Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 31, Image 50

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uhen 'In.' does I nomine abuse th
Hileniriu'i will make hei nersous Whan
eis en a choke *>1 seal', choose ihe one closest
10 ilie inters lesvei unless ii will pul sou i ighl
011 lop ol hei 1 )on i ask ot ill 11\ tla I Is ahotil
which than is appiopnale il s asskssaid. an,I
siieeesls dial soil leeaul ihe inters less a' a lesl
lalliei than a meeting
I’t'iiHi'v Beliieiidls ss illi each
inters u-ssei hut not cliiunins I nless she
himes il up. pis mi es ol her I ami Is anil othei
such iieuis aren't lopics tor conseisalion. as
some job hunting hooks suggest ( eilaiu pail'
ol Ihe office alt- aKo i'll limit', like the area
hehiiul the inteiviewei’s ili-'k l-.wn il >011 te
kept ssaiting alone Slav where sou helone
1 ikessiv .thei>nl\ documentation that could
possible concern sou ait- the niuea/incs letl
lot visitors anil the pictures that Ihe tompans
has hung on the walls
Dunne the inteisiess, maintaining the
ni't essats amount ot use contact shouhl be
eass il sou realls think about what the
inters icwei is sasine lathei than the
111 e hleni lie tact that sou ic looking intent I \ at
one anothei When sou speak a thoughtful
look awas now anil then can he ellectise. hut
not il u doesn't coins' nattiralls I i s to s|k-ak
to sour interviewei seses \lso keep sour
hands .ui.l feet i assay turn soui mouth sshen
sou !.11k
I )onl fideel it S i'll s. .ill Ilf Ip It When I wa
il lb huuline. I mio.' spent .in entire inters ie»
placing with .in ashtray. something I didn't
realize until the sen end B> that point it ssas
lukinc notes during the niters ie» i'i't a
eoosl 11 lea 11 will make sou look like a tie til
(kills write lossn sshat sou need to knois and
sson't he able to remetnhei. sik li as telephone
number s
\ aim's I ss o (a. loi s has e i e. . nti. Iliio .u
the avion) ol "alssavs use last names into
doubt I ust the typical inters lesser pmhahly
isn't a gras haired cudgel. particularly since
she mas currently hold the |oh sou i, attei It
eeilis ills to call soineime Mi or M it
she’s only 2’ sears ohl and one seat sotu
scntot Ses mid. mans companies are pu hi is Is
boastin'.' about then ness \ oliegi.il corporate
culture ' m sslush lust names aie a I ss as
used Ms bosses ss eie s alls'd lo Xnu tnd
Hetss. and the he.ul ot «nil Its ision .s a
simple Alike despite the last that he earned
20 tunes ins saiars It seems a bit strance io
refer to youi inters lesser by a name that he
nevei hears on the |ob
I ust names, ifieielot ai it.unly
appropriate.' lor inter viewer'- ss lu> appeal to he
2*s or sotimtei. t*s|K\ rails rl their titles are
ton Is ..jins alcul to the one \ou se ek I 01
older amt more senior interviewers, use "Mr
i >i \1 a itlli ill! t<•.ir \h >s[ a 111 (i'll \ oil to
use ttieir (list names anuay hut sou hase to
vsaleh out tot those sslio would pi .lei the
added respect
1 sine an interslewer s name m
s on vet sal ioii is e fleet is e it done once, hut
becomes tiailsp.iient it done lepeatedls I he
proper tune to show an interviewer that sou
leineiiihered Ins name is in decline and
leas me Otherwise, dies It know what sou re
up to.
Keniemberiiie names, unloitunalels, is
ijuiti' important Intels ieweis. p.t'smp sou in
the hall, will erect sou In name It sou se
loieotteu theirs, u s almost impossible to hide
it there die mans link- lot lememherme
names I lie kes is pctline the name to reeistei
durum the introduction, while sou re worried
alsout sour handshake \n estia elicit mas he
necessat s
Habits Don't smok : t '
and don't esen let .msone know that sou
smoke esen it dies do also Sitiokine pollute