Community Number of stray animals rising By Lynne Ertle Emerald Contributor Ntrav ( .(Is .mil dogs .1 ri* .1 problem in Kugene because they multiply, spread disease and i an uusc tr.dtii ,n 1 idents said Karen Church, senior am mal welfare officer for Lane County Animal Regulation An thority. Although no one knows e\ ai 11 \ how many Kugene strays were once student -ow ned pets animal control authorities and local apartment managers agree that students w I10 abandon pets are part of this problem In ldfi‘1. (ireenhill Humane Society took in t>.T>4H tats and dogs Adoptions numbered 1,1)1 a, another 1)"> were re turned to their owners and A.488 were euthani/.ed The Animal Regulation Authority tells a similar story , with 4.At I animals received and I H-Pi euthani/.ed during the I'tH'i lis i at year \\ hv do (ireenhill and AKA get and eventually have to kill so many animals:' t ail ure to lii ense and spav or neu ter pets are two reasons Melt 1 lav is. execut i v e d irei tor ot l ireenhill. sees another "People view pets as dispos able commodities. Davis said ' If you get tired of it. you get l irt of it While I )n\ is is relui taut to charm terize students as having sui h behm ioi . he ad nutted some of the seasonal increase in pets taken to (ireenhill mav he from students leaving tor the summer (llnm.h is not as reluctant to plai e blame The l niversily area is a continuing source ot strays expet ntlh cats, she said AKA gets many 1 .its from the l tth Avenue and Patterson Photo bv Mark N l**n I hr number nl .ib.nuliineil .inim.ilv rs/H-i uill\ i .itv tlr.imulii.illi iluriiu; lime .mil lulthe lime when •.Indents Inr llie summer rises i Street .m',i .mil lots iit i .its from .irutiml dorms in 1 um* •Inil |ul\ . t Hum li s.iul Shi' remembered one im i limit ,i leu vi'itrs ago when .1 i .it was loll at thr tlnims to triul 1m itself during summer term l! was hall s t a r V ml bef nri' a groundskeeper took it to the shelter In reduce the problem ( Inm h urges students not to get pi'ts the\ i an t take ( are ot Pets require long term commit inenl and it s "too hum h to ask (students) to he responsible to allot her I lie. she s 11 id II a student feels the need to have a pet, Davis suggests that students part ii i pate in pet nights at the dorm or volunteer to plav u ith or lake rare ot the auinulls at (.reenliiII It a student alreadv has a [ret and can't wire tor it over the sununei abandonment isn't a responsible solution "\o one has lii abandon a pel I him ii said You ovve il In that pat In (mil it .1 responsible home or lake it to tile shelter I ihrirt h saui some people leel that dumping then pet in the i ountrs side or leaving it at the erupts apartment is belter than taking it In the shelter where it might lie killed lint sin h .1 so bitnm mav lie 1 me! to a domes tn ed pel It 111 si lakes a little longer tin I hem to starve to deal h (when abandoned). she said It's enough to break Vout heart to see a starved mother 1 .it trying to teed live k itteus when she 1 an t feed heiselt The lifestyle stray s lead is pret l\ gruesome and terrify mg 'If you have one, bring il to the shelter don't leave il In tend leu ilselt ( diim h said And m\l \ eai. be I ore gelling anothei pet think about the 1 at you took to the shelter ♦COPIES* SELF-SERVICE ONLY 21/2« 81x 11 White NO LIMIT The Copy Sfesp 539 E. 13th 8:30am 8:00pm bmbm m tl : a* Oriental Buffet l unch Downstair s G Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hour* Downttain M J u : : mo in* f s., : ! or. j V C Sun, l.iv , Hour» ' : " We hate to see you go. but before you move, give EWEB a call so we can stop your water and electric service in your name. We ll come and read your meter right away. That way you'll be sure to avoid being responsible for service after you move. So call EWEB before you leave, it will give us a chance to transfer your service and say goodbye. 484-6016 EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East Fourth Avenue Office Hour?; 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday