SEARCH TACTICS Dress for Duress ( -'fi/i/IHi ii ft-, •><: \utt .ti . .1 \\» 'in.m I >'i mi, i\ K .lU \\ , it I'11iv‘ ■ *i I.!. M l < ' t j -■ ! mm i not kmii\ .1 •'mil vtuoi n > .i 'vl.ik iucnl ol .1 *. lei iick\ I (hat onl\ l.k \ • Hcllci l> • Ik k a nil a inlc *'i m nii’k inlonna! soIIiiil^ hluc i ) \h»iii It'iii ‘vliiris GUM: M l.lliVsl si,ill- uvuifil ik'i'.trtnii'ni store \lso sumu'iIiiiu' sou pul m uiiii niiutib in I! 1‘slk'tl Si Hit hli'.llll lll.lki' Kinsl .uni .issure tlui sou ,ii. n l hircil In .ins hi nls HAIR: Yom li.m shnukl Units lik,' urn i .in- .ihuul il. iml sou spt'iil Imi imii h oi ion link- 11iik i .triii'-' loi il \oi soiii mk'isiewfi 111:1s mil In- able to tlislmuwisli the unieiuls popular disheveled halt stsies f11>m 11u iv-1\ disheveled li.m IDENTITY ENHANCERS: V ! -d t • i' i’lmni upnou. uiih .1 sense ot pcisonai tontideiiee ami idenhts that does no! iels on M ( Hk . I .mie* ( i • ■ ■ i ■ ■■ t ■ 1 M i .1 tin .i boost I . pt m ,u .r u I • evei\oik* them to sioitaI eroup membership. ,i\out v. lothme oi ,k\essones seek to m.ike .i statement I in me-.vd Tm ik h ‘ I n . M. n Mi I’ l'hhmii oni pomes toeethei I II plus m soul le.n'ue hut show ms iiuiepeiidenee throueh the hill ksk in Ii ni'.v on the . tup - I s\ e.H to \soik Ih . le Inline sou no| | ), .n lohiison IRISH SPRING: \ soap, not .t reason S. 'I I \ to .'O mi,> [In', lull mi|'s\ i able I's'lsiHl.ll Ils i'Il'IIs' i ms lucls's II.Ills .lllll v loss' s's .mil sliill I Iks' i a-lk\ Is iIk- .illi'iUiun 1. > lls'l.lll '.Pv'.lks V ollimON .ihiUll \ Oil I Ik" IMllM'V k*V\ season |s tit>i the time to save hot ualei LAPEL: \ I'.i! : • Ii !'.• 1 i h. 1 .» w ulei ho ik\ ktiv V > ! mu itili m the w omen\ leauue yet MALLOY: 11 . ‘ : I )i 1 i Nik v ess, the ptvM i lptiv e hook on pet son a I presentation evetvone loves ti» l.iueh at I \v ep! he I .'lii Me" Ha . lit a! a . opv . a •.! keep ! Ii M. ' ■' '' ' a.i e Woman 1 It vv tank'll s dress loi ou v as- hook seems fat less helpful piohahlv because the eonvenhons I of women s business dress are still evolving ami \\ . *. !. * h l k?.. »u ,m\ moi .11*«ui! itu in than \»>ti Ho NECKTIE: \ ' appaiel Hut should lv' .»l vilk than \otif lapels, ami lmobUiiMse i male . iiu \\ hlet \tUems MHUIhl IV Mli'llv' .tllil Sll ipv - In mill lv »*! jullom. .iful no! a ! fe \s ulllv and hiv ■ hot i. > lv h. * , ■! i’ m Mai! ic|H*uu\ c ! a tmiloim oi ol ilifli icn! i ? • \n lU iu ai K PERFUME: • I'' \OU ll HOIK'(.* POLYESTER: l sili11, Inn \ ou .uui ilu- cut lie hllvHU'ss HOI III .ill ohllL’l'd lo puiciui l! iliK'sn ! t" V inS S.s. \ oui iiiih i ink i.tM unshitnkahk* Iinu- -ink lihl; polsestvi siull lof alter sou tv employ'd of arc tiavehiu: Pssccbs. ncuis aiui biophysicists mas ipnoic this injunction; emploseis m then lichls ate too intcliiL’cnt tocnie what someone 's clollies ao made *»t RINGS: s> ( i \ \s eddine i m:' i - nit a t it s on ie illumed» shows home. health anil .ill those stable \ allies emplm ei s like so mtk h l)iaiio>inI pinks lines plas Ivltei in \ e.r- than in eorpi 'i ate \mei n a SHOES: V .u h vie men i! s bhu k < >i v ordovan pieteiabls ssnh hues, .it least m the noithern -tales In tie Smith .i'nI the \\ : ( • m-i. the Miles ale hit mole i, las I Hut a ip th. I lush Hupp s aiul the biovs n pen in loafers IV,'Mi I! V "ill In 'HI,1 I' VI'IImI'Iv', Ullllcl s|.Ill'll I 'till.' ■>|uki- luvl- , ii,I ill.- w it'll-.' Mi'ii,il uiiIi'm, \mi 11‘ 111 IV-1 % ItU 1111: t"l .III i'\"tli ilancci pokilHmi \ • d.llk IIU\ \ blue I'll o! V .nil. ‘Ill luce lh.ll keeps .tin I'.ul Hi \nm .inkIf 'Inn m cull li»’iM beme \ mhlc In the eve im wanner tlini.ili's liehlei tones m.n Iv umcplable. bill llaslum: skill never n 1 ■■ \ cue item, tiiaiuil.uluied 111 mane lesine palleiin ami colois ami .’iten In people 101 I hmlinav \v 11I1 the clear inleiilioii dial dies Mei el Iv « 0111 except lo lake leavas SMOKING: V • 1 11 .■ ■ 1 . . in ■ uiiernplm mem STOCKINGS: Should lo il Void vims tevluic and pallenn dial 1 ould same com iiilenieaei to bleak eve contact WATCH: \ dowcc strapped lo \oui vs nsi tltal should not ui u'li tnoic lli.m \out '-lino ultvi siiatnv nips ami Iwps ilimng the iiiUt\ iou hi sii 'lvsI niu plain a luolici pnonls on 11mini’ vitni spliis in the timillion than . its Inn a ills' loi al 11 am (ioldisiiuo Round is nut I Inn is im c Dinniin Roles knos h ol Is eieale a problem ll this is \tun tusl |oh and \oil it sml'i'I lo stall luuldm;.’ a sotpoiaU' .if sV I . \N IK'h vlj.l l'C\ 111.11 V\.l M M I A .tk ll ’ WOOL: (-•••! • in ' i*ij’>*i-:ii' \nu i i, .111 x it >!hm ■ in ilu- Ktisi Hell I |' evc\ \ suil \