Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 33, Image 52

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By George IN. Hayes
L'lut tils success
Ic)N2. a \ oung
Tuan decided to
lie storv. In
till career as an executiv e
recruiter and pursue a more
eon\entional line of work.
The economy was flat, and
Ins products bodies
weren't nun me particularly
Convinced that he could sell
\ irtuallv an\ thine, he respond
ed to an ad\ ertisement tor a
telecoininunieations sales
position. Selling telephone
ser\ ices, he thought, couldn't
be halt as difficult as selling
()o/ine w ith confidence and
charm, the young man arrived
tor his inters iexx u ith the
district Silks manager. She was
a pleasant. set serious woman,
who introduced hersell
politelx and in\ ited him to sit
doxx n.
"So. \ on’re a salesman." she
said, leaning hack skeptical 1 \.
"Tr\ selling me."
Suddenlx disoriented, the
xoung man lelt a pounding in
his head as he struggled
blindlx to describe Ins
background and education.
I .as king the structure of a
formal inters iexx. Ins
monologue drilled, became
repet it i\e and. final lx.
sputtered to an inglorious hall.
Max be he could sell almost
( • inltmn ,1. <i! i <4