SEARCH TACTICS WHEN IT PAYS TO BE A BIG FISH IN A SMALL POND Job opportunities are abundant independent new graduates h. i M u . II, . In ,i. . epu ,1 .1 sales eitg mCi'l S position ,i( Stonhard liu,, .i small Inn crovum; mamilaeuner ■ M.,pi. S! a I, \ I I, hail no iik a she ssoiild In assigned lo a mujoi pin li\ I k .im si 11llin a li k months I hat's one ot Ilk' best 11 n 11 ■■■ ah. Hit a ■ a k m ' tol a small, says I ha lit an tmltisliial eneineei mg maim at the I mni sits ol I’llisbtll .'ll V 'll ''i't a halk a lo leal I \ shine it \ mi make the ellotl I ss orked on a piojei t ss lilt one ot the lOiiip.iiis s iee pi. ,nl, nis nhu h seas a meat op|»uitunils to show upper management I was willing to go abuse aiul Ivsotul the tall ol huts I .'.lb I mi II me ness el a, III ale - take not, I he i e are plents ot inieet opportunities out there in small to medium-si/ed companies \, loiitme lo the Small Business XtlmiMisltation. small businesses aeeounteil loi more than halt ol all new jobs eteateil m the I s between 111’hand |usn \mt as M e . It. , hi anil olhei graduates hase discus eie.l, small dousli t tteiessarils mean limited I lie IvneI its o( vs ol king lot a small eornpam e.m be truls unique ( I I.iiinn.' \|viu ii. , .(111. 1 K ‘ill.ll dllr.lils lllosl ICu'lll L'l.lltll.ltCS Silk, .null . ■ 'iiip.iiik'-- iii'|vi»l imi then . in|ilosv in weal warn ilil k'' new hires aic olten jvmltktI rc-poii-t bilihCN cat l\ on an niv .iI Ml nation lor \tmi liisl pioles i.mkiI position \iul i! \ on !.. mien-led m woik mi4 , lo-e lo home *s I tv* i * oil cue small kindnesses ». an piov uk* joh opportu nities that Minph aien l a\ ailablc u ah main Lueei emploseis I Ik* ultimate allure of small limiv espeeral i\ lo entrepreneurial new 1’iaduak‘s. n then informal alinosphetc and la-i pace I > en m lha busiest of Iimes. then > a terlain shill sfees as camaiadei le. an all !oi mi, altitude that’s haul to Iiiui amoiiL’ rndusjfial ‘ 111, ■ i .I1 Karen I h unhii *\v sk i a\ s this almo pea .a conipanv s \lu i i'.imin 1 a ominmnu.iiihiis ili ’u,- .ii I’m I)<>mfafows,ki toe aim* .1 ill' It ihtllli c mIvn lepiese illative tut I \ l till/e I .■-I,. ii InmI .Iis|i ihutoi ill I 11 I '.i i )ne ol ilk' In:’ pluses m u 11! k ill:’ he 11’ i' tile team elloll appinae Ii In |iliihk’lli m'I\me eveivhmlv chips in In help, she • i. . k . ■: i vl Ic km "a iii~! .ihnul . - i V nil. III-! . .uni vnil re.illv leel like Mill le -ii ,i l.imih ()t course, hem.' pail nl Ihe l.imiK means l.ikme nn \tHit 'll.He nl the choie- Ini tills reason, mu,ill companies look Ini new emits u nil two i iiieial charai leii'-ties: vei salilm .mil itdlnalum Versatility I veil spoils le.mi h.e al least one mi nltvi u hi■ - all he i niinleit nn In I ill ill « heie - ei necileil I'hi'se 'ulililv plaveis help ihe emu pans meet unpoitaitt ile.kllmes In pmv iilme slippnll .ll a IllnllK'llt - linlk Small ii imp.line - usliallv .III ill a stale nl line I lies ic-onstanth emu me ami reilelm Hi:’then eoals \s a ennsei|ueiive. oieani/a liniul hieiaiihies are much less uiml those al esiablisheil eoipoialums In a in.ill - imipani \ nil ilnn I h.u. a ' -1 . . ' >!! ' i:.!1 ! \1 Jl . I I , 111 ill \. a. le: ei V’lim.n lilul Nnmsell lepnlt