SEARCH TACTICS DRESS FOR DURESS A Glossary of Personal Appearance Concepts There \ ou stand in som 4os « ies assasmg mum close! ioi the until clothing choice tor todas Hi loh Inters less Vns. the mio last night sour date reminded son that sou never liase a >e^ on.I v ti.mce to make a tnst impression nisi hetoi sou inverted >oui soup how I mio \olii lap I his morning sou re still paianoid about torpedoing sour employment pm peel h\ choosing a suit or a dress that throw tin inters lesser into a jag o! uncontrollable laughter I he kes to avoiding such a caiastioplu to hoi loss h orn the Hipjxvratic t huh hat • ei s med student is supposed to learn \hove all do no harm In other ssoids. tlie kes to successtul sell presentation i>n i 'l\k' elveance lashion or flair Ilk to Iv abov e teproach. to understand the inlemewei evpe. l' ami to pro|C. l an imprcssii m . >1 compatibility vsith those expectations In shott. the Innsianicnta! rule is He umcmaik ahlv icmuikable hi .outlast to ho vs you might vhess loi class. .1 date or a social Catherine vou should he much less coilsemed with lluv me voui appeal am e make an mdiv ulual p a son.,I statement In interviews. sour saitoiial strateev is to show v ou un.lerstand and a.. pi the mteiv revver s values, tastes and so. io.\ oiionuc expectations ahoui dies, and demeaiioi I he problem is that these e\|>eciati<>iis will vais In industry, job type and eeoeiaphy. w hat will I iv in Sail Diego may not . lea r the ruiivvav in Philadelphia Sour mteivievv pi . pea atiou. iheretore. should include some Ihoueht and research into an imaee that sue vests o ui w ant to tit in, not stand ■ nit by Douglas B. R'nhardson 1 n to detail xiedihihtx, authority. ell .outidem e \\ till tlu-.e baseline \ irtue ill mnul. U*t s tiMiMiicr a L'lllNVlI) i»! villi »! I.ll tolk opls ASHEN: \Ui.n the mk‘i \ u*v\ 01 ’s I.ko will Iv it \mi blow a lk\i\ \ shot o! \otii limth time Bemuida atm Mis at him keep -mu btealh mints in yaui att.iv Ik* im put sc aiui assume van necti them even it \au haw in* reason la thin^ van da BLOUSE: \n »p < d a ! m women s business attne that daesn t shine laa much, reveal tat* inik h *»i hide *>ne s Jim in an a\ erabundant a at 11 ii I t an tv vet i*tI niveh with a mat. Iiiiil1 ai v*>nlia ■ tine haw. hut tends ta look sari at mII\ i! matched with a man’s necktie a- a fashion statement It you’re shoit <>l manev. hu> expensive hlauses ami less expensive suit'' BROWN: \ . ■* «v. in?!! 1 • v m.t ■ eaiilen retrievers hut not eenerallv iiuheenam to business and interview attue. at least m areas at the eauntiv wheie leaves tall at! the trees in wintei \ warm. htemllv caloi lvik'i.iIIn nk .ip.ihle “I tnnvt-smi’ iho |*>\voi • lilt h» »f ll \ .Ilk I I'O foi llll* jlli'tlLll .ISM*I'I»V0IK4n\ , Ilk 1. 11 !. I Ik\ . *111111'.' ! -!U v 0 ' ! til I -1 k v * * * '• V*l artiM CONVENTIONAL: \\’ ,i i ,.h m ,4 I ■ ivtk’f «>l vu*!m\ ill ilk- pm .Ik- sv\ tor I ih , ipp< I ! |t> it: \H \ 1*1 ill. S.iUs.iiito .if t i 1 v nfoiiv i il|)|VI 11 ll i K11.' v l.i ^ li"l in pi-' .ui I ikr i( oi not. \ oui ink’i \ k- a iiu* '.Milk' I.iv ■ >.|}4 »uld MIOOOsl Null Ulkicf slaikl aikl .u.vOpt 'aIi.u of ion .ti.- '<*iiu p i o 11 \ .mil lloflk kVIk oii - t.- \|k\ Lit k Hi' about pn onal 11 >i .uni vli COSTUME JEWELRY: ( osiiiiik s ■»! .ms suii .nc f.x i I.ill*ns • ii .iii.l III. ov\ .iMtfhal loe.i parts I .ii«jc |.mi/1\ things h.iii'.’ine 114un your ulist i >i iu\ k n« * m.iik't ss h.ii lhe enltl content ale illMias llll:’ .Hkl l< »»k .lltcs ted <»n eithei eendei CLASS: Si'ii ’!' i ili ii i onx e\ed ilirouiih s * hii poise. .11 Ik ulatenes .ill rin\ ene■ mil iiiteipeisnrtul ,1.11|i \ positri, .illi ibute ii a Is lompromiseil ll l" \ pi l' eel'll till I HI nil llUl'e lllonoei.lllls I'ulll in'll, ili.mi ilii’it lian pi'ipiii;’ ilimuph an ' i pi'll nil k i'll sit 111 "I ei ell S4l III silt *i* ■ ( i.i is as t lass ilni's Sou i an l Inn. ilwithsinit \ IS \ .ml FASHION: \ a | i. : . > it illinium l \ peneialls won I ailinil exists unless ii in llii' Inn mess nl si’IIiiil’ lashuui In people is ho ileus ll exists GREEN: \ a li-'in Ill ' I’ll'"' iIoiIiiih: shoulil not he ni.tile oi worn unless /'.