IIIII) llli'llils.
piuk-ssuis. Iasi\iai - I'laduales almnst
anmiii- i-in Iv ht-lplul
What is selling?
Ill sell VOUI'-lIt, \ i HI Ik'l'lt Id II.Hill,lie Mini
lealmes min henetils Ini the huvei
l luk’island lli.U people mils hill peieenoil
henelils \ohinil bins a diess Inn .him- il s
blue hi ,i Ihuim' Ixv.uise u \ hie II a blue
■ Ill 's ill.li e .i .i.'iii.ill Imik eniul -lie
mi III I'lls il II a hie lliill -ie nukes Ills'
easiei Inf a large laniili il will he lunl In
lesisi \.iIhhK hues le.iluies hi Ihe
ahsiiael Ik npk ■ rnI\ bin henehts
I .mk al am him lime aih eilising a
lie A a s.i,ikn;( ilk km.in, a
inn - u 11 an! m I .ill-in Mull Ki hi Up
I min iliei pul alliaeliie pu tines In
dess i ihe (lie eihilaraluig eipcrieike ot
dm Hlg (Ills partk.ul.it in.u Inue I ml think
II hat Mill ll ill Ini ik like ill III Is , ,i! Il ll ill
make uni I eel i ihiaiil. sew ami .line
Suineii heie. hidden ill die hack nl die
Inns lime .lie die a. Ui.iI spec ilk atimis Util
.in Hiding in Iilk km.in die'mill people
iilin eiefieadllullai luve ahead)
hmielil into die i isinm m the Iron) nl the
hunk and .lie III me In imlili llieii
s niis. nl
I n!i>rlllll.Ill'll riinsl salespeople
uikltklme (nh tandiilales i tall short nl
ikimme the henolils assntialed iiilh die
lealuies n| llieii piinilk l l nless uni
complete die task nl selling hi i, ihalli
painting a pis line nl die Ivnelils tor die
piospecttW' I mi s s-1 mu iiiai loss' Ihe sale
I )nu *1 assume die mtel i u' n et is trallil.il lllg
inui le.times min henelils I'eu nm'l
slepailmenl emplmees. parlkulails. iiiighl
las k Ihe lei lulls al el pel I me In lulls
liridi'lM.Ukl the importance and inipln .itmiis nl
mm ,k iils'Mik has k einmut ni eipeneitees
v i
list v eibah/e how
.MU'lh v .11! tv i U
.te value to the
Vails all poU-iUi.il
.•ik*hlv. no mallei whut
pnnlut i tall mu* these
v-s S.lV III:- llUMk-V
\ 1 ' !!!-:. I h\ Ii'jMII: K - ’ . '
-•e,'.nils S.i\m/ time I nhaiu me piestiee - It
im.i . \ddme viMi.emeiu e mnkme hie
easiei WmmiiL’ f neiuls/impim me
■ :! i<": dupMukme hie moie eii|o\uhl
M< ' -I s.iL 'i!ii.i! i''11n i'| mtei s lew piov ide
opportunities to ileseribe how vout traits will
Ivnelit the department oi oieani/alion I he
most power I til type ol sales statement,
however, is directed to the uuiis ideal to whom
soil le lalkme Waleh to! . »penui
sou iin.'ht tell the Inline manaeei. Sounds
like Sim se had some real headaches ssitli
the value uni'll add I oi esample