Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 29, Image 48

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ms’ in .1 number ol dillcreni people
\s needs arise. eniplos ees are assigned
neu ies|ionsihilitiev anil joh dessiiplnm - . an
heeoine outdated ihe week atrer thes re urn
ten. In mil eompans i neu employee mas
star! in sales and end up m an enlueh dillei
ellt aiea. sas s I Inn Mai inn luim.iniesmii. es
diieetm al \lpha Metals lin asuldeiiiiaiiu
I .is llliei in lei see ( 11s. N I "Out total u ■ u k
lake is mils about 4(Mt employees. so ue put
a premium on eanduiales sslin aie flexible,
dun l need a Im ut hand holding mi the |oh
and have a strong vsork elhie I he\ renal
ulsvas s eas\ qualilies to itiui
Kaien Dombrossski s.ns slu- .a« the
importance ul stressing hei sersatiiils dm mg
lob inters leu s u uli l dirty e t u It was ele.u
tiles ueie looking lot someone utio uas Ilex
ible and diveise not one li.uk 'll. ass
I lies u anted someone u Ito . oulil keep hei
heaii straight and go with the llou
[)eilU’iistrate sont scisatihts hs dcssiibinc
\otu involvement in evtiaeurrieular activities
during college, such as spoils, Paternities oi
sororities, and other sis ml or piotession.il stu
dent tssts in e: I’erhaps si>u handled e\ets
aspect ot a lurultaisei oi palls, limn budeelim:
to orgam/ing support to garnering puhheils
Small companies sec
ihcsc .ati\itics .ts .m
mdicalion hi your \crsa
\ Dediiation
Sin.ill him- nlli'ii
Jemaiki ,i In! 111>m
ihoii employees
Sinn- lilt's is
usually 'limi
llJlkleil. i! s
mtpoi t.mt
ili.il .ill
members <>!
ilic skill be
pfc|'iiitil i"
pnc 111 >' <
u Ill'll Ilk'
arises It
sou have
your MplHs
set on join
me a small
loniern, sou
must ueimm
struie \otir will
ingness to be .1
sell St.lltt'l who
goes the evil a mile
Wi have a loi ot
independence .il .1 email
cnmpniiv. '.i>e Mar\
I lee 111. and there \ no loom
lot l.i/mcss 01 a cunMaiu need loi allenlmii
I Ilk' n'limii'ii ».n ill.11 'Jl.ulll.ili's v .ill
hichlitiht iheir di/iik alum n In ik-Miil'ith'
llieu i’.iiI time m ninmiei wmk experience \
ilemniisii.ill'll .ihilits In ineele schedule^ and
m.iiume time eHieienth mil lielp cimwnce
emplmeis nl win iln\e .mil delemunalimi It
Mini eamnit:'. helped pa\ u>ui college
expenn"' nole il on com tentme .ind mention
il hi inlet \ ien ■
(ii.ide' i .in also Iv a Minin: iiwlu aim nt
pul'll. .I'l.11 \ M i i hi ik h ,i In.
Hu III ■ . vk and I ( 'I Iv .I'li I -I .mill:
.lib ll| Mil iLK'.ltll Mll.lll CUIlip.llllfS
K. '. i. m ini' ir. .-ill i - ii.1 '(I lb. .ni.l ‘.mill.ii
ni.m.i/nu-' .mil li.uk’ jnum.iK will vine uhi in
In up ami i (iruiii;' 111 in-'
N. >t .ill 'in.ill . cmp.iiu.-' art* icpic' -ntcil in
ill.’'i‘ ['ill'Ik .tinus. V >ii II uK* * h.ii. I" I* a n
cii Kk.iI mini mainm i ." iinn-'. mk Ii .t' tin
I'll -.III, - M.lli'll . 'I till- In. .ll 11- .-. -p ipil 11 '
Ii'.nk'd u illi ailii If-, ami k'aluic' .11'111 area
s'ood WOtk habits \
hu ll (il’\ iliv-.ii i
inhappen, u 's the
result o! lone hours
ol - liuh in;’ I i i| llu
reason, academic
honors shoukl he
brought lo the
emplox ei s atlenln ill
\iul don't Iv iliukl
lo talk about subject
aieas that were ililll
edit lo master I he
extra eliorl xou made
in oiearns . hernisti\
cc ill relied lavorabh
on \our aptitude tor
la. klmc piohleins on
the |oh
“The ultimate
allure of small
firms, especially to
entreprenurial new
graduates, is
their informal
atmosphere and
fast pace"
v. !! I j ’ M 1 \ w I - M! >
i h.niL'i' in I ho li»v at
hlls|IK*NN vs elk* 4. (Mill!
mean cmplos menl
< >pp» Mlunitie ! \is
elose atlenlmn lo
volumns lisime new
htiMiu*s'*ev and l>*
dess i tplu»ns ot v mu
pans mei eei ami
as ijuiNil loin
I i *i an ,i - . h>
assess depositors cl
le*v a! business mloi
nuiitMi nothiny san
nuK h the i lutmhci < >1
cnmmeii e
\1 'ill'.a hip !i i n.•
often as ailahle. and
mans s hainbcis pio
A few obstacles
I 111' 111.'.'. ',! problem Ill AulkllU' I"! .1 Mil.ill
, oinp.iu t 1, celluie -i |ob in ill,’ 111-! place It
often difficult to connect with small compare.
Ilium' nianaecis I oi -Mallei lest hate the
tvs*hifccs in iccruit at local tdtfeees ami uni
ummIk's I 'mi c ont.it I in c small compamc
duectlt . .in be tiusiralme. suite must don l
m.uni.mi ltinn.il ift iintinc collcee relations
i m pel si Mine I , lep.H Hue ills I Ills t .III sl.ill oe eii
[lie besi lesiime uiail'int’ campaigns
S|mm.hIu lompant erottIII a! 'in.ill linn
v an .ilsii he a pioblcm ll ’siie.iils impossible
tor them in determine how mans nett ernplot
ees dies II need nett teat oi the seal atlei
( oiisequentlt. nett hires are recruited on an
as needed basis ll inu re not in )Us( the
iii’lil plate al |iis| the itchl lime, ton'll lose
■ nil
Since liadilion.il sear, h stiateeies i.licit do
the luck, its 11ilical to t onibine the sleulInn:'
abilities ol I aeiitenanl Columbo nh tin
lesoiucetulness ol Indiana lone- Ittoiatlits
lh.it aie tsorth a lit aie lookme loi hidden
leads and uistonu/ing tom tonlacls
looking for hidden leads
Small companies don'l adteitis. ml o|vn
Hies near It as otten as lalce lirnis |o tind out
vthat's available, stari In identrtsim -mall
companies m tour eeoeiaphn an a I o..k In
in the i etc lent e loom ol tom t ampu- "i o, ai
dike dneetones mdeu-d bv .onip.mv si/e
piodllels alld llll.lll'.ll > Some , h.lllllvi also
llave l OllllllllkVs HI |>11 hiK .(tit'll I . 1
espe, 1,111\ lot small binme
keep an eve "in l"i local binmes .mis u
linns and seminars H'lain 11" vom , aicet
I lii-si- t-\ i-nls alll a, I a li"s| "I |»<>Ivn 11a 1
■ 1111 ..,, i . M -Inula Klul' - a Ini an ulmm
lstialioii m.i|oi at die I mveisitv a
I lami'shiii- us,-,! tin-- .,Hii,r l" land a poulinii
al M nil- a I Ini-, a n; n ipp.u I in.null,i.
luiii in Ni-« Noik
I )iii- "I nn 11 inhIs nllcndnI a prolessit mal
vonteielice and i-a-.a ilia a Ini "I alliildi-i I
went thinueh llu- Ini and mote l" -.cieiul
. "iiipaini-s lliat looked ink" I ' tin k I ah I
;. Mi-mhei 1 It
II. i a m-u director "I promotion and event
matkelin-a Inch an- evactl) llu- knit >1 |ob
dial 1 anted
Professional assoii.ilioiis repiescnl anolhei
essellenl stum e ol business , onlai l I tie
“bible" l*u loialine lelevaill a,smrations i .
tile I ik \, hipedia "I V oc lution . i ( iale
Keseaklll'" l)e!i"ili available ill tile lek'i
.-ik e seelii m ot inosl libi ane s I his dm, loi \
nil help von nlcnldv piolession.il pumps bs
tu.eiipalioii.il mlerest. siieli .n incmeeime "i
III. irkelme < like voli've idenlilietl an appro
pu.lle oieam/alioM . heek the telephone book
( ".Hiuii ,/ m /hi i '