CAREER INSIGHT Broadening Horiions ( inilinucJ from ' IN .1 lilllc like living Will] ,in\ i tun:v ■ lm K'l lei hi Ini uniNL'i. \nll lose MtiiK'llmi:' ll mil .ilK ht lplul .mil healthful In heme mil wlul il in uhi \C insl. I hell .il Inn \ i hi I si-11 In tee) .111 I \ .Hill N.lll .(I'lUll ll I >lll\ Ihl'll ..III ) 'HI III'! resolveil .ihnul nit in. mil' ahead, .imunil. o\ei iiihIci ni ihinueh ihe i lianee 4. Eiperiment with other change stylet, starting with those that are most com fortable. If sou aie .1 |ob hunline Reasonei euilici sotii data liisl l\ue osi*i Standaid .uul Ptnu s Itu a list ot companies ssheie sou d like lo SSOlk I ) | Sv OS ; ‘ I ss Inch It k at lolls has > the highest income levels alki losses! cost .>1 lis ini’ Cheek out the specialties m soui chosen llehl that earn the hiehest salaries I hen mose to the Kelatei sts le to tnul out sshethei soud like vsoikme lor the company at ihe |ob. in the aiea ( all friends who se been then mleis less jvople in the held, eel opinions of someone who's ssoiked loi the same him I hen make a Kiskei tieeisit»n (io hu it Jump ( hue sou knoss sshal sou want, become .i Ketoeusei I'repaie a cieat lesume eel that inters less, and vail back until the |ob |S SOUIS 5. Think about change using the 4R system. Kt livt i link* when sou l.u> I .1 mulai change* ami the outcome was highlx success lul lix to liml something from that situation that can help sou with tlie upctuuini* change Kt\cr\t \ oil! thmkm When >011 eel blocked ami v. an t think ot a gotki vs as to tun die a change pietend the pioblem in icxersed I 01 example, il sou s e des uled x oil v an l accept a |oh that pass less than ^ hi.ill mi a seal, reserve it and sax sou sxon t accept ans thine loi moie than Vs-< ).IM M) W hat could happen from such an ah -and stance’Onls eseis thine V»u might then become ass are ot part time lot's toi VdUHHi that allow sou time to develop s<>ut ossii con suiting turn V»u might dtscovei a small re seal ch project that leads to an exciting held sou se ncser heard ot \ SIh.nnti |oh might lx* sn satistxmg. sou decide to axoui the tat race ot high competition and live a simple!, gentler hie ( onxetselx. sou might land a loss paving job with a small compans that siuldeuls explodes with success and takes sou ss ith H Risk new. oil die , ti.nii.v- ()rrisk . It ‘ini' nolhiii’.’ I «*« >k al l In* . lunye and decide -ah.i! \oud uall\ like !<> do about i! I hen d.uc !>< do ii I ojlow my soui mneimnst tk'MU’s tisiialK piodiues happs endmys Ranfori« . instead ot meek Is allow iii.1 it to loll o\ v i sou Rev i >em/e and v.oneialula!e mhii --».*! t and sou i v on I idem e ss ill Ini i Ul loi 11 so next .hence lhal i ilines allmy 6. Push for different solutions by taking a poll. Lllk t‘> t > HI I | H't »pk’ 11 * 111 StUli ! I .111 llM'l \sk sour t’avoriic pioie <>i -"iih.-on 111 tk career to which vou aspire, .1 tcllovv . 1.1 ■ 1. .uni someone oil the wall, muh as \our \eai old sister 01 even Ihe spirit ot voui deceased eratnlt not her Ihe \ou lean !min the opinions wilt broaden voui options ami help von avoid mined think in;..* 7. Immerse yourself in your chosen field. (in in 1 Ik- lihi.iiA tu lv h ik i"i>■ n; li i.l CSOIS MI.KM/ilk'. hunk .Hill I'll". !. 11' I111.11 related to \om inleresls Iiu|Uik- .ihmil oil 1 1 tills .111(1 .ISMK l.llHHIs, 111. II .III.-Mil III. II nuvIiii’J' .mil st' \l |i.ii11 lindp • shin sh.ue sour inleiesl I .11 .iihI .1 |■ 111 field In fulls iimleisiund ii- (. iiiu nt 8. Avoid the urge to head in all direc tions at once, or to make change for the sake of change. V viih '.s Ji.m < .tn K id lo JiN.iMt/r \ 11 m ■ II .*. k • M B \ .ili.l n! Ik .I up !■ 'I I ill I he i 11 >iiliiii'.* .il .i I * k .il . * »lleee .i -ketl ,i heaiihuniet in 1111*i him .i |<*1 > in urmihei *. 11\. pmpnsetl m.mi.ev It * someone he i.l kun\ui l*>i ihiee months sieneii .i lease *»ii u new Up.lll Hie 111 .lll.l * k\ l.ieJ In l.lke .1 (tip In \! ■ ■ w tth lii ! i.tit. v 1 vIm *n.Ills line .i i. .tl joh seuieh ()b\ musk. some ol (heso v hauees .lie .il v. iiks purposes .m*l *. bans will resull 9. Add to your list of jobs something entirely new and crazy that you know little about. i Ills U l|| Of h'l Mill till’ l ll.llk C It' ill NO >WI lie* vv mk'K’Nl - .uni | hi -si i \ouiNeil to the* limit \\ i! *11 >1 ,t n'h in.ii ^ • 11n.• |»li.u in.i illi , .ih . .-ii ill.»11 •!i ■■.mu !i -lil i i- Nmi ii111’hi disc os i*i .i sc k’liht u. side to >mu dunk in.' ()n the otliei hand, ii smi make a mess »»I it. sou’ll at least diseovei one dueettmi s»'ii don t want to tak. 10. Get started. Mai l nl vtuii |oh s -.ih h aclis Hies lot c.k Ii .las i 'I ilk- ss ivk such as phi mu .alls a > 11. i ipl.' IO I'MIIIIC In 'lull 'III icscaich in miklik I I hen sii. k ss illi u I h.’ kes u i mak mu in ', "i all i 'I thus.' 111 sil.llcCk's SSUlk is st.lS 111.' tl.'Sihk' ll \ i m i nil. Illi a |u|l Si'll ill'll I lu\c. 'll i i|l.‘ III.II Im smi lc mil cltlucls picpaicd miisuli'i ii ■ia ituisIs I Ins ss ill .iil.t h* sum cspcncii. ami . unit! sun intu all enicicme liclil \ 11.1 sun mas tall ill lose ss illi I lie |uls as sun cut in kinm ii hells-1 I Ins |v111ii 1 nl sum Ills lias ninic pulcnlial Ilian alls s mis c c s pci hiu cil I tills l.u 'l mi ii inns in.' Hum parental and msii I ii I >n.i I .unliul l" sum * * ss i I s lilualls Si in'll III 111 sllll. line II u I 1 nil 11 III I a cam ss lien s nu ic .ellled min a .aieci 11 ss ill Iv dillcicnl. hul cscii I'cllci V ill'll has a had l he i'.pcii elks' ui the iiesl sis inuiillis Ik'limd sun Null'll has e paid sum dlls'- Ills'll Inn, sun'll Iv uhle In tell ik'Sl seal clasts lluss lu eil Ilk'll hui i/mis In sis', e'lupine ness uptlulls and sias mu' tIs-s.ibis' Ms Wonder and Ms Donovan are Denver based manage men! lonsullonts and 10 authorof The flexibility lattor 11989 Doubleday I