SEARCH TACTICS INTERVIEWING ETIQUETTE By Jeff B. Spep i.impih i cc inik'i - Hill il von v an ! Hop lav piopci MV lal sk ills I like lo V all a etiquette voni i bailees ol inakmt’ a pood impression an* ml, \k lull- KOI kill" a ilk' . . 'Ilcec ! 'allOlls nil ice ol a lli.t|oi investment bank .me ol mv biaaen surprises was ilie nninbei ol space cadets male anil female who eaieeried inio mv oil a e loi nHei >. iew s I ach .me spoiled tilth eteileniials Horn a prestigious univctsilv. ve! as a whole thev 'lill mun.iced lo show up lale loieel mv name, instill mv secretaiv 01 olhei w ise .a I nnpropei l\ I .a h one made an impa ssion hill no! one I ni Itkelv to lemembei posilivelv I in reminded ol one lv\ I caetie economics m.i|oi win' creeled me with a noliceablv limp. . ammv liandshaki I le w mild hav e eolten aw as wiili i! weie H rio! lot Ills msisieike on con. .In ' his tian-el,-ssion Uespik'lliv .issui.uki ■. ill.ii it ia.imi i neeessarv he pnKenled lo ii\ .iL.nii Vm see. ho s.uil, vvienehine im wrist I Ins is im teal handshake t hulk u up in nervous plleis. perhaps. Inn most interview me etiquette errors are the tesull hi ih .'h:\ iKi Huppilv. mans questions nl etiquette .ue solved with simple eonunon sense Ihev are worth reviewing here heeause lhe\ .ue mi open eonluseil 01 toieotten in the tin ill Hi I lu i in'men I While uiulei stand me them won : von an otter it will ensure that you’ll stav in the luuiune lone enoueh to he eonskleied seitouslv I minii; I).hi i .11 in .• late 1. • \ >nil mien icw. ot course. bin also don't arrive more than I 5 minutes earl\. sou don t want to look like wii'u' eot nothing better Unto w ith vain lime I hi mi Mie interv lews. get to the bull.line halt an to>n 1 arls nuke sine sou van tin.I the ■ I k e lb ■ eo lot j stioll Show up at the le.eplionist toe minutes before sour appointment It sou know that sou le going to be late III. tune to act is betoielund ( all the otti.e with an apologs. a besond-souicontrol escuse anil an eslimaletl time ot arrival Messme upsoui inter s tesvet's schedule will not min \out chances but keeping het waitme in the daik w ill S<-< »-<‘/(ir»Vs I teat the inlemew et se.tetais withtespect I sen once sou se gotten the |ob. maintaining the secretaries' lasor is a kes to lout success with the compans 1 I. tot one. would olteti ask ms seoelurs w hat he thouehl ' 1 . andnlate I had mo inlets tewed Hesuk r ! . i ed 01 not. he'd usualls tell me. St illing Most inters tewers will ask sou to 1 down, hut it one doesn't, sou should sit